العميد فايز كرم التقى عون بعد إطلاق سراحه: لا يمكن تهديدي بالماضي وأنا ملتزم بالتيار الوطني الحر

Read this story in English W460

أطلق اليوم الثلاثاء سراح العميد المتقاعد فايز كرم الذي اعتقل عام 2010 بتهمة التعامل مع اسرائيل وذلك بعد استفادته من تخفيض السنة السجنية.

وأفرج هن كرم من سجن الشرطة العسكرية في الريحانية في محيط وزارة الدفاع الوطني. واستفاد كرم من مرسوم تخفيض السنة السجنية الى 9 أشهر الذي أقره مجلس النواب في شباط الفائت

وافادت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أن سيارة من نوع "انفنتي" بيضاء اللون نقلته في موكب كبير وعليها صورا للعميد كرم وتوجهوا الى الرابية حيث يلتقي رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون.

وبعد لقائه عون قال كرم في حديث إلى قناة "الجديد" "أحببت أن أزور الجنرال عون لأثبّت مرجعيتي السياسية التي يجسدها الجنرال وكي أؤكد التزامي بـ"التيار الوطني الحر".

وأضاف "لن أغير خطي السياسي ولا يمكن لأحد أن يهددني بالماضي فأنا قمت بدوري في الجيش اللبناني وضحيت وزملائي بكل شيء من أجل جميع الطوائف ومن أجل كل لبنان وسأبقى على هذا الخط".

ومن ثم توجه كرم إلى مسقط رأسه في زغرتا حيث اقيم له استقبال شعبي عند مستديرة الاتحاد لجهة الكورة شارك فيه مناصرو التيار الوطني الحر في زغرتا حيث اطلقت الاسهم النارية ونثر الارز وقرعت الطبول.

وأفاد قناة الـ"MTV" التي نقلت الإستقبال مباشرة أن حضور التيار الوطني الحر كان "خجولا".

وقالت "الوطنية للإعلام" أن كرم توجه "الى كنيسة سيدة زغرتا لتقديم الشكر الى السيدة العذراء".

وفي 3 أيلول أصدرت المحكمة العسكرية الدائمة حكما على كرم (63 عاما) بالسجن ثلاث سنوات خفضت الى سنتين مع الاشغال الشاقة وتجريده من حقوقه المدنية والسياسية، بتهمة التعامل مع إسرائيل.

وكانت شعبة المعلومات قد أوقفت كرم العميد في الجيش والمتقاعد في "التيار الوطني الحر" بتهمة التعامل مع اسرائيل في آب 2010.

يذكر أن العميد كرم هو من أبناء زغرتا، والده العميد وجيه كرم، وهو من واليد17/10/1948، تلقى دروسه الابتدائية في مدرسة الفرير طرابلس و الثانوية في بيروت في مدرسة الفرير الجميزة.

ودخل المدرسة الحربية سنة 1969 و تخرج منها برتبة ملازم سنة 1972.

وقد ترشح كرم للانتخابات النيابية عن المقعد الماروني في طرابلس وقد نال رقماً قياسياً من أصوات الناخبين الذين لم يبخلوا عليه بأصواتهم. وقد ميزته زغرتا بـ 19700 صوت وهو رقم قياسي في زغرتا.

التعليقات 68
Thumb benzona 13:38 ,2012 نيسان 03

Longue vie a la corruption! [sarcasm] this guy should be serving life.... if not the death penalty. It's time to establish contact with mossad agents, we only risk two years.... everyone, this is an official invite by the judicial system!

Thumb kesrweneh 15:21 ,2012 نيسان 03

Benzona Genral Karam est un heros de la guerre de liberation anti-syrienne, si tu as lu le proces tu demanderais plutot de mettre un lache comme Wissam el Hassan derriere les barreaux

Default-user-icon majd (ضيف) 13:52 ,2012 نيسان 03

"Fayez Karam, who allegedly collaborated with Israel" no you filthy Zionists not allegedly the filthy traitor was CONVECTED OF COLLABORATING!

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 13:54 ,2012 نيسان 03

2 years already !!!! ka2anno mber7a.
I wonder how hizbulla accept that an israeli spy walk away that easily!

Missing realist 02:18 ,2012 نيسان 04

reduced to nine months.. read and laugh and cry and laugh.. this is the "resistance" government..pathetic hypocrisy

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 14:15 ,2012 نيسان 03

What about the other collaborators? Is there a scale which allows people for lesser terms when collaborating with Israel? After Aoun, is he going to apologize to the Hezb?

Missing mohammad_ca 14:19 ,2012 نيسان 03

he didn't "allegedly" collaborate with Israel he was convicted of it...this is a criminal plain and simple and in any decent country would have faced the death penalty for treason....

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 15:08 ,2012 نيسان 03

hmmm .. not convicted??? w what was he doing in prison??? 3am yshem hawa w y2attef wared?? OHHH ... I forgot ... he was put in prison just nkayeh b Claoun .. right???
U get your facts right

Missing mohammad_ca 15:36 ,2012 نيسان 03

So why did they sentence him if he wasn't convicted? Idiot!

Missing realist 02:19 ,2012 نيسان 04

he was convicted idiot, no one serves jail term without conviction

Default-user-icon Lubnani (ضيف) 14:24 ,2012 نيسان 03

Others get the death penalty, this is the justice in Lebanon.

Missing realist 02:19 ,2012 نيسان 04

you get the death penalty if you are not one of the chosen people i.e. a hizzie or a march8 thug, otherwise you get shot.

Thumb geha 14:40 ,2012 نيسان 03

a convicted traitor gets off instead of beind executed!
hizbushaitan rule at best :)

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:49 ,2012 نيسان 03

the lesson from this serenade is that hassoun needs aoun desperatly, but hizballah is very cautious now in giving any sensitive info to aoun.

Default-user-icon NoobThinker (ضيف) 15:08 ,2012 نيسان 03

I think Karam definitely had some sort of Israeli affiliation, otherwise he wouldn't be in this mess. His case was high profile, and if there was any evidence to suggest his innocence, then i'm sure the Lebanese judiciary system under the tremendous pressure and media spotlight, would have moved to let him free. But it didn't, he is clearly guilty, and it's a shame he has been let off the hook.

I say put him on a lie detector, and then let him proclaim his innocence. I'm against capital punishment, but he should have at least served a good 10 years in jail. Israel has no friends in Lebanon, it see's the country as a war-field and everyone in it as its enemy. It's how the Israeli's think, they are generally not nice people. Really.

Israel's punching itself in the face for not provoking infighting in Lebanon, and allowing Hezbollah to stockpile its weapons. lol.

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 15:11 ,2012 نيسان 03

Sarcasm ... maybe!!!!
Reality ... Hell yeah!!!!
When the collaborator is from M14 .. he is a filthy zionist working for the Enemy
When the collaborator is from M8 ... he is being prosecuted because of his affiliations w the poor guy is innocent!!!
U both are worse than each ... different sides for the same coin

Missing sergio 15:12 ,2012 نيسان 03

Ha Ha Ha now we can see who is the really on the Israeli Side true colors are showing, even our dear friend Hisbofpm agent flame thrower is agreeing with it. Hizballah+Fpm = Israel.

Default-user-icon N (ضيف) 01:37 ,2012 نيسان 04

FPM + Hezbollahstan = Filthy Zionest Information War Department Conspirators

Missing realist 02:21 ,2012 نيسان 04

those on the israeli side are praising the the US for not interfering in Syria and are happy they came to power in iraq on US tanks (maliki-now-mumani3), oh.. and now putin is also mumani3, the fact that USSR was the first country to recognize israel does not count just as karam gets only 18 months in jail..hypocrisy upon hypocrisy..the real enemy is not israel ..their real enemy is anyone who challenges their power and demands thier rights

Missing realist 02:23 ,2012 نيسان 04

f.t your analysis today is not that great.. there is no excuse for what happened to karam, if you are in lebanon and you shoot your friend by MISTAKE on a hunting trip you land 7 years in jail minimum and a lot of kiss assing to get out let alone if you are convicted in treason.. all that of course applies to third class citizens i.e. not hizzies or march 8ers.

Missing sergio 15:13 ,2012 نيسان 03

that was sarcasm too :)

Default-user-icon AutoCorrect (ضيف) 15:13 ,2012 نيسان 03

"The National News Agency reported that a white Jeep Infinity transferred Karam ..."
LOOOOOOOL ... reminds me of the valet parking guys ... 2arreb range!!! inno it is either a Jeep or an Infinity .... make up your mind ... just cause it is a 4X4 doesn't make it a Jeep.
W yalllaaa!!!!!!!

Thumb kesrweneh 15:31 ,2012 نيسان 03

General Karam is a liberation war Hero, and it’s not the first time that Rafic Harriri Mafia attacks him, when Harriri was the Syrian Regime n1 agent they used him to attack all FPM including General KAram, now that the Syrians are out Saad Harriri did the same via Wissam el Hassan. Has everybody forgotten how the SS interrogates suspects, after a few days of torture if they ask you who killed Jesus u’ll say me, but please stop! Ask ur self why did the interrogation records disappear, and then why did they reappear at the high court. And please for those who were never arrested by the SS refrain from doing any comments on things you ignore

Default-user-icon ShoZakiiii (ضيف) 17:07 ,2012 نيسان 03

After the reappearing of the records he was convicted and proven guilty... i wonder who might steal and hide records that prove Fayez Karam guilty... hmmm... anyways unfortunately there was another copy of the record

Default-user-icon ShoZakiii (ضيف) 18:53 ,2012 نيسان 03

After the reappearing of the records he was convicted and proven guilty... i wonder who might steal and hide records that prove Fayez Karam guilty... hmmm... anyways unfortunately there was another copy of the record

Missing realist 02:25 ,2012 نيسان 04

hariri supported the resistance both localy and internationaly and won them political legitimacy, go read about the 96 grapes of wrath ignorant. Their gratitude was to kill him instead.

Thumb falanges 07:49 ,2012 نيسان 04

which war was he a "hero" in?

Thumb ado.australia 15:34 ,2012 نيسان 03

He was not convicted of spying. He was arrested for having met with an israeli in Paris 10 years ago. He was found not guilty of spying. this is the facts!

If every Lebanese official who met an Israeli was arrested, no doubt we would see many MPs behind bars. Let's not even start with those officials who provided maps to Israel on where to bomb and when to stop!

There needs to be a stronger regulatory committee that's stops so much of the rubbish we read and see on tv.

Thumb kesrweneh 16:45 ,2012 نيسان 03

do youreally believe what you wrote about Abu Arz? (BTW I support that a full amnisty is given to the man if you can give it to a butcher like Geagea u should be able to give it to anyone)and please read the verdict B4 accsing innocents. and just a question : do you trust wissam el hassan and the SS?

Default-user-icon qawmi fpmer (ضيف) 17:10 ,2012 نيسان 03

"Karam was found guilty of contacting Israeli intelligence and providing them with information on Hezbollah and its ally the Christian Free Patriotic Movement"

sorry my Qawmi Qomrade but Qaram, sorry Karam, was meeting Israeli intelligence up to his arrest in 2010, go read the conviction again.

Default-user-icon Lebneneh (ضيف) 19:08 ,2012 نيسان 03

Yeslam ha tem ya Slash...great comment

Default-user-icon lebo (ضيف) 20:37 ,2012 نيسان 03

That's right adaustralia, General Fayez Karam innocently met an Israeli in Paris he was only asking him he could touch his Schweddy Matzah Balls or maybe that was when he met an Englishmen in New York.

Default-user-icon Pong Lenis (ضيف) 13:17 ,2012 نيسان 04

You are very funny guy.

Missing mohammad_ca 15:38 ,2012 نيسان 03

He was convicted of collaborating with Israel which is treason in Lebanon.

Thumb kesrweneh 15:48 ,2012 نيسان 03

no he wasn't please read the verdict

Missing realist 02:27 ,2012 نيسان 04

Fayez Karam, who was convicted of collaborating with Israel. Is this english ?? or perhaps you guys only like hebrew and farse lol

Missing mohammad_ca 15:52 ,2012 نيسان 03

You sill have not provided what your version of the verdict is...the verdict was clear that he was convicted of collaboration...yes they couldn't prove the spying but he was found guilty of collaboration and in Lebanon this is high treason especially with Israel. But since hid buddies in Hzbollaat who control the military courts put in a good word for him they gave him a reduced sentence. Who's the habile now, flamer?

Thumb kesrweneh 16:01 ,2012 نيسان 03

sorry Mohammad, but FT is right, contacting the ennemy is different from collaborating with him Naharnet made a transaltion "honnest mistake" if you read your "code penal libanais" you'll know. also about Hizballah controling the martial court, it's wrong because the head of the permanent militatry court is alice Chabtini el 3am who has well known affiliation with Michel Sleiman (who is backing her up for presidency of the high court)

Missing ulpianus 15:47 ,2012 نيسان 03

Why am I not surprised?

Thumb geha 15:57 ,2012 نيسان 03

he was convicted as a traitor and that is the end of it.
when the time comes your aoun too will be tried for his contacts with israel. pictures of him with tsahal during the lebanese invasion in 82 are circulating on the net for those who want to see :)

Thumb kesrweneh 16:17 ,2012 نيسان 03

and did you ask when and In what circumstances those pics were taken? please try to find out and of you can't on your own, just ask me I will be happy to answer

Default-user-icon wiki (ضيف) 16:17 ,2012 نيسان 03

Parents and friends of all detainees for suspicion or conviction iofcollaborating with israel should go to the streets and ask for a general amnesty... Today before tomorrow

Default-user-icon wiki (ضيف) 16:19 ,2012 نيسان 03

Parents and friends of all detainees for suspicion or conviction iofcollaborating with israel should go to the streets and ask for a general amnesty... Today before tomorrow

Default-user-icon Jad (ضيف) 16:19 ,2012 نيسان 03

How about you hire some capable editors Naharnet?

Default-user-icon Karimm (ضيف) 16:22 ,2012 نيسان 03

i can understand anything Hassouna chooses...but choosing to tell Ashar el Nass to support the release of this guy..its beyond me...Hassouna is now a true politician!

Default-user-icon karim (ضيف) 17:11 ,2012 نيسان 03

for once, you speak the truth (not sarcastic)

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 17:13 ,2012 نيسان 03

How many Lebanese collaborated with the Syrians ?

Default-user-icon IbrahimNaim (ضيف) 17:22 ,2012 نيسان 03

Dear Naharnet,

it is NOT called a JEEP Infinity. Get it straight at least. Jeep is a brand of cars that is NOT associated with Infinity.
What you should have said is an Infinity SUV.

English 101. pathetic editorial process.

Thumb thepatriot 17:30 ,2012 نيسان 03

"In 2006, Aoun was preparing himself to become, by the end of the
> mandate of Lahoud in November 2007, the president of the republic.
> Some two years before, when Pakradouni and Lahoud Junior visited him
> at 11, rue Phalsbourg, they greeted him with « Fakhamet Al Ra2iiss,
> you are welcome in Lebanon”. He then clearly understood that he had
> gained the support of the Syrians. He was only « Dawlet Al Ra2iiss »,
> and surely he was going to become the next « Fakhamet Al Ra2iiss ».
> When in Paris he has been in contact with the Israelis, but he never
> understood why they did not rescue him on October 13, 1990 by
> intervening against the Syrian Sokhoï jets. “Why didn’t they help me?
> They know very well the basis of my thinking” he used to repeat!
> ...

Thumb thepatriot 11:27 ,2012 نيسان 04

I put brackets because those are not my words, and I do not wish to disclose the name of the person who wrote them...punk!

Thumb thepatriot 17:31 ,2012 نيسان 03

Now, he was back in Lebanon, and wanted to ascertain the presidential chair.
> This time he needed the American support. He asked Fayez to contact
> the Israelis in order to obtain their “green light”. To accept backing
> him up, the Israelis requested three conditions: to abide by and
> execute all the Security Council Resolutions; to make peace with
> Israel; and to bring his allies – the Hezbollah – to equally accept
> peace. Aoun agreed immediately, but refused to sign any document. He
> said “they must trust me; their services know exactly the bottom of my
> mind”. After several journeys, Fayez succeeded in obtaining the
> possibility for Aoun to make a public declaration in a newspaper, by
> clearly stating his acceptance of the three conditions. On September
> 13th, 2007 Aoun made a declaration in “Al Diyar” newspaper. "

Thumb thepatriot 17:31 ,2012 نيسان 03

He started
> by explaining the positive role of the USA in the future presidential
> elections in Lebanon and their will to take the matters into their own
> hands for attaining peace in the region. Aoun confirmed his engagement
> to abide and implement the Security Council Resolutions, which are the
> essential conditions for safety. He also mentioned the “Armistice”
> Treaty (Lebanon has such a Treaty with Israel) and confirmed that he
> was in favor to make peace with all Lebanon’s neighbors (a hint to
> Israel), but added that such a peace will take place along the plan
> proposed by King Abdallah. Finally, as concerns the Hezbollah, Aoun
> literally declared that “the Shi3a community had the right to take an
> active part in the political life in Lebanon” (an allusion that the
> Hezbollah was going to accept peace). To the Israelis this declaration
> did not fulfill the guarantees, and therefore was not acceptable.

Thumb thepatriot 17:32 ,2012 نيسان 03

General Karam pursued his negotiations and obtained from Aoun the
> promise that he will make a new declaration which would clearly and
> unequivocally state all three guarantees. Aoun never kept his promise.
We know the rest of the story. Aoun was not elected and started his
> fierce declarations against the USA and Israel.
> But the most shameful in all this affair is that when General Karam
> was arrested, Aoun expressed his astonishment as if he knew nothing…!
> It is this attitude and behavior that are abject, despicable and
> ignoble and show the degree to which this man is coward and vile!
> Every Lebanese must learn the truth about this “great leader”, how he
> drops his friends (they are numerous), how liar he is, selfish, and
> above all a man with no honor.
> All Lebanese people who are real patriots must reveal who Aoun is, so
> that he is unmasked once and for all.”

Missing inveritas 06:47 ,2012 نيسان 04

BritishLebanese, you're saying that as a supporter of the people who welcome Israel with open arms during the civil war? Or shall we forget about all that? Cause you know, screw the past, it doesn't please our current political motifs.

Missing inveritas 12:43 ,2012 نيسان 04

You mean the people who are opposed to party that is associated with the USA, the primary supporter of Israel? The people who are allied with Hezbollah and Syria?

Quick! Someone call the mental hospital, we've got a serious case of retardation here!

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 17:36 ,2012 نيسان 03

The Israeli collaborator is fully committed to FPM, who is fully committed to the Hezz.

I guess with M8 in power all Israeli collaborators will get a light sentence.

Default-user-icon RealLebanese (ضيف) 17:40 ,2012 نيسان 03

A traitor should be sentenced to death no matter his political affiliation...

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 17:42 ,2012 نيسان 03

Aoun continues to fight corruption and nepotism :)Why is Nasrallah not complaining?

Missing renren 19:23 ,2012 نيسان 03

Lebanon is a country of gangs the laws apply only for those who doesn't belong to any of those gangs, Unfortunately you have 2 options either you belong to one of them or you leave the country

Default-user-icon N (ضيف) 01:34 ,2012 نيسان 04

When ur a zionest collaborator thats allied with Hezbollah, u get a slap on the wrist. When ur not, its the death penalty. Pathetic hypocrit filthy fake resistance hezbollah.

Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (ضيف) 02:32 ,2012 نيسان 04

I am so frigging confused...
This man fought syria, and returned to Lebanon after Syria left; and is a pro syrian now. He gets convicted and gets off with 9 months jail, while others get life and the death penalty. Something very fishy is going on. This is lebanese politics.

Missing realist 02:33 ,2012 نيسان 04

Who really believes that the FPM is an enemy of israel lol?? israel wants Syrian regime in power and hence the western constant hesitation to interfere, nasralah happy about all the above and thus the hizzies/israel/west all in the same bed. A7la chi nasrala how he fools his herd by sayin the US is too 'weak' to interfere in Syria ..lik yeslamli.. as though the US did not bomb the shit out of libya last year and could do the same to Syria, then maliki who came on US tanks does not want the west to interfere in syria. It is the alliance of mionrities (jews included) in the new middle east. Sorry folks but i am just being a realist.

Thumb joesikemrex 03:10 ,2012 نيسان 04

its a shame. Justice will be served. We will never forget OR forgive.

Thumb israeliconspiracy 06:31 ,2012 نيسان 04

Thanks, Hezbollah alliance! Good to know that we can buy your stooges on the cheap and that you'll turn a blind eye once they're uncovered. Hopefully this will motivate more "resistance" partisans to come into the welcoming arms of our Mossad.

Thumb jcamerican 08:45 ,2012 نيسان 04

I am interested in knowing, what is so important in Lebanon, this general could have provided to Israel? Definitely, nothing of a military value.

Missing allouchi 14:56 ,2012 نيسان 04

let's see...when and where Aoun is meeting Hassoun, meeting results, who was present, party decisions, etc... He is a traitor period.

Default-user-icon LebEXPAT (ضيف) 13:06 ,2012 نيسان 04

the reception from GMA says it all, if they truly believed he was innocent, they would have made a proper reception for him, especially after all the attacks from the tayyar MP's. Even in his weekly adress to the media GMA didnt even mention Karam if it wasn't for a reporter who asked him about the visit...Karam was a spy plain and simple, but GMA was afraid that Karam will drag him along and arranged for his release. FT and Keserweneh clap for your leader...

Missing allouchi 14:53 ,2012 نيسان 04

Godfather Aoun to Karam "hey listen here, don't dare tell about me and I'll take care of your family and help you get out early, I have will talk to the other Mafioso Hassan he owes me for betraying the Christians"… if you tell on me ya waylak...