الملك السعودي "يلغي زيارته الى لبنان" بعد مواقف عون حول سلاح حزب الله

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ألغى العاهل السعودي الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز مشروع زيارة للبنان كان سيقوم بها خلال الشهر الجاري، وذلك بعد مواقف رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون حول سلاح حزب الله وتصريحات الامين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصر الله عن الممكلة.

وأفادت صحيفة "النهار" عن استياء سعودي كبير وخليجي أيضا بعد تصريحات كل من عون ونصرالله، علما، ووفقا للصحيفة، أن القيادة السعودية كانت تسعى عبر الزيارة الى ترجمة رغبتها في مساعدة لبنان.

وأوضحت مصادر لـ"النهار" أن الزيارة التي لن تؤكدها أو تنفيها ديبلوماسية المملكة ما دامت قد ألغيت، كان المفترض أن تعطي لبنان دفعاً ودعماً كبيرين معنوياً وسياسياً، من المملكة ودول الخليج العربي أيضاً، وتفتح الأبواب واسعة أمام عودة السياح العرب والخليجيين بلا قيد أو شرط إلى بيروت، وكان سيرافقها دعم اقتصادي ملموس للدولة اللبنانية، إلا أن هذا التوجه اصطدم بموقف لرئيس الجمهورية".

وكان رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون أعلن عبر قناة cbc قبيل زيارته للقاهرة، أن سلاح حزب الله مكمل لسلاح الجيش اللبناني، ولا يتعارض مع الدولة.

اما نصر الله فتهجم في خطاب له على السعودية والإمارات والبحرين وبقيّة دول الخليج.

وأشارت المصادر عينها إلى معلومات تجمّعت عن سعي مراجع رسمية لبنانية إلى تسويق فكرة إعادة النظام السوري إلى جامعة الدول العربية لدى مصر والأردن، وعرضها أداء دور الوسيط بين هاتين الدولتين العربيتين، ومحور دمشق – طهران، الأمر الذي يناقض سياسة المملكة العربية، وراكم الانطباعات السلبية حيال لبنان الرسمي في الرياض بعد انفراج.

كما تحدّثت مصادر المعلومات لـ"النهار" عن احتمال أن يكون مشروع زيارة الملك سلمان قد استُبدل بزيارة لوزير الخارجية السعودي عادل الجبير قد يقوم بها لبيروت في شكل مفاجئ على غرار زيارته الأخيرة لبغداد قبل نحو أسبوع. كما أن الرياض لا تزال عازمة على تعيين سفير للسعودية في لبنان قريباً.

التعليقات 32
Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 09:33 ,2017 آذار 06

Religion in politics is the main rootcause of the Middle-East misery, all other reasons/factors are side effect....

Thumb Southern...... 09:49 ,2017 آذار 06

if the resistance arms are being used against the Israeli enemy and against the terrorism of Daesh, i wonder why Saudi is against!!?, isn't that the kingdom is forced by Usa to assist in the protection of the so-called Israel and that the Daeshists are their brothers in blood and thoughts!!

Default-user-icon illiterate Southern (ضيف) 10:40 ,2017 آذار 06

you are the only reason i read the news. I am getting an online degree in Political Sciences just reading your comments.

Thumb Southern...... 15:31 ,2017 آذار 06

a daeshist and a degree aren't feasible, above all for an illiterate!!!!!... ufff.

Thumb Mystic 11:38 ,2017 آذار 06

Good thing we won't have this crooked king by our doorstep soaked with the blood of Yemeni children.

Thumb Mystic 12:51 ,2017 آذار 06

Yes, not to mention that some Indonesians called the crooked king "The peaceful face of Islam"

Money can buy most things, but never Resistance or victories.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 13:57 ,2017 آذار 06

What bunch of liars and hypocrites. We have someone who is a mass murderers next door that you detestables support. Have some shame. Indeed money aided by sectarian fanaticism can buy many things and in Lebanon, we see it buying Iran a whole militia

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 14:24 ,2017 آذار 06

Another lie by sleezethrower. You may love the likes of ISIS, I do not.

Thumb Mystic 15:25 ,2017 آذار 06

Assad is an honorable man, not a murderer.
Assad stands by his own people.

Salman the crooked are someone lusty for power and money, he fights for money not for honor, thus you people are very dishonorable.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 15:41 ,2017 آذار 06

Mystic ... And you wonder why you have zero credibility. A man that lorded over the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people including the liquidation of tens of thousands of prisoner is most definitely a murderer. And a person who defend him and call him honorable is delusional.

Thumb Mystic 16:18 ,2017 آذار 06

Yet the majority of the Syrian people that lives inside Assad Government areas are sunnis.

Compared to the takfiri rebel areas, how many minority groups lives there?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:27 ,2017 آذار 06

Because the overwhelming majority of Syria (over 80%) are Sunnis and because of the balance of power the regime controls most of the urban areas. And yes, there are minorities in rebel held areas such as Idlib and especially christians

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:33 ,2017 آذار 06

And yes the regime is criminal because it does liquidate anyone that oppose it (even politically) and wantonly destroys cities and towns controlled by rebels with utter disregard for the lives of civilians. This regime is responsible for 95% of civilian death in Syria. In one prison Saadnaya, the regime executed 10,000 prisoner - more than the civilian casualties caused by all other parties combined and since the start of the war. This include opposition, Americans, Kurds, Isis, Russians! So keep your delusions and send my greeting to your beloved comrade Kim

Thumb Mystic 16:33 ,2017 آذار 06

You are indeed a salafidemocrat, Kefraya and Fuaa are besieged they are not in Salafi hands.
Idlib is the Salafi capital of Syria now alongside Raqqa.
Where are the christians in Idlib you mentioned?
I never heard of those people, you sure they are not dead or converted to your Wahabism?

It was never a secterian war to begin with, because indeed Assad government controls most urban areas whom are Sunnis, those sunnis supports their government too.

Thumb Mystic 16:41 ,2017 آذار 06

Your King salman thought he could buy a victory salafi revolution In Syria, with just money to achieve victory over Assad and the Resistance.

Well you failed, and you managed to burn all of Syria and cause millions of refugees to flee because of your forsaken revolution.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:41 ,2017 آذار 06

Delusional Mystic. I called Assad a criminal. You are the sectarian along with the Iranian Amen crowds. He will kill me, you and anyone to stay in power and as multiple human rights organizations have shown, he has committed mass murder against the Syrian people. And since the overwhelming majority of his opponents are Sunnis, it is those areas and those people that took the brunt of his criminal actions. With regard to Idlib, the province has and continue to have Christian community and especially around Ariha (same city bombed by the Assad air force a week ago). I never talked about Kefraya and Foua. Nice try. Please do not forget to send my greeting to your brotherly comrade Kim

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:44 ,2017 آذار 06

Delusional Mystic .... The Syrian regime through your sectarian militia has a firm hold over Homs, Qusayr and most of western Qalamoun. I wonder why their towns and neighborhood are still mostly depopulated and their inhabitants are in Lebanon!

Thumb Mystic 17:27 ,2017 آذار 06

You people have more fabricated documents such as the Amnesty report?
I watched a Video with a journalist showing Assad that propaganda, and Assad simply laughed it off, It was a funny sight.

Reminded me of you people claiming all this propaganda, and getting laughed off by the rest of us.

Missing peace 17:42 ,2017 آذار 06

miss tic: was aoun a salafi paid by saudis when he said that the syrian regime was a terrorist regime?

Thumb Mystic 17:48 ,2017 آذار 06

Here is Assad giving the perfect question to a Pro Western journalist, whom used so called evidence with verification.


Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:18 ,2017 آذار 06

Comrade Mystic ... Please send my greeting to our beloved comrade and demi God Kim. I am on the way to Amnesty International and HRW to fabricate more reports. Oh sorry, did I expose your inside source!!! Bad me, I must be more careful. But seriously, can you get your inside sources inside Assad Syria to tell us what happened to the thousands of Lebanese who were disappeared during the Assad occupation. Their families will be highly appreciative and I will guarantee if you can help return them to their families a very substantial financial compensation

Missing humble 11:29 ,2017 آذار 06

Resistance? Which Resistance? Resistance against the creation of a beautiful Lebanon!

Thumb gigahabib 11:34 ,2017 آذار 06

Yeah, because Lebanon sure was beautiful in the late 70s/early 80s before Hezbollah came around? How is Hezbollah to blame?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 14:00 ,2017 آذار 06

May be the loss of economic opportunity exceeding 100 billion dollars

Thumb justice 16:21 ,2017 آذار 06

flamethrower is Christian;)

Thumb gigahabib 16:42 ,2017 آذار 06

So Texy again blames Hezbollah for a war that began long before the group even existed. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Thumb galaxy 17:34 ,2017 آذار 06

People like flamethrower are a disgrace to the Shia community in Lebanon and elsewhere.

Thumb ex-fpm 18:43 ,2017 آذار 06

flamethrower; you mentioned before you were an ultra right Christian and at one point in your illustrious career you were a member of the Lebanese Resistance Movement (Tanzim)...lol.

Thumb justin 19:13 ,2017 آذار 06

were you banned again @hajibaba?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:20 ,2017 آذار 06

FT ... You proved yourself to be a racist and a liar on many occasions. Show me where A.T made racist statements against Shias?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:20 ,2017 آذار 06

FT ... You proved yourself to be a racist and a liar on many occasions. Show me where A.T made racist statements against Shias?

Thumb shab 18:40 ,2017 آذار 06

Well done Mr president. Now everybody hates us