أبو ظبي تبعد 20 لبنانياً يعيشون على أراضيها منذ سنوات طويلة
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أفادت معلومات صحافية أن "سلطات إمارة أبو ظبي قد أبعدت نحو عشرين لبنانياً يعيشون على أراضيها منذ سنوات طويلة، من دون أن توضح أسباب هذا الإبعاد".
وأشارت صحيفة "الأخبار" في عددها الصادر الأربعاء الى أن "سلطات إمارة أبو ظبي، كبرى الإمارات العربية المتحدة، أبعدت خلال الأسبوع الماضي، نحو عشرين لبنانياً يعيشون على أراضيها منذ سنوات طويلة، من دون أن توضح أسباب هذا الإبعاد. ولم تسمح لهؤلاء بتصفية أعمالهم في الإمارات".
وكانت صحيفة "الاخبار"، قد نشرت في عددها الاثنين، معلومات مفادها ان عدداً من اللبنانيين قصدوا السفارة السعودية في بيروت لنيل تأشيرة دخول إلى أراضي المملكة العربية السعودية، الا انهم جوبهوا بالرفض.
كما لفتت الى ان موظف في السفارة اشار إلى أن التأشيرات متوقفة حالياً للبنانيين.
وفي بيان اصدرته السفارة، الاثنين، اوضحت ان "الخبر لا يمت الى الحقيقة بصلة والقسم القنصلي في السفارة يتابع عمله المعتاد بشكل طبيعي ويمنح التأشيرات للأشقاء اللبنانيين وفق الآليات المعتمدة من دون أي تغيير".
المعلومات الصحفية، هذه، ليست الاولى من نوعها، فقد كشفت مصادر صحفية، آذار الفائت، ان الامين العام لمجلس التعاون الخليجي عبداللطيف الزياني، نقل رسالة "قوية اللهجة" إلى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، تضمنت موقفاً صريحاً يتعلق بالمخاطر التي تهدد العلاقات اللبنانية - الخليجية، كما حذرت من ان تطال هذه المخاطر "أوضاع 600 ألف لبناني متواجدين في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي".
وكان وفد من دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي قد زار سليمان، مطلع آذار الفائت، ضم سفراء خمس دول هي: المملكة العربية السعودية، الكويت، الامارات العربية، قطر، وسلطنة عمان، وغابت البحرين بسبب غياب التمثيل الديبلوماسي.
ولفت البيان الصادر عن بعبدا اثر الاجتماع، الى ان الرسالة "عبّرت عن قلق بالغ من عدم الالتزام الكامل بإعلان بعبدا وسياسة النأي بالنفس حيث يتطلع المجلس، الى الالتزام قولاً وفعلاً بموقف النأي بالنفس (عن الاحداث في سوريا المندلعة منذ آذار 2011) وتفادي كل ما من شأنه تعريض امن لبنان واستقراره للخطر، او يؤثر على مصالح شعبه وسلامته".
يُشار الى ان لبنان المنقسم ما بين فريقي 8 آذار، القريب من النظام السوري، و14 آذار الداعم للثورة السورية، حيث يتبادل الطرفان الاتهامات بدعم وتمويل وتسليح الطرف الذي يؤيده في سوريا.

there is nothing arbitrary when they deport people this way(i.e. immediately): they represent a possible threat to the state.
their secret service must have registered comments overheard from these individuals thus triggering their deportation.
actually, I support roger's idea to have nasrallah and aoun to handle the income of the guys as they have done much harm to these Lebanese and to all other Lebanese in the Gulf with their actions and comments.

your complex of prosecution is following you wherever you go.
no one is targeting shia, rather some shia chose to follow the instructions of their Iranian turbaned master, which does not care about them :)

FT i am sure they were deported for security reason, as there would be thousands in the Abu dahbi and not just 20 shia ..when you work in another country you abide but that country's laws.

mr FT if the authorities do as y say, you will have 300000 Lebanese deported from the UAE, that is what you want ?

naharnet reports from many sources, including al akhbar--al akhbar has its own 'sources' and until they write or publish ONE article critical of HA or FPM, they remain a propaganda tool. And I have heard you mention that the articles on Naharnet are slanted towards M14--and of course who comes to defend it when the source is Al Akhbar....

The UAE has every right to protect it self from anyone that present danger to its interest. No matter what affiliation they belong to. Lebanese must show appreciation to gulf nations that welcomed them with all their garbage during times of hardship.

Ft get over yourself. First, if anyone who is still there and feels offended by this, they can pack up and leave. Its their country and they can do whatever they want.
Second, those people and countries you say were garbage did not need us to get where they are. Maybe they didn't build their country themselves, but when they found the oil wealth, they were much more civilized than the most civilised lebanese, and spent it on developing their country and putting their population first.
More than any lebanese has ever done. Your attitude is exactly why we are seen as low lives abroad and why people do not trust us.

This guy spews so much bullshit all day every day. I wonder what this idiot does in his life other than trolling Naharnet forums 24/7.

he has his own business in bourj hammoud selling stinky basterma sandwiches. He also watches original DVDs and movies like the movie 300 (his favorite). He aspires to be a self-proclaimed political sectarian analyst, but was denied by both his very own OTV and its affiliate Al Manar. Simply put: a loner, loser, and not handsome:))))

"i will just say that your kids (whether u are in lebanon or abroad) are bound to be influenced by me. and maybe even in a good way i might add!"
More BS from another egotistical, pompous, delusional moron.
Please enlighten us on what you actually do for a living.
I think ill subscribe to liberty's assumptions, they seem more credible :)

If you had a job that affects children worldwide, or a job at all, you wouldn't be spending the whole day arguing with every single comment here.
Best I can come up with according to your description is you're setting up a kiddy porn website

No point in arguing with you my friend.
As always, all bark, no bite.
flamer gets paid by march 8 hizbullah about 485,000 lira per month to surf the march 14 web sites and to spew hate and lies. what else does he have time for.

Many lebanese living in the gulf states have no respect to the country they are residing in and making their living from. we can argue till dawn whether those gulf states need those lebanese or not, but bottom line is that they can be kicked out overnight if proven disrespectful.
most of these lebanse are unfortunately pro 8 march which is in the iranian sphere.
Time for those to understand that they are supporting the wrong team. I hope USA would one day do the same thing. Hypocrites --------->

Lebanon MUST reciprocate and expel 20 UAE citizens in addition to another 20 citizens on top of that, and have the property of all Khaliji terrorist citizens confiscated and under the custody of the LAF. The Lebanese state MUST set an example and protect its citizens from Khaliji terrorism and blackmail.

Now don't cry when your visa to dubai is rejected sweet prince or your cousins'/friends' works permits are cancelled.
Typical lebanese misguided hypocrite : want to leach of others,yet show no respect.
As if the Gulf economy will be effected if their properties are "confiscated".

This should stop, But since we don't have a strong state,,, and Strong leader that can call the UAE and take a firm stance, it will continue just like that, and I think, this will remain like that forever,,,,

M11er I agree with you but humanitarian reason should be taken before you deport someone. In the case of these 20 people it does not apply (i dont think, at least) but the syrian deportation were anti regime protestors that were handed over to be tortured and killed (some at least. maybe not all)

I love how everyone here is fighting on why these 20 people got kicked out of the country and whether it was right or wrong when NO Reason was given as to why they were deported! Shouldn't the argument be that if you are going to expel someone, you should at least have good reason and inform that person of that reason?

they probably already know--as I pointed out earlier, this was reported by al-akhbar which has a big M8 agenda. AFIAK, none of the other news agencies have brought this up
flamer acts and sounds like his last name is El Moqdad or maybe Zgheib! and march 8 filth claim that they stand for law and order!

those who go and work in UAE know the rules: any foreigner can be expelled with no reason any time....

Come on you guys , stop kneeling to these oily slimy sheikhs !! When their insurance runs out with the US watch them begging for us Lebanese to defend them !!

Remember the Iraq/Kuwait war ? Well they are still paying the US to this day !! Insurance premiums are high at the moment !!

Lol. You are more harm to yourselves than any Palestinian will ever be. Example, go to Australia, a civilized country, and see how the lebanese and palestinians live. The difference between them is huge. Almost everyone in Australia despises the lebanese community; Mafias, thefts, drug-dealing, thugs, trouble-makers, loud, tax-evasion, and more. Whereas on the other hand the palestinians strive for education and proper jobs.
Lebanon will never be a great place as long as idiots reside in that country.

The lebenease should be thrown out of GCC countries. All they do is cheat the people of GCC countries and talk nonsense everyday. Needless to say what their women do.....