المتحاورن اجتمعوا تحت قبة البرلمان وقوى الامن اشتبكت مع متظاهرين واعتقلت العشرات منهم
Read this story in Englishتظاهر عدد من شبان "طلعت ريحتكم" الاربعاء بالقرب من مبنى جريدة "النهار" في وسط بيروت بالتزامن مع انعقاد جلسة الحوار الثانية، ما أدى الى حصول تصادم عنيف بين المتظاهرين والقوى الامنية التي اعتقلت العشرات منهم.
وحاول المتظاهرون ازالة العوائق الحديدية بالقوة فيما استقدمت قوى الامن تعزيزات اضافية وصلت الى محيط مبنى النهار.
وقد اصيب عدد من المعتصمين بجروح جراء التدافع، وعمل الدفاع المدني والصليب الاحمر على نقل المصابين. كما تم تسجيل حالات اغماء في صفوفهم.
واعلنت "طلعت ريحتكم" ان عدد الموقوفين لدى القوى الامنية تجاوز الـ 25 شخصا.
وبعد ساعات تصاعد عدد الموقوفين. واعلن المحامي مازن حطيط ان عددهم بلغ 42 حتى الساعة، لافتا الى ان "النيابة العامة العسكرية لم تصدر بعد أمرا باطلاق سراحهم".
وطلب المعتصمون من القوى الامنية موعدا للقاء قائد شرطة بيروت العميد محمد الأيوبي لمطالبته باطلاق الموقوفين.
كما تجمع البعض أمام ثكنة الحلو في منطقة مار الياس للمطالبة بالافراج عنهم، وسط تلويح بالتصعيد اذا لم يطلق سراحهم قبل الخامسة.
وعند الخامسة تم الافراج عن اثنين من الموقوفين في ثكنة الحلو هما عبدالله الجعيد وفيدال شقير.
لاحقا، توجهت عناصر من مكافحة الشغب الى حيث قطع المضربون عن الطعام الطريق وعمدت على فتح الطريق في ساحة الشهداء بالقوة.
وعند السادسة مساء بدأ المواطنون بالتوافد الى رياض الصلح بدعوة من "طلعت ريحتكم" التي دعت الى اعتصام مفتوح.
وخلال اطلاق بعض الشبان صرخة في وجه السياسيين من بينهم رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، قدمت مجموعة من مناصري بري و اعتدت على المتظاهرين أمام مبنى العازارية.
وتعرض المتظاهرون للضرب من قبل المعتدين الى ان تدخلت عناصر مكافحة الشغب وأوقفت واحدا منهم.
اما حول جلسة الحوار ، فتقرر عقد الثالثة منها يوم الثلاثاء في 22 ايلول المقبل.
وأكد المجتمعون بحسب البيان الذي صدر بعد الجلسة "دعم الحكومة لتنفيذ القرارات المتخذة لمعالجة الملفات الحياتية الاساسية".
ونقل وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية رشيد درباس عن رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري رفضه لأي طروحات من شأنها المساس بالدستور.
وكان برّي استهل الجلسة بالتأكيد على "أهمية الحوار الوطني خصوصاً في هذه الظروف الصعبة التي يشهدها لبنان"، مشددا على أن "لا سبيل للخلاص الا بالحوار".
وقبيل دخوله إلى الجلسة، رد السنيورة على سؤال عن امكانية أن تكون جلسة الحوار اليوم هي الأخيرة، بالقول "لإعطاء الحوار كل الفرص الممكنة".
ويمثّل وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل وعضو تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ابراهيم كنعان رئيس التكتل النائب ميشال عون الذي تغيب عن الجلسة.
وتشهد المنطقة المحيطة بالمجلس إجراءات أمنيّة مشددة حيث أقفلت القوى الأمنيّة الطرق المؤدية إليه.
وتزامنا مع تظاهرة "طلعت ريحتكم" نفذ اهالي عسكريي عرسال المخطوفين اعتصاما في المكان عينه أي بالقرب من مبنى "النهار" دعوا اليه أمس الثلاثاء لايصال صوتهم المطالب باطلاق سراح أبنائهم المخطوفين منذ اكثر من عام.

I wonder why,the voters keep on voting for, and supporting the same people...

Ft, mowaten, surfin.bird, Markus, and I are the 5 most informative and liked posters on naharnet by 5 country miles. No wonder our posts are always in the VIP section of the top rated comments. No wonder...
Kazan, you're perfectly right and I would add that for as long as the people keep voting for them, the rot will only grow.

no one voted for these people, the appointed themself jobs two years ago!
They are so scared of the protesters that they are using disproportionate force against them. There will be no peace until the whole mafia is down and out, both M14 and M8. It's been 10 years now, what have they solved other than being at each others throats? Nothing seems to faze them, not even the impending disaster looming over the rain clouds. They care less, cholera or any other form of sicknesses that will afflict the people, all they are after is power and power. If the people don't revolt, then Lebanon is doomed.

Later in the day, young men claiming to be supporters of Berri attacked protesters at the camp and destroyed their tents over alleged insults against the parliament speaker.
Riot police intervened after a second attack was waged and at least one of the assailants was arrested.
TV footage showed the attackers hurling chairs and rocks at the protesters of whom several were injured.

5 minutes ago AMAL Movement: We urge everyone to maintain calm and not to be dragged to strife, although the AMAL Movement had nothing to do with the latest events.
Of course AMAL had nothing to do with the incident just as much as Hezbollah had nothing to do with the attack on the live show aired by LBCI from downtown.

The problem, of course, is that the same people participate in this "National Dialogue" as who created the crisis in government that caused this dialogue to come about. They are all arsonists first and firemen second. They are the cause of the problem trying to effect a solution to the problems they caused. Of course the reasons which motivated them to create the crisis persist and therefore they are not proper agents to fashion any sort of solution. They are not motivated to create solutions, only to persist in creating crises.

I can not believe that some love a politician so much that they would hurt another person. How stupid can you be. To be a politician is to be a criminal in Lebanon. People don't trust these war lords they will throw rock at you even as you try to defend them. Your future and lebanons future should not be in their hands. Cut all their hands off, M8 and 14. Start fresh and clean. This country needs a fresh start. The politicians only care about themselves. Really in 2015 we still don't have electricity all day. Come every body wake up. They all suck stink and hate us all!!!!
Who is ordering the police to act disproportionately? Is it the minister of the interior, or the leader of a well known militia? All in all, the protesters are facing many enemies in power and in power illegally. It has started with the trash issue, but it will end with a much bigger issue.
PB, c'est un complot cynique, un melange explosif entre m14 et M8 pour supprimer la voix et la volonte du peuple.

Typical Lebanese behaviour, democracy in that part of the world is like the other countries around it.

Your Constitution is the problem. The Taif Agreement also. Unfortunately you will have to force these bums out. They are like Abbbas in the West Bank and depend on foreign benefactors to stay in power. They use the Constitution to justify the paralysis of the state after extending their rule illegally while at the same time they say new elections are impossible. When you boil the water out of the pan, even if you think Aoun is corrupt and a horrible man, what he is proposing is the only way forward at this point or else you will face Civil War. The Hezbollah / al Mustaqbal dialogue is the only thing preventing the dissolution of your state and it serves their own interests and keeps them from shooting at each other. Meanwhile the status quo remains and here comes winter. You , the People, will have to put fear in Parliamentarians until they realize that if they don't allow elections they will be punished in the street. And then sent to prison. Hard time.
JCW, one more good post from you, but about the civil war it won't happen, the money and the resources are not made available to the Lebanese, and this is something I can assure you of. Then Aoun doesn't have the right proposal, all he is after is as usual, just himself and no one else. I know this for sure, he will go to his grave all alone, and sooner than we know.

I agree that lots of our polititians are rot, corrupted, etc... Also you can find some who are devoted to serve their country, who are clean hands (either talking of blood stained or money stolen).
By the same talking people are deeply divided in politics. Among people demonstrating you can find the honest and the criminal or violent. You can find the good intention ones looking for a better life and the thugs serving their parties.
Just imagine if dialogue stops leaving people to find solutions! I bet that the winners will be the thugs serving their parties and the criminal and violent persons. The peaceful ones no matter how good their intention is will flee away and if they can overseas.
It is better to leave these polititians find some provisional solutions and make them accountable in the next elections as I am sure that the majority of people will be losers in the CHAOS but winners in the elections. If I cannot fight my oppressor I wait patiently to stab him when I can.