جعجع يتهم عون بالسعي لاجراء الانتخابات وفق الـ60

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رأى رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ان "التيار الوطني الحر" يعمل على اجراء الانتخابات النيابية وفق قانون الستين، معتبراً ان هذا الامر "جريمة كبرى".

ولفت في حديث الى صحيفة "الاخبار"، الثلاثاء، الى ان الحل لهذا الامر و"لقطع الطريق على إجراء الانتخابات وفق الستين الذهاب الى الهيئة العامة وإقرار قانون جديد في أسرع وقت".

وتابع جعجع قائلاً ان رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون، اكد "مرات عدة، أنه إذا لم ينجح المشروع الاورثوذكسي (حيث كل طائفة تنتخب ممثليها) فإنه سيسير بالانتخابات على أساس قانون الستين".

وقال انه لم يلمس من رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري احتمالاً لعقد الهيئة العامة. وشدد على رفض القوات التمديد، مجدداً تمسكه بضرورة التصويت على قانون جديد.

وكان عون قد اعلن في مقابلة تلفزيونية مساء الاثنين، ان "لا خيار لدي وهناك أمر سيفرض حاله علينا وهو في هذا الظرف هو قانون الستين فالتمديد غير دستوري".

اما عما إذا كانت القوات اللبنانية تقبل بالتمديد إذا تعذّر إجراء الانتخابات، اجاب جعجع عبر "الاخبار"، قائلاً "خيارنا بالأولوية الهيئة العامة واختيار قانون جديد. وإذا كان هناك ضرورة، ولأسباب تقنية فقط، نقبل بالتمديد التقني لمهلة قصيرة جداً كافية لإقرار قانون جديد".

يُشار الى ان لجنة التواصل النيابية، التي اعاد بري تفعيل عملها، الاربعاء الفائت، لم تنجح بعد في جمع الافرقاء السياسيين حول قانون انتخابي جديد، في ظل الانقسام ما بين الاورثوذكسي الذي اقرته اللجان النيابية، بغياب "المستقبل" و"جبهة النضال الوطني" و"المستقلون المسيحيون". و"المختلط" الذي جمع "القوات" و"النضال الوطني" و"المستقبل"، والذي أُعلِن عنه الثلاثاء الفائت.

التعليقات 15
Thumb sophia_angle 09:21 ,2013 أيار 21

"1960 Law Will Impose Itself on Us, Extension is Unconstitutional" Aoun,, Judas it is not enough to listen if you do not understand what he was saying i bet you need a translator:)

Default-user-icon Gariffon Belladaj (ضيف) 11:50 ,2013 أيار 21

This is how the traitor Dr. Arreet 7akeh justifies his act of treason! wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati? amn al moujtama3 al massi7i tole3 art 7akeh bi art 7akeh.

Thumb mckinl 12:47 ,2013 أيار 21

Turnabout is fair play ... Given the mood of the public M14 is held in very low esteem ... especially the LF, Kataeb and independent Christians.

Considering the alternatives then the '60 law is a victory for the FPM. Geagea thought he was going to shove his voting law down the throat of the FPM.

Geagea has once again been bested at his own game ... Looks like elections on time under the 1960 Law ... without the 2009 Amendment!

Missing rudy 12:58 ,2013 أيار 21

you mean the bkerki meeting where they agreed to put the law on hold?

i like how the FPM is media (politician statements, news website and general supporters) have been slowly but surely shifting their stance in the past week from: "1960 law is an abomination" to "ok, so we might end up with the 1960 law, so what"

Thumb mckinl 13:30 ,2013 أيار 21

Geagea is a worm that should have been left to rot in jail. His latest betrayals only show that he was guilty as charged so many years ago.

Default-user-icon stoppostingstupidthings (ضيف) 13:31 ,2013 أيار 21

Respected and feared by all?

Joke of the century.

Thumb beiruti 15:38 ,2013 أيار 21

@phoenix. You are on the right track. The Aoun-Geagea animosity is clouding the Christian political position so that a coherent unified Christian position cannot emerge. Whomever (and it was Assad of course) that authorized the conditions for Aoun to return from Paris and Geagea to have his sentence commuted did so knowing that this day would eventually come.

Thumb beiruti 15:41 ,2013 أيار 21

Since independence in 1943, Lebanon has been organized under the mantel of authority worn first by the Maronites from 1943 to 1975 and then by the Alawites from 1975 to the present, 32 years for the Maronites, and 38 years for the Alawites to date. The only way the Alawites can rationalize power in and over Lebanon is to displace the Maronites. Their numbers are diminished, and their leadership is old and still fighting battles that have long since ended. In this way, how could a cancer like Hezbollah not grow on Lebanese soil?

Thumb beiruti 15:45 ,2013 أيار 21

I was there in 2005 when elections were to take place in the wake of the Syrian withdrawal. I met with Jumblatt and Hariri and Aoun and knew of the frustrations of the M14 in dealing with le generale. For some reason, not clear to any of us, he was obstructive of the movement that he had kept alive during the long years of occupation. More than once the Moslem leaders we spoke with would sigh, and shake their heads over the division and lack of leadership coming from the Christian political quarters. They knew already that Syria had poisoned the political environment by resurrecting these two knowing that their enmity for each other would keep the Christians divided and therefore keep Lebanon safe for Hezbollah. And the added gift, Aoun would become the political cover for Hezbollah in the wake of the Syrian military occupation.

Thumb beiruti 15:50 ,2013 أيار 21

Lebanon, and I mean all of Lebanon needs its Christian core to become reunited so that the Sunni, Shiite and Druze can coalesce around it making Lebanon whole and pluralistic. As you can see, without its Christian core, Lebanese Sunni and Shiite are in conflict in Tripoli and Sidon and elsewhere, and the Lebanese Druze are scrambling from one camp to the other seeking protection from the storm.
Let us all step back and see what others are doing to us. For Hezbollah it is rather deliberate to keep le petite generale upright to serve as a foil for Geagea. The LF however is not so controlled. It can change the equation and should. It is really insane to see this happening and do nothing to cause it to end.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 16:04 ,2013 أيار 21

FT the hundreds of displaced Christians, the bombing of churches, the murder of families, and the massacring of peaceful demonstrators was and still is the profession of the regime you now support. Since now you and Bachaar are buddies and you know the latter crimes did happen, just switch like your dear Ganeral and put the blame on the LF. The Verbal garbage you spu on this site is lethal to the well being of all the Lebanese Christians. Think before you speak and put the past behind you.

Missing reformist 17:34 ,2013 أيار 21

hahahah I love rudy, a7la w aslab chab! The guy is WARNING you that you would have no other choice but 1960's... He is transparent and clear on the consequences. Your muppet changed his mind, as usual he was bought by his 'friend'... You can put the blame on aoun it's ok :)

Missing reformist 17:37 ,2013 أيار 21

Bravissimo 3afek! Why did he then push for the orthodox? Then just said ah sorry yeee yimkin ma ten'abal? :D hahahah What a man! Just because yimkin ma ten'abal he does not fight for what he believes is right for all the Christians??? Houwwe li byerka3 ken eddem el batrak and was always following him...

Missing peace 18:08 ,2013 أيار 21

i wish they could spend the same energy in implementing secularism as specified in the constitution they all claim to cherish and also in the taef agreement LOL! (point 8!)


Default-user-icon Betango Shaplandit (ضيف) 05:03 ,2013 أيار 22

This is not the first time Dr. Falso says "bi charafeh" while charafo, aka Mrs. Falso, was screwing Elie Keyrouz. This freak Dr. Falso is a man of his word, isn't he? bi charafo he is.