12 قتيلا وأكثر من 130 جريحا حصيلة الاشتباكات التي تجددت في طرابلس

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ارتفعت حدة الإشتباكات بعد ظهر الأربعاء في عاصمة الشمال طرابلس على وقع مساع سياسية فاشلة حتى الآن في لجم المسلحين من الجهتين بعد أن كانت حصيلة الاشتباكات وصلت إلى 12 قتيلا و130 جريحا وهي مرشحة للإرتفاع.

وأفادت قناة الـ"الجديد" عن "إشتباكات عنيفة عند مشروع الحريري-ساحة الأميركان في طرابلس".

كذلك تحدثت قناة الـ"MTV" عن "إرتفاع حدة التوتر في طرابلس وسقوط قذيفة في باب التبانة".

وأفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" في وقت متأخر من المساء عن "سقوط قذيفة هاون في جبل محسن وإصابة أربعة واحد منهم بحالة خطرة".

واجتمع قادة المحاور في باب التبانة مع النائب محمد كبارة بعد ظهر الأربعاء ولم يتوصلوا إلى اتفاق لوقف النار. كذلك حصل اجتماع ثان مساء والنتيجة بقيت على حالها.

وأفادت قناة الـ"MTV" قرابة العاشرة والربع من مساء الأربعاء ان "إجتماع قادة المحاور القتالية في طرابلس سيستأنف بعد ساعة إثر فشل الجولة الأولى من المفاوضات".

وكانت قد أشارت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام، الأربعاء، الى أن "الهدوء الحذر يسيطر على مختلف محاور النزاع في التبانة وجبل محسن، تخرقه الاعيرة النارية المتقطعة ورصاص القنص الذي يطال المنازل الآمنة والمارة والطريق الدولية التي تربط طرابلس بعكار".

وأضافت أن "سقوط عدد من الضحايا عرف منهم القتيل حسان ابراهيم، وجرح كل من: حمزه محمد درغام، عبد الرحمن علي وزينب الضاهر. وحصيلة الجرحى 130 جريحا و12 قتيلا".

وفي هذا السياق، اعلن الحزب العربي الديمقراطي أننا "ما زلنا ملتزمين بالعهد الذي قطعناه للجيش بوقف إطلاق النار"، مردفاً أن " التوجيهات للمناصرين هي بضبط النفس وعدم الرد وسنبقي الاجتماعات مفتوحة".

وفي غضون ذلك، كان رئيس حكومة تصريف الأعمال نجيب ميقاتي تابع مع القادة الأمنيين تطورات الأوضاع في طرابلس مؤكدا"أن الجيش اللبناني يملك الصلاحية المطلقة لاتخاذ ما يراه مناسبا من تدابير وإجراءات لوقف الأحداث الأمنية وتوقيف المخلين بالأمن"

وطالب "القيادات والفاعليات السياسية كافة بالتعاون مع الجيش والقوى الأمنية لضبط الأوضاع وعدم تغطية أحد من المتسببين بالأحداث وإبعاد طرابلس عن التجاذبات السياسية وعدم إعتبارها بوابة لتوجيه الرسائل الداخلية والاقليمية".

وشهدت محاور النزاع التقليدية ليلة الثلاثاء-الأربعاء، اشتباكات عنيفة استخدمت فيها القذائف الصاروخية على انواعها وقذائف الهاون التي طالت مناطق بعيدة عن مسرح الاشتباكات ووصل بعضها الى وسط المدينة قرب الروكسي. كما وصل الرصاص العشوائي الى اماكن بعيدة ايضا.

في حين أعلن الحزب "العربي الديمقراطي" أنه دخل المعركة التي ستكون "مفتوحة" مشددا على أنه لن يترك "طرابلس تنام".

التعليقات 21
Thumb lebneneh 13:33 ,2013 أيار 22

Abou el ghadab says it better!

Missing ihatepersia 13:43 ,2013 أيار 22

lol just watched that a couple minutes ago

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 15:15 ,2013 أيار 22

47 mortar shells hit tripoli in a span of an hour from Jabal mohsin.

Thumb mckinl 13:46 ,2013 أيار 22

Well we'll have to see how badly the KSA and Qatar want Lebanon destabilized ... I'm sure the US and Israel are pushing them to escalate the confrontation as leverage.

In Sidon we see Asir blocking Hezbollah burials, a blatant confrontation that can only end badly. We can now see that Lebanon is being ruthlessly destabilized as the Syria gambit of the US_NATO_GCC cabal goes sour.

Thumb mckinl 13:59 ,2013 أيار 22

The traitors are Hariri and Geagea ... Hariri to save his business. Geagea for money and both for power and spoils after Lebanon is ravaged by yet another war.

Missing allouchi 14:25 ,2013 أيار 22

mc the idiot

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 15:22 ,2013 أيار 22

Allouchi - please stop insulting idiots.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 15:20 ,2013 أيار 22

Mc - you are truly living in a fantasy world. Saad and Geagea, call them what you want, have been a force of moderation. The mustaqbal have been preaching about the state and the army and how we must be putting our trust in state institutions. This message is wearing thin with many in the sunni community who see how the hizb is acting.

Thumb mckinl 15:45 ,2013 أيار 22

Saad and Geagea have been the divisive force destroying Lebanon beginning with the Parliamentary boycott that never ended ...

Both are just the well paid puppets of the KSA and their numerous trips there prove just how embedded they are in KSA plans for Lebanon.

Both Saad and Geagea have ratcheted up the venomous rhetoric since the assasination of Wissam al-Hassan last year. Moderation indeed!

Try to confine your remarks to me somewhere in the bounds of reality my friend ... M14 rhetoric is all a cover up for their own crimes.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:37 ,2013 أيار 22

Mc - again you truly do not make sense. The regime in Syria sent bombs to kill lebanese and you and the hizb seem ok with that. Indeed they are fighting to save the regime that sent those oms and that killed. The hizb and aoun moved to block any serious investigation to the killing of Hassan. The victims have been m14 and they are the criminals!!!the Hizb is protecting those charged with killing Hariri and attempting to kills MP Harb. M14 have been calling for a strong state with a monopoly on arm. The Hizb has been busy building its alternate state. When the Hizb did not accept a government decision, they stormed Beirut and the jabal and killed dozens. When they wanted a government gone, they put their thugs on the street and forced a change in government.

Missing peace 19:18 ,2013 أيار 22

" beginning with the Parliamentary boycott that never ended ..."

what about the 2 year parliament shut donw by M8? not destroying lebanon here? LOL

"Both are just the well paid puppets of the KSA and their numerous trips there prove just how embedded they are in KSA plans for Lebanon."
so given the same idiotic logic it also applies to nasrallah who goes to iran and FPM.... LOL

"Both Saad and Geagea have ratcheted up the venomous rhetoric since the assasination of Wissam al-Hassan last year."
as you minimize samaha caught red handed trying to do other bombings...

you d better be quiet mc because all your arguments are empty just pure M8 propaganda... LOL

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 13:52 ,2013 أيار 22


Thumb Chupachups 14:42 ,2013 أيار 22

call him what you want, but that is the plain truth in this case, isn't it?

Missing siyeseh 15:57 ,2013 أيار 22

Error and phil, no because alawites are not considered muslims. Its like calling them christians because they celebrate christmas and easter.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:27 ,2013 أيار 22

If they call themselves muslims, then they are! We do not need more Takfiris.

Missing siyeseh 17:32 ,2013 أيار 22

Rafeh, actually no. Would you call the prophet muhammad (saw) a takfiri as well? Or how about Allah (swt)? Have you read the quran? If yes then you should know better than to call alawis muslims when their entire beliefs are against what God says in the quran. Calling non-muslims muslims is just as bad as calling a muslim non-muslim. Islam is what exists in the quran, not what arrogant men come up with and then claim is islam.

Thumb chrisrushlau 16:01 ,2013 أيار 22

Look, all true Lebanese stand together behind this line in the sand, this red line drawn in the blood of our martyrs: democracy will never come to Lebanon!
Now that I say it, it doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?
Bad habits are expensive. Good habits pay for themselves and then some. A friend is a gift you give yourself. Lebanon, you have a Shia majority: go out and make a friend.

Missing maroun1 18:59 ,2013 أيار 22

Fashart. Shites are not a majority. The only reason you even made it to 35% was because of importing iraqi and other arabic and iranian shiites that were naturalized and of course with breeding like rabbits.

Shiites are the shame of lebanon. Farm animals are more civilized.

Missing peace 19:20 ,2013 أيار 22

"you have a Shia majority"

based on any recent survey of the lebanese population i am not aware of?

Default-user-icon elie (ضيف) 17:10 ,2013 أيار 22

you people make me laugh, truth is m14 are puppets for the west and m8 are puppets to iran and syria, they are both traitors end of story.

Default-user-icon Disbelief (ضيف) 05:08 ,2013 أيار 23

It is unfortunate that we still prefer to be divided than united . It's not about Christian or Muslim , no Shia no Sunni , until we realize that we must all stand as one nation and unite no matter our differences , we will always be the easiest target and playground to the rest of the world . Seriously , why are we fighting for other countries and not our own ?? Why did we allow ourselves to get dictated by other regimes and not rule our country ourselves ? We are all Hypocrites , Shia fight for the east while Sunni fight for the west (with Christians and Druze along side each) only a minority of lebs fight for a true Lebanon . One where we all love each other and we all dropped our parents' hatred towards each other . We never learn . And not until we do , will Lebanon ever be peaceful . Sadly that will never happen . And that is why our youth has left this land of hatred . We think we are better than anyone while we have nothing to show for .