حزب الله: ليس هناك فرص لحصول حرب مع اسرائيل لكننا مستعدون للمواجهة

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رأى حزب الله أن ليس هناك فرص حقيقية لاحتمال حصول حرب بين لبنان واسرائيل، لكنه أكد استعداده للمواجهة.

وتعليقاً على تصريحات رئيس الأركان الإسرائيلي غادي ‏أيزنكوت، قالت مصادر الحزب لصحيفة "الجمهورية" "لا أحد يطمئن الى العدو لأنه عدوّ، ولكننا نعتقد بأنّها مجرّد ‏تهديدات وليس هنالك فرَص حقيقية لاحتمال حصول حرب بين لبنان وإسرائيل او بين العدو ودول محور ‏المقاومة. ولكن يبدو انّ الاسرائيليين فَقدوا عقولهم على ضوء الانتصارات الكبيرة التي يحقّقها محور المقاومة في ‏سوريا‎".

ولفتت المصادر الى أن "تهديدات إسرائيل للبنان ولحزب الله ليست جديدة، لكن يبدو انّ ايزنكوت ومسؤولين ‏اسرائيليين آخرين مستقوون بالعلاقة مع السعودية التي انتقلت من السر إلى العلن".

وذكذَرت أنه سبق ‏للامين العام للحزب السيّد حسن نصرالله أن ردَّ على هذه التهديدات وأكّد انّنا لسنا هواةَ حرب ولكنّنا جاهزون ‏للدفاع عن لبنان‎.‎

وأضاف "يَعلم ايزنكوت وغيرُه انّ خيار الذهاب الى الحرب ليس نزهة. كذلك اعلنَ الامين العام في خطابه في المسيرة التي ‏انطلقت في الضاحية عقب قرار ترامب بنقلِ السفارة الاميركية الى القدس، أنه في المرّة المقبلة سنقاتل كمحور ولن ‏نقاتل منفردين. وبالتأكيد فإنّ أيّ اعتداء على لبنان سنواجهه كمحور‎".‎

التعليقات 7
Thumb gebran_sons 16:41 ,2018 نيسان 04

The only certainty about Hizbollah, a radical organization created, funded, armed, and indoctrinated by the criminal regimes of Iran and Assad, is that it costed our economy hundred of $billions in zero economic growth and exodus of investments and good paying multinational jobs that always preferred Beirut (education, sophistication, weather, freedom) for their regional headquarter due to Hizb radicalism, political instability and hatred to the West. Since 2005, Lebanon would have regained its Switzerland and Paris of the Middle East status if it wasn't for Hizb and its useful idiots that allowed the raping of Lebanon for personal benefits.

Thumb gebran_sons 20:07 ,2018 نيسان 04

Peace treaties are by definition between enemies not friends. Egypt and Jordan have signed a peace treaty with Israel. The truth Hizbollah tries to hide is that a Lebanon-Israel peace treaty based on resolution of Palestinian refugees and full reparation of damages caused by Israel that must be reinvested in deprived area and infrastructure will primarily benefit the Shia community and towns. A Peace treaty will make primarily South Lebanon lands extremely valuable and the preferred location of future joint startups as there is good technical, capital, professional, innovative, labor and entrepreneurial synergy between Lebanon and Israel to combine talents for an unprecedented economic boost and world reach. But of course Lebanon’s win will be Iran/Hizbollah’s loss as they need the Great Satan to keep scaring their people, oppressing freedom, and diverting attention of their misery.

Thumb gebran_sons 20:08 ,2018 نيسان 04

Regarding refugees, Israel/World can compensate the excellent Lebanese school system to educate Palestinian kids and inculcate democracy, human values, and tolerance into their mind so Gulf countries such as Bahrain (who need to increase its Sunni population) can offer them citizenship and benefit from their education and world-wide diaspora connections. It is a win-win proposal. Germany and France fought each other for thousand years causing incomparable level of destruction and death but found nirvana and mutually beneficial friendship when they both joined the EU and became their respective best trading partner. It is time to plan for a bright future for our region by having a Middle Eastern Political and Economic Community (MEPEC) similar to EU that includes both Iran and Israel so we can usher the Golden Age of the Middle East.

Thumb rolfmao. 22:42 ,2018 نيسان 04

Hizbullah Says 'We are not war fanatics, we are your basic run of the mill regular everyday dime store dyed in the wool fanatics. When we went to Bosnia&Herzegovina it was not because there was a war there but because we were part of a Saint Vincent de Hussein humanitarian mission'

Thumb shab 22:47 ,2018 نيسان 04

Not fanatic, but definitely a filthy murdering militia

Thumb enterprise 16:45 ,2018 نيسان 05

fanatic filthy murdering militia

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:43 ,2018 نيسان 06

Why is Hezbullah the only effective fighting force in Lebanon? Because it draws its strength from people power. Not foreign "aid".