بري: مخزون بحر لبنان يؤهلنا لتصدر الدول النفطية وتسديد ديوننا

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كشف رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري عن ثروة لبنان النفطية وما يختزنه قعر البحر اللبناني ما يؤهله دخول الاسواق النفطية وتصدر الدول النفطية.

وافادت صحيفة "السفير" ان ما اعلنه بري عن ثروة لبنان النفطية يستند الى الخلاصات التي توصل اليها المؤتمر المتخصص الذي نظمته شركة "سبكتروم" في 17 تشرين الاول الماضي في لندن، والتي أكدت أن بحر جنوب لبنان هو الأكثر غنى بالمخزون النفطي.

ولفتت الخلاصات الى ان هناك توقعات بأنه الأفضل في المنطقة، وأن التوقعات الكبرى لا تتعلق بالغاز فقط، بل تشمل النفط أيضاً.

واشارت، وفق "السفير" الى ان الكميات الموجودة في البحر، قبالة الجنوب، تزيد بثلاثة أضعاف عن أي مكان آخر، ولا سيما بالمقارنة مع الاكتشافات الإسرائيلية، وبالتالي فإن المياه الإقليمية الجنوبية ستكون من ضمن أكبر ولايات الغاز والنفط في العالم.

الى ذلك، ودعا بري الى التوقف عن هدر الوقت الثمين، مشيراً الى ان تقرير "سبكتروم" ينبه الى ان استمرار لبنان في التأخر بإنجاز الإجراءات المطلوبة للمباشرة في التنقيب، سيؤدي الى ضرب مصداقيته وهز الثقة فيه.

ورأى ان في ذلك "سداد ديننا وفيه ما نختلف عليه بين حق العامل ورب العمل، ولنوقف هذه الخسارة المتمادية، حتى لا أقول الجريمة المتمادية بحق اقتصادنا"، مناشداً الحكومة السير بسرعة نحو استثمار هذه الطاقة.

من جانبه اكد وزير الطاقة جبران باسيل في حديث الى "السفير" إنه بات من الضروري إيلاء تعيين هيئة إدارة البترول الأولوية القصوى.

بدورها افادت "السفير" ان الأسماء المقترحة لمجلس إدارة الهيئة هي: ناصر حطيط (شيعي)، وسام شباط (ماروني)، وسام الذهبي (سني)، عاصم أبو إبراهيم (درزي)، وليد ناصر (كاثوليكي)، والعضو الأرثوذكسي السادس هو واحد من بين غابي دعبول، رفيق حداد، او مرشح ثالث من آل قازان.

يُشار الى أن المشكلة تكمن في تثبيت حدود لبنان الدولية البحرية وحقه في ثرواته الطبيعية النفطية والغازية ضمن حدود منطقته الاقتصادية الخالصة، خاصة في ظل التهديد الإسرائيلي الدائم لحقوق لبنان النفطية جراء خطأ في الترسيم البحري ما بين قبرص وإسرائيل الذي جاء على حساب لبنان ويهدد بتضييع مساحة بحرية على لبنان تزيد عن 850 كيلومتراً مربعاً.

ويشهد ملف حدود المنطقة الاقتصادية البحرية الخالصة، تأخرا في تشكيل هيئة ادارة قطاع النفط، وسط انقسام بين "امل" و"تكتل التغيير والاصلاح".

التعليقات 28
Thumb jcamerican 10:14 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Fill it up pleazzzzzzzzzzzze.

Missing greatpierro 15:35 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

tu as raisons l'ami

Thumb primesuspect 19:06 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Where is Rafiq Hariri to manage this wealth? Other politicians especially the Berry/Jumblatt binomial will fill up their pockets and leave peanuts for the country.

Thumb Chupachups 05:19 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 04

BS thrower.. BLEAZE khalas ba2a, 2arafetna ya zalame

Default-user-icon marc (ضيف) 10:31 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

but we are not April 1st today

Thumb phoenician 10:46 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Thank you God and please make sure they spend it wisely especially on the Lebanese academical and sports talents that have been wasted and burried alive for the past 40years,Amen.

Default-user-icon CJ (ضيف) 10:51 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Why dont these useless Lebanese leaders walk the talk instead of always talking crap all the time. They never have anything constructive to say to the Lebanese. Why dont you ever report on who is causing the bickering and why. Name the names and let's just get on with it. Who are the show stoppers and more importantly WHY. Report this please instead of useless talk. The Lebanese people rely on journalistic reports to determine next steps...e.g. making leaders accoutable, protest, etc....burn some tires.

Thumb rover98 11:11 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

The Politicians will no doubt fight over who will line their pockets with the oil wealth before anything is done like most of the Wealth of Lebanon.

Missing lebcan 12:49 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Yes I agree, but even if the politicians steel half of the revenue (and we must not let them) we will be rich. Lebanese are the most highly educated and talented group in the Arab world. Can you imagine how many of us will leave the gulf countries and put our expertise to our own national news. The company Ericsson for example picked Lebanon as one of its main operating base because of its large and highly educated population. They don't need Expats to do the work.

Missing greatpierro 15:38 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Actually there are six to seven blocks of gas exploration and apparently each will go to a politician from different religious communities.

Rather than having one national company that run the whole show and maximize the return to the lebanese people yet again the lebanese will play the religious division to loot their country.

Default-user-icon OldHand (ضيف) 11:11 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

What we know about Lebanon and with Lebanon's luck:

Politicians will get most of it and/or a new technology, bypassing oil, will be found on the first day Leb starts pumping oil.

Default-user-icon OldHand (ضيف) 11:13 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

What we know about Lebanon and Lebanon's luck:

Politicians will get most of it and/or a new technology, bypassing oil, will be found on the first day Leb starts pumping oil.

Missing peace 11:26 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

another subject of fighting between the eager politicians we have.

i wonder if the average citizen will ever benefit from the exploitation of the gas resources....

Missing chouf1 12:39 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Good news not for our people but for the thieves politicians..

Default-user-icon marc (ضيف) 13:16 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Oil is a poison, the worse kind.
That will be the final blow to our poor country, beirut will be dubai, a visual and cultural horror, and the poor of course will remain poor.

Missing freeforever 14:12 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

We can't even export olive oil without killing each other, imagine petroleum products. The best Lebanon can do is leave this reserve buried under the ocean, it is better to be there than to be piped for free to Iran. This was Iran order given to Berri.

Default-user-icon pistachio (ضيف) 15:19 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

oh, no! why couldn't they just discover some clean water . . .

Missing greatpierro 16:00 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

When we look at the appointments of the management board i have two thoughts:

1) does it make sense that the appointments are done on religious criteria. Is it not in the interest of all Lebanese thatonly the best, most competent, and honest candidates get selected whatever their background.

2) how come the candidates are only men? Should we not have also women holding responsibilities in this country.

Missing phillipo 17:14 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Due to the current difficult political situation in Lebanon, the Government/President should establish a board of management made up entirely of foreign oil experts. That way things would be done as they should and the quicker the better bring much needed income into the Lebanese economy.

Missing gabby7 18:11 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Hey Berri....Iran, Russia, or China will not do the drilling. You and your Shia will not sign contracts to get all the money while the hezz have guns. That means you will be dead before the drilling starts. Stop salivating.

Thumb ado.australia 19:38 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Another excuse for a war in Lebanon! There is nothing good from this, just more theft from our politicians and what was foriegn manipulation of Lebanon will now become outright control.

No one is to blame but the Lebanese people themselves. They are self imposed slaves. They beg and idolise their leaders that rape and spit on them, and then they thank them because they are their religious sectarian bosses!

Default-user-icon FartThrower (ضيف) 19:55 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Hey assteez Nabeeh please stand up and let that gas come out you can't make that position you've been occupying for all these years any stinkier.

Missing youssefhaddad 20:57 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 03

Now the thieves will circle and will steal the oil and gas revenues before even anything is extracted!
Let us dig for patriotic,decent and honest leadership before anything else.

Missing helicopter 01:46 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 04

If we wait long enough Israel will do horizontal drilling from the zone and empty our wells. By the time we have our house in order the wells will be dry. Wake up people, throw away all the politicians and replace them with start fresh, educated and patriotic Lebanese.

Thumb kanaandian 05:15 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 04

Can be good news for Lebanon. You need to topple the thieves.

Default-user-icon hayalla (ضيف) 05:16 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 04

Om fot naaaaaaaaam, seeer 7laaaaaaam innnu baladna saaret balad !!!!!!!!

Default-user-icon outsidelookingin (ضيف) 09:25 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 04

If so many of you Lebanese are against your self serving politicians, get rid of them. It is time surely that all those civil war bosses and their families were changed out and fresh blood put in (ideally not US, Iranian, Syrian or Saudi stooges; but I realise that is a tall dream world). The suggestin above that Hariri is more honest then the rest is a bit odd! As an outsider looking in, the Hariri family seems to have profited more than most from 'helping' Lebanon.

Thumb Elemental 19:36 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 04

I already figured we had the regions greatest gas wealth ...look at how much gas comes out from the politics and political sectarian whining, pass the antacids please :)