مقتل جندي خلال اشتباكات بين الجيش ومجموعة من "داعش" في جرود رأس بعلبك

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قتل جندي وثمانية مسلحين خلال اشتباكات وقعت فجر الخميس بين الجيش ومجموعة من تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" في جرود رأس بعلبك.

وقال مصدر أمني "دارت اشتباكات فجر اليوم نحو الساعة الثالثة صباحا بين ارهابيين والجيش اللبناني في مرتفعات خلف" في جرود رأس بعلبك والى الشمال من عرسال.

وأفاد ان الاشتباكات اسفرت عن "استشهاد عنصر في الجيش اللبناني وسقوط ثمانية جرحى آخرين بالاضافة الى ثمانية قتلى للمجموعات المسلحة"، مشيرا الى ان "الهدوء يعم المنطقة حاليا".

واوردت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام ان "الهدوء الحذر يخيم على منطقة الاشتباكات في جرود رأس بعلبك" وذلك اثر هجوم شنه الجيش على موقع لتنظيم الدولة الاسلامية. 

وتعتبر منطقة راس بعلبك وجوارها مركز ثقل لحزب الله الذي يقاتل في الداخل السوري الى جانب النظام. 

وتقع رأس بعلبك شمال عرسال، التي شهدت في آب 2014 اشتباكات بين الجيش ومسلحين تابعين لجبهة "النصرة" وتنظيم الدولة الاسلامية قدموا من سوريا استمرت اياما وانتهت باخراج المسلحين منها. ويتواجد هؤلاء حاليا في الجرود القريبة منها والمعروفة بجرود عرسال.

وتتكرر منذ ذلك الحين الاعتداءات والكمائن على دوريات ومواقع للجيش اللبناني في المنطقة الحدودية مع سوريا.

التعليقات 16
Missing as3d 09:10 ,2016 آذار 10

Chapeau bas, Allah Ye7mi El Jaych.

Thumb Mystic 10:55 ,2016 آذار 10

Allah yer7amo

Missing peace 21:12 ,2016 آذار 10

cut your hypocrisy... you have no respect for the lebanese army, otherwise you would give them your weapons and fortify it.... but rather you prefer it weak so hezbollah has free hands to launch wars as it pleases without the need to refer to the lebanese state....

Thumb Mystic 15:52 ,2016 آذار 11

I don't see you mourn the martyred soldier.

Thumb Mystic 15:52 ,2016 آذار 11

I don't see you mourn the martyred soldier.

Missing humble 11:03 ,2016 آذار 10

Our Army will destroy all these extremists and will send them to Hell.

Missing humble 11:07 ,2016 آذار 10

These Takfiris, like all other warmongers, have evil souls and will end up in eternal fires.
God is pure Love and doesn't need people to fight for him.

Thumb Mystic 21:01 ,2016 آذار 10

Israel is the only country ISIS fears.
Ring any bells? Why does ISIS never attack Israel, because Israel are their masters.

The Resistance does not fear Israel or Takfiris, neither does the Lebanese Army.


Missing peace 21:10 ,2016 آذار 10

Why does bashar never attack Israel, because Israel is his master and he protects the golan for them.....

Thumb Mystic 21:19 ,2016 آذار 10

Assad supported, and supports the Resistance against Israel, the Nusra have control of the Golan now, why don't those "moderate rebels" attack Israel now then?

Israel, even flew over the Golan to murder the martyr Al Quntar, they never hit ISIS or Nusra at their borders or any other so called "rebel" group in Syria.
Fact is, your "moderate rebels" only mission in Syria, is to protect Israel from the Resistance.

Missing peace 21:23 ,2016 آذار 10

why hasn't your master never shot a single bullet to free the occupied golan in 40 years? isn't it their land occupied by zionists? they pretend to be "resistants" but never tried to free their land or resist israel in 40 years.... LOL

so cut your "resistass" BS....

Missing peace 23:04 ,2016 آذار 10

i know ahbal.humble that hezbis have limited brain function and cannot read, you just prove it once more....

read what i wrote if your limited brain can: "never tried to free their land or resist israel in 40 years"

you just repeated what i said without even noticing it due to your stupidity.... " syria never made war with israel in the 1980s "

but since then? as i said your beloved assads never fought back ever since to liberate their land..."resistance" you say? LOLLLLLLLLLLLL

pityful you....

Missing peace 23:15 ,2016 آذار 10

what you are saying is not logic at all....
couldn't syria ste up a "resistance" like hezbollah ?

no.... why? so that syria remains calm and flourished while taking all the war in Lebanon...and assad remains in power comfortably sitting in damascus while lebanese take all the sh....
and they claim to be "resistants" while they did not a single thing to liberate golan in decades....

"Assad has been paying the price " what price? he paid nothing and enjoys power and wealth stolen from Lebanon.....

Missing peace 23:08 ,2016 آذار 10

yes they would....HA liberated the borders? they signed the baabda declaration no? and once again spat on their promises...ignoring the lebanese state once again...
that is what HA wants people to believe to justify their backing of assad and ensure THEIR survival not lebanon's one, that they are liberating lebanese villages....

why are they now in aleppo? in damascus? every where in syria to liberate lebanese villages?

no HA adventure in syria has nothing to do with protecting Lebanon, they are protecting their interests as usual.....

Missing humble 00:46 ,2016 آذار 11

Very well said. This is exactly what is already happening.

Missing peace 19:41 ,2016 آذار 11

i answered your question, can't you read? i said : yes they would....