اردوغان يقترح على واشنطن وموسكو منطقة حظر جوي فوق سوريا

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أعلن الرئيس التركي رجب طيب اردوغان الاثنين انه عرض على الرئيسين الاميركي باراك اوباما والروسي فلاديمير بوتين اقامة "منطقة حظر جوي" في شمال سوريا.

واضاف في كلمة نقلها التلفزيون على هامش قمة مجموعة العشرين في الصين "نعمل على اعلان حظر جوي في هذه المنطقة" في اشارة الى المنطقة الحدودية حيث طردت فصائل سورية تدعمها انقرة الجهاديين من تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية.

وتابع "هذا هو اقتراحي للسيدين اوباما وبوتين" مشيرا الى امكانية القيام بذلك بواسطة "قوات التحالف الدولي" ضد الجهاديين.

وقد اعلنت تركيا الاحد انها طردت الجهاديين من الحدود مع سوريا، الامر الذي يعتبر نجاحا لانقرة منذ انطلاق عملية "درع الفرات" في 24 آب في سوريا.

كما قال الرئيس التركي ايضا ان بلاده تتعاون مع روسيا من اجل وقف لاطلاق النار في منطقة حلب.

واوضح "نعمل حاليا مع روسيا من اجل اعلان وقف لاطلاق النار في منطقة حلب" مؤكدا انه يرغب في التوصل الى ذلك قبل عطلة عيد الاضحى في 12 ايلول.

التعليقات 6
Thumb ex-fpm 18:42 ,2016 أيلول 05

Neither the USA nor Russia want a no-fly zone. If a no-fly zone was implemented 3 years ago, there will be no assad today, no hezbollah, and no refugees in Lebanon or in Europe.

Thumb .mowaten. 20:25 ,2016 أيلول 05

If it were not for US, EU, turkish, saudi and qatari finances, weapons and political support, the terrorist groups wouldn't have existed in the first place and the war would have never happened.

Only difference is that the "west" and it's middle-eastern cronies are violating international law by interfering in a sovereign country without mandate, while Russia is there by agreement with the -UN recognized- legitimate government of Syria.

Thumb Gassy_29 21:58 ,2016 أيلول 05

he disagrees, although doubt he wanted you to sound foolish

Sobhani, advisor in Iran’s Foreign Ministry and Iran’s former envoy to Lebanon, criticized the Assad regime, saying, "The Syrian people initially protested peacefully for legitimate demands, but the Assad regime tried to suppress the demonstrations with excessive force which led to the emergence of armed groups later," and pointing out that if the Syrian state had taken measures at the beginning of the demonstrations to meet the legitimate demands of the protesters, the situation would not be like it is today. - Nov 28, 2014

Thumb Gassy_29 21:59 ,2016 أيلول 05

he disagrees, although doubt he wanted you to sound ignorant

Russian President Vladimir Putin: "Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could have avoided civil war by responding more quickly to demands for political change. The country was ripe for serious changes, and the leadership should have felt that in time and started making changes. Then what is happening would not have happened" - Jun 11, 2013

Thumb Gassy_29 22:00 ,2016 أيلول 05

he disagrees, although I doubt he wanted you to sound ridiculous

Syrian VP Farouk Al-Sharaa, in an Al-Akhbar Exclusive: "At the beginning of the mobilization, the authorities begged for the appearance of a single armed person or a sniper at the top of one of the buildings. I do not deny that some of us acted as if the dialogue was unnecessary and whispered this to the leadership. So it distanced itself under the pretext that the internal and external opposition saw it as one of the regime’s charades. In the end, this finished off the political dialogue and opened the doors wide for the dialogue of bullets and guns. The drop in the number of peaceful protesters led one way or another to the rise in militants. The way events are heading will lead to an uncomfortable place where things will definitely go from bad to worse." - Dec 17, 2012

Thumb Mystic 16:21 ,2016 أيلول 06

Erdogan can propose but not implement this, He bows to Putin now.