توقيف 5 أشخاص بجرم التخابر مع اسرائيل بينهم نساء يجندن عاملات منازل

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أوقفت المديرية العامة للأمن العام خمسة أشخاص بينهم لبنانيين ونساء من الجنسية النيبالية يجندن عاملات منازل، بجرم التخابر مع سفارات تابعة لاسرائيل في الخارج.

وأعلنت المديرية العامة للامن العام - مكتب الشؤون الاعلامية في بيان، انه "في إطار متابعتها لعمليات مكافحة التجسس لصالح العدو الإسرائيلي، وتفكيك الشبكات التابعة له في الداخل اللبناني، وبنتيجة المتابعة الدقيقة والمكثفة، وبناء لإشارة النيابة العامة المختصة أوقفت المديرية العامة للأمن العام كلا من اللبنانيين (ج.ش) تولد 1977، (ج.خ) تولد 1982، الفلسطيني اللاجئ في لبنان (م.م) تولد 1992، النيباليتين (S.D) تولد 1991 و (B.S) تولد 1993 بجرم التخابر مع سفارات تابعة للعدو الإسرائيلي في الخارج.

وبنتيجة التحقيق معهم، إعترف الموقوفون بما نسب إليهم، وبأنهم أجروا اتصالات هاتفية بأرقام تابعة لسفارات العدو الإسرائيلي في كل من تركيا، الأردن، بريطانيا والنيبال بهدف العمل لصالحه وتزويده بمعلومات.

كما أظهرت التحقيقات أن النيباليتين المذكورتين أعلاه ناشطتان في مجال تجنيد عاملات في الخدمة المنزلية من الجالية النيبالية في لبنان لصالح العدو الإسرائيلي، وذلك من خلال تزويدهن برقم السفارة الإسرائيلية في النيبال للتواصل معها بهدف جمع معلومات عن كفلائهن لصالح جهاز مخابرات العدو الإسرائيلي (الموساد).

بعد انتهاء التحقيق معهم، أحيلوا الى القضاء المختص بجرم التعامل مع العدو الإسرائيلي، والعمل جار لتوقيف باقي الأشخاص المتورطين".

التعليقات 28
Thumb EagleDawn 17:39 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

The investigations revealed that the two aforementioned Nepalese women were actively recruiting Nepalese domestic workers in Lebanon with the aim of spying for Israel.

Yet another accomplishment for Abbas and his shia general security. The Nepalese female domestic workers will report to the zionist enemy the secrets of lebanese housekeeping and the ingredients of falafel.

Well done!

Thumb shab 18:18 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

yeah, they already stole 7ummus

Thumb Southern...... 20:37 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

they are strangers, foreigners, they always downplay any achievement, especially when related to the zionist enemy!

Thumb galaxy 18:35 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

maybe they will tell where "Mr" went without telling "Madame"

Thumb ex-fpm 18:39 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

rofl !!!

Thumb marcus 21:07 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

the iranian troll seems to know a lot about this type of adoption. I am certain his adoption was executed in exactly the same manner.

Thumb ex-fpm 07:19 ,2017 كانون الثاني 26

I wouldn't be surprised if you were found in a shoe box abandoned and later adopted by a Nepalese couple looking to raise a circus chimp.

Thumb Puppet 17:46 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

It should come as no secret or surprise to anyone that my respect and admiration for The General Directorate of General Security for announcing Wednesday that it has arrested two Lebanese men, two Nepalese women and a Palestinian man on charges of “spying for Israeli embassies abroad.”

My respect for them is further exacerbated for obtaining the confessions in the presence of HRW representatives during the interrogation.

Thumb barrymore 17:50 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

it's more like these poor and downtrodden Nepalese workers refused to pay the usual kickbacks and were accused of spying for Israel.

Thumb the_roar 18:03 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

A..do you have a shred of evidence this is what really happened?

B..or is this your own opinion?

If its A, please share with us this important piece of evidence.

if its B, you know what opinions are like, right?

Thumb _mowaten_ 22:37 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

ibnil.whoro: did you just hit your rock bottom? or could you get even more pathetic?

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 09:35 ,2017 كانون الثاني 26

yes mowaten of iran, roar has. The first time i ever agree with you on something.

Thumb liberty 19:25 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

option (C) is best suited for the sleepless night security guard.

Missing rabbishlomo 20:39 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

All my respect for flamethrower, mowaten and the roar for continuing to attract the Sectarian buzzards of M14.
The three of you are Lebanese heroes and those buzzards are wannabe zeroes.

Thumb ice-man 20:42 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

here is one for you terrorist

An example of a Taqiah liar:

65 year old Paris based CEO blablablabla taking the Metro on his way to the office. Sitting across the aisle from him a hot young to die for Parisienne model busy on her laptop.

blablabla ( Of course in French ) : What’s your name babe?
babe: Beatrice
blablabla: what do work ya imm 3atreis
babe: Anthropolgy
blablabla: what does that mean?
babe: the study of human cultures
blablablabla: what are you exactly working on these days?
babe: a study about the size of the male sex organ according to ethnicity
blablabla: and what has been your conclusion?
babe: Italians the longest and Iranians the thickest, and btw what’s your name, Monsieur?
blablabla: Antonio Rafsanjani

Thumb ex-fpm 20:48 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25


Thumb marcus 20:51 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

iceman, i am in stitches lmao:))

Thumb janoubi 21:10 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

laughing hard at this one!

Thumb justin 21:34 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

that's really funny and so true of the forum's 'executive', hahaha.

Thumb _mowaten_ 22:36 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

to be honest the joke is very old, and quite lame to begin with, but ice-man laughing at his own joke under 4 different aliases, that's priceless

Thumb EagleDawn 22:51 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25


we all know that ice-man is all those people and more and he gives you and your 100 fake accounts nightmares from way back, but why so bitter? Is it because nobody laughs at your jokes?

haboub, stop harassing the readership and go tend to your goat.

Thumb justin 23:04 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

so i am iceman now??

hahahaha what a sore loser! Actually, this is the first i have heard of the joke and the style it was told but your absolute hatred and jealousy comes right through your evil soul.

Have you noticed your sick behavior.... whenever your nose is rubbed in the mud, your only come back is to accuse others of having fake accounts and you think that makes up for your inadequacies.

Thumb ice-man 23:12 ,2017 كانون الثاني 25

mowaten MF ( My Friend )

Do you still tear up like I do when you remember sayidna al hussain? Do you still do Latmiyat on Fridays like I do?

How are your kids MF? are they still enrolled in the Mahdi boy scouts? Do they still go to summer camp in Qom?

Thumb enterprise 05:55 ,2017 كانون الثاني 26


Thumb ex-fpm 07:16 ,2017 كانون الثاني 26

the sectarian hypocrite and troll says "to be honest..."

wleik what does a heretic deceitful lying clown know about honesty? Your whole existence and ideology are based on lies, hate, and deceit. What is priceless is your obvious hatred and rotten character.

Go beat your chest and pump your fist and mourn your hussain then come back and tell us you are secular atheist.

repulsive !

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 09:38 ,2017 كانون الثاني 26

so the secular follower of wilayat al faqih uses his other account and is still traumatized by "terro-ice-norma-justin-puppet-marcus-barry-janoubi-exfpm-liberty-eagle- " and every other poster on naharnet.

Thumb sevilla 11:18 ,2017 كانون الثاني 26

funny indeed:)

Missing CFTC 12:01 ,2017 كانون الثاني 26

Strikingly Factual
Transparent and Not Personal

What can one say, another E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T comment. I particularly enjoyed the part where you said " to be honest "

Thank you for making this forum lovely, lively and vibrant.

Still laughing since January 2015 when you said the $3 billion Saudi grant was only to teach our soldiers the French language.

Thank you
Yours Sincerely