خليل: سنواجه الثنائية السنية-المارونية وسنصوِّت ضد عون في الجلسة

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أعلن وزير المال علي حسن خليل أن كتلة "التنمية والتحرير" التي يرأسها رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ستصوت ضد النائب ميشال عون في جلسة انتخاب الرئيس.

وقال خليل في دردشة مع الصحافيين "سنشارك في جلسة انتخاب الرئيس في 31 تشرين الاول، وسنصوت ضد عون وسيكون رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري أول من يهنئه بالفوز".

ورأى ان "الامور ذاهبة الى ما كان سائداً في الـ1943 أي ثنائية مارونية - سنيّة ومن حقنا أن نواجهها".

واعتبر خليل أن "المشكلة مع العماد ميشال عون لا تحلّ بمجرّد زيارة وليست شكليات".

وأوضح ان"النائب سليمان فرنجية كان يضعنا في كل تفاصيل التفاهمات التي كان يجريها مع الرئيس سعد الحريري على عكس الجنرال".

ويأتي كلام الخليل بعد تصريح مساعدين بري ذكر فيه الكلام أعلاه. ونُقل عن رئيس المجلس قوله "ما يقوم به الحريري وعون يستهدف تجربة الشراكة مع الشيعية السياسية بعد اتفاق الطائف، ونحن لن نرضى بالمشاركة في هذه اللعبة".

وأضاف "ما يقومون به سيؤدي إلى حرب أهلية.

التعليقات 10
Missing humble 15:37 ,2016 تشرين الأول 18

Politicians love lying. Because it helps them manipulate the followers.

Missing humble 15:48 ,2016 تشرين الأول 18

For me, I haven't changed. Caporal - president or not- remains corrupt, liar, megalomaniac, mareed, jaban, and traitor. He isa destroyer, not a builder.

Missing humble 15:49 ,2016 تشرين الأول 18

He is surrounded by super-corrupt people.

Thumb chrisrushlau 16:51 ,2016 تشرين الأول 18

Isn't it rude to refer to yourself as a bloc?

Thumb beiruti 16:57 ,2016 تشرين الأول 18

This could have been predicted. Hezbollah was with Aoun only when he was the poison pill for the rest of the country, so that by backing him, Hezbollah was backing the paralysis and, Hezbollah hoped, the fall of the Taif 50-50 regime.
Geagea exposed this with his endorsement of Aoun. The Shia had said for 2 years, if all the Christians give us a Christian consensus candidate, we will vote for him. As soon as they did, the Shia balked.
Hariri's coming around to terms with Aoun has now given way to this threat of civil war in Lebanon if Aoun is elected.
It is a bluff. Hezbollah is too deeply involved in the Syria War to open a new front at home that would lead to its defeat and the loss of its home base for regional operations. But, Berri, always loyal to his pocketbook, is doing Hezbollah's bidding with this stunt.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 17:18 ,2016 تشرين الأول 18

"Berri Says Aoun, Hariri Seeking to End 'Partnership with Shiites', Warns of Civil War"

So it's "المثالثة" or civil war then. Once again Aoun's destructive pathological lust for the presidency will further erode Christian representation. Ironically if he ever becomes president it will be on the shoulders of the same people he deserted and betrayed in 2005 from Paris following Syrian and Hezb promises of the presidency. Had he held to the same principals he fought for the previous 15 years maybe he's be enjoying his retirement an ex-president respected and lauded. Now all his allies since 2005 will be voting against him, allegedly except Hezbollah. The Marada, SSNP and Baath MPs will be voting for Frangieh as will the man who gave him ten ministers in the Hezballah cabinet of 2011. Allas if he's elected he will not be finishing his term either because of age or because of the Bashir Gemayel/Rene Mouawad syndrome, "you do what we tell you to do or you die".

Thumb enterprise 17:18 ,2016 تشرين الأول 18

The shias said they will go along with whoever the Christians choose for president. Why are they now creating all these problems? or was it just takiah as usual?

Thumb enterprise 17:30 ,2016 تشرين الأول 18

18 August 2014: Berri denied that holding the presidential elections needed a Sunni-Shiite dialogue, saying “the problem is not with Muslims.”

“Let the Christians agree,” the speaker was quoted as saying by his visitors.


Thumb barrymore 18:24 ,2016 تشرين الأول 18

AMAL to 'Join Opposition'

but how will they "steal" if they are not in the government? Will they dedicate their time to just drug trafficking and ransom money from kidnappings?

Default-user-icon jnoubius (ضيف) 03:13 ,2016 تشرين الأول 19


And you do not know how to read.