رعد: كل ما يجري الآن من حولنا لن يستطيع أن يلوي ذراع المقاومة
Read this story in Englishأعلن حزب الله أن ما يجري في سوريا لن "يلوي ذراع" المقاومة مشيرا إلى رهان أن التغيير العسكري في هذا البلد المجاور سقط.
وقال رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد في احتفال تأبيني في عبا الجنوبية الأحد "كل ما يجري من حولنا هدفه حصار فريق المقاومة وقوى الممانعة، بهدف منعه من أداء فعالياته أمام غزاة حالمين في نهب ثرواتنا والسيطرة على أوطاننا وفي لبناننا".
ووصف المقاومة وقوى الممانعة بأنها "الرقم الصعب"، مردفا بان كل "ما يجري الآن لن يستطيع أن يلوي ذراع مقاومة بلغت سن الرشد، ولا يمكن أن تثني ارادة المقاومين".
إلا أن رعد أشار إلى "اننا نحاول في ظل الظروف الصعبة التي نواكبها أن نتعاطى بحكمة وتدبير".
وإذ اعتبر أن "سوريا تجاوزت مرحلة الإستهداف المباشر الذي يشكل خطرا على دورها، لكن الأمور لم تنته بعد، إلا أنه تم امتصاص الصدمة" قال: "يجري الآن البحث عن حلول سياسية من قبل كل الذين عاندوا في الماضي وأصروا على حسم الوضع بالميدان العسكري".
وختم رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" مشددا على أن "رهان التغيير العسكري سقط كما سقطت آمال أصحابه الذين بدأوا البحث عما يحفظ ماء وجههم دون أن يؤثر عليهم".
“Everything happening around us is aimed at besieging the camp of resistance." It is about us, us, us! Hell with the rights of the Syrian people or the fact that they have been living for 40 yrs under the boot of a brutal dictatorship.
syria resistant? LOL biggest joke ever... never a single fore shot to liberate golan ! they prefer to resist against their own people!!!
iran resistant? re LOL! they prefer to carry their war through lebanon to keep safely out of danger in their country!!!
LOL mowaten thanks for the laugh!!!!!!!!!!!
Syria and Iran use Israel to justify the state of emergency and freedom restrictioon imposed on their people. They use Israel to spend large % of state budget on arms allowing them to further increase their clout on their people. Israel is a defacto ally to those regimes diverting conveniently the anger of the population away from the dictators.
How can any one support those regimes?
I agree with you. the camp of resistance includes Hizb, Syria and Iran. But resistance to what? Resistance to democratic values, peace, liberty and prosperity of people.
One question for all of you supporting the camp of resistance: Does any one would like to go and live in Syria and Iran. Since Lebanon is now controlled increasingly by Hizbullah and our economy is in shamble our young have no longer hope to stay in Lebanon to live and work.
Wake up to reality.
“Syria has overcome the phase of the direct conspiracy that poses a threat to its role,”
really? lol
“Everything happening around us is aimed at besieging the camp of resistance and the forces of defiance to prevent them from being effective in the face of invaders who are dreaming of stealing our fortunes and dominating our countries,”
so what s happening in syria is aimed at hezbollah? LOL! coz syria has never been a resistant country as they never tried to liberate golan but preferred the chaos to be in lebanon rather then in their country!
The speeches are arrogant (they are untouchables). But the deeds are deadly (as in assassinations and eliminating the opponent) ultimate form of hatred.
These HA talking heads are talking more and more--which means either they are getting nervous or they are already nervous.
Raad is right and wrong, no it won't twist Hizballah's arm, it'll twist it's neck and will be fatal. RIP Raad.
Tayyeb ya Mr Raad, why don't you start working on integrating your military wing in the National Army under the command of the state so that the Army's capabilities are exponentially enhanced? This will enable the Army to effectively defend our borders in the South, the East and the North! We know that Hezbollah has an outstanding fighting force (I'm not being ironic) so let's work together and strengthen the state. Iran, like Syria and the West will always have friends and influence in Lebanon. But let them peddle their influence with our elected government instead of working around it. We're all Lebanese. We're in this together, aren't we?
He's right nothing will twist the resistance (what ever that is) but it twists your filthy militia gang and alle the turbaned mafioso.
Ya Mowaten IRANI, we all know that you believe anyone who dares to disagree with you M8 thugs is a Zionist. Heideh el estweneh sarit 3ati2a, jibo gheirah la2inna beykha mitilkon.
seems you don t know a lot of shia... lots of them are against hezbis, and also lots of them afraid to say they are against!