السنيورة يتصل بشخصيات شيعية: لوقف تورط حزب الله في سوريا بكل الوسائل

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أبلغ رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النائب فؤاد السنيورة شخصيات دينية وسياسية شيعية ضرورة وضع حد لتورط حزب الله "الخطير" في سوريا "بكل الوسائل" مشيرا إلى أن هذه المشاركة "تخالف الدستور والاعراف والقوانين واعلان بعبدا والقرارات الدولية وسياسة النأي بالنفس".

وقال السنيورة بحسب بيان صدر عن مكتبه الإعلامي الخميس أنه أجرى سلسلة اتصالات هاتفية شملت كلا من "رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، الرئيس (الأسبق للمجلس) حسين الحسيني ، نائب رئيس المجلس الاسلامي الشيعي الاعلى الشيخ عبد الامير قبلان، الوزير السابق محمد عبد الحميد بيضون، الوزير السابق ابراهيم شمس الدين، السيد علي فضل الله، السيد علي الامين، السيد محمد حسن الامين والسيد هاني فحص".

وكان قد اعلن المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان الخميس مقتل اكثر من مئة عنصر من حزب الله خلال مشاركتهم الى جانب قوات النظام السوري في معارك ضد المجموعات المسلحة المعارضة في سوريا خلال فترة تقارب الثمانية اشهر.

وأثار السنيورة مع الذي اتصل بهم "خطورة الخطوة التي يقدم عليها "حزب الله" عبر مشاركته في المعارك والقتال الى جانب النظام السوري في مواجهة شعبه".

ورأى ان الخطوة "تضرب كل الثوابت الوطنية وتخالف الدستور والاعراف والقوانين واعلان بعبدا والقرارات الدولية وسياسة النأي بالنفس التي يتمسك بها لبنان، اذ من شأن هذه المشاركة في القتال في سوريا ان تورط لبنان في أتون خطير جدا".

كما شرح أن الأمر يمكن أن "يجر لبنان واللبنانيين الى مواجهة مع قسم كبير من الشعب السوري الذي يعارض النظام الحالي" مشددا على أن "هذا (الأمر) ليس في مصلحة لبنان".

وتابع: "ان ما يقوم به "حزب الله" يؤدي الى مقتل شباب لبناني ومواطنين سوريين والتسبب بإيقاع ضحايا بشرية ومعاناة إنسانية ودمار لا يوصف، وهذا من شأنه أن يشرع ابواب لبنان على رياح عاتية لا قدرة للبنان على مواجهتها ما يعرض التماسك الداخلي والسلم الاهلي للخطر الشديد".

كذلك ناشد السنيورة الذين اتصل بهم "العمل بكل الوسائل الممكنة على وضع حد لهذا التورط الخطير في الصراع في سوريا"، مشيرا إلى أنه "وبدلا من ان يتعاون اللبنانيون لحماية بلدهم من التداعيات يقوم البعض برمي انفسهم في النار السورية ويعتدون على الاخرين".

وأكد رئيس الحكومة الأسبق "وجوب التعاون بين جميع الفرقاء اللبنانيين من اجل وقف هذا التورط والقيام بخطوات عملية من اجل ذلك دون تأخير بما يحفظ لبنان واللبنانيين وقد اتفق على استمرار التواصل من أجل الخروج بأفكار عملية محددة".

التعليقات 20
Thumb sophia_angle 15:56 ,2013 أيار 23

he doesn't wants to cry as well?

Thumb benzona 01:24 ,2013 أيار 24

hum hum.... Sanioura n'est pas super clean. My family is Sidonian and I spend my holidays there instead of going to my flat in Beirut.... The guy bought a $5 million strategic piece of land as soon as he got elected (it was a lot of money back then)..... I'm definitely more into Saad than Fouad. I have a lot of family in Rafic/Saad and Sanioura's entourage.... beleive me when I say that Foofoo n'est pas top. He's arrogant even with his own. Oh well that's.... Lebanon!

Missing peace 16:05 ,2013 أيار 23

which fighters? LOL in your dreams maybe....

Missing peace 18:07 ,2013 أيار 23

and tell us what do they have to do with M14? did M14 say they are sending fighters like your iranman said it? NO...

so you re stupid remarks are based on assumptions as usual just to justify the presence of hezbis despite the wish of the LEBANESE government...

Missing peace 18:24 ,2013 أيار 23

just tell us: can you compare a man selling some ammunitions with real fighters on the ground? are you going to tell us that M14 is supplying so much ammunitions that it ll change the course of the war there? can you tell us if he did this on behalf of M14?
can you tell us whose side was samaha on when he wanted to ignite strife in lebanon by killing LEBANESE?
can you tell us if M14 OFFICIALLY said they are in syria like hezbis said it?
can you tell us if the hezbis disagreed with the baabda declaration?
can you tell us if hezbis says anything when the syrian army bombs lebanon?

Missing peace 16:05 ,2013 أيار 23

“The fighting violates the constitution, laws, Baabda Declaration, the policy of disassociation, and international resolutions,” he noted in a statement issued by his press office.

as if hezbis cared about lebanese institutions or laws....

Thumb mckinl 16:18 ,2013 أيار 23

LOL ... Saqr and Hariri were caught red handed supplying weapons and ammunition ... Mikati and his partners are busy making loot off of supplying both sides ...

Saniora always has to do Hariris' dirty work and quite frankly he is not very good at it and no one believes him anyway. What a sad spectacle M14 has become ...

Default-user-icon Sad Spectacle (ضيف) 17:16 ,2013 أيار 23

The sad spectacle is what is coming to Lebanon because of Hezbollah's millionth attempt to pull lebanon into an uncontrollable situation, endangering all lebanese citizens.

You fail to see the truth that is exposed all in front of your eyes. You believe Hezbollah are saints trying to salvage lebanon ? They are a plague robing you of your freedom, security and prosperity. They are holding you and every single lebanese hostage to the "divine words" of Nasrallah the Terrible. They rob, steal, smuggle and murder. They wage wars without caring about the Lebanese. Yet you accuse others of doing dirty work.

The Sad Spectacle are you handicapped sheep, blind, deaf and senseless with a goldfish memory and capacity to absorb and repeat lies like robotic parrots.

God help you ... god help us ... or to put it in your words, Hassan help you, Hassan help us ...

Missing peace 17:17 ,2013 أيار 23

wahahaha! i guess yes a few ammunitions can be comparable with real hezbis fighters that would drag lebanon into war!
hariri was caught? LOL
how stupid you can be when you run low on arguments to defend this iranian militia.....

Thumb mckinl 16:05 ,2013 أيار 23

Well once again Future can not make good on its promises to the GCC and NATO and tries to beg its way out of the consequences.

Future leadership is caught between their responsibility to Lebanon and their fidelity to foreign ownership.

This is a desperate attempt to salvage their political base that wants no part of their partnership with the Wahhabi war in Syria.

Thumb primesuspect 18:26 ,2013 أيار 23

DIdnt you get banned? Oh no,meat you dont have a dash before your name.

please web editor, ban mckinl's IP address. Gracias.

Thumb primesuspect 20:43 ,2013 أيار 23

You also don't have a dash! Wait, that's all you can do and you'll be able to add a dash next to your name.

Thumb geha 16:58 ,2013 أيار 23

hizbushaitan followers are happy to die: they have been brought up in the culture of death and that of the hassasine....
this war is a no win for hizbushaitan whatever they do. all they can do is try to extend the time before the inevitable end result. they hope to keep this regime alive, but ultimately the real end result is that this regime cannot survive for any reason.
so what are the achievements of hizbushaitan in this respect? useless deaths for a war we have nothing to do with.
plus the expected future repercussions for standing with this tyrant regime.
they dug their grave with their hands....

Thumb geha 20:21 ,2013 أيار 23

useless deaths do not make me happy

Default-user-icon Hypocrite (ضيف) 17:04 ,2013 أيار 23

Whatever "his fighters" are doing, this does not excuse the cancer that Hezbollah is to Lebanon !

You cannot defend your actions by saying accusing others of doing the same.

Moreover, even if Siniora has "fighters" (which is an unfounded statement from ignorants like you who will repeat any brainwashed argument you listen to), they do not reach 1% of the army of satan that is Hezbollah.

Thumb shab 20:12 ,2013 أيار 23

sayed this and sayed that. Screw them all

Thumb phoenician 20:33 ,2013 أيار 23

Partition please.

Thumb primesuspect 20:41 ,2013 أيار 23

Absolumente fadson. We can thank Bashar for allowing t the entire world to see the true face of Hizballa. They're hired mercenaries paid to kill in the name of an ayatollah and his Lebanese chihuahua.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:44 ,2013 أيار 23

which fighters dami ???

Default-user-icon Gildevar Peshanti (ضيف) 10:16 ,2013 أيار 24

Saniora: The fighting violates the constitution, laws, Baabda Declaration, the policy of disassociation, and international resolutions... and many, many more things
Translation: On behalf of my masters (and the immature cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil), we (Fouado et al) need your urgent help. Assad (Hizbullah) is giving us hell and shall soon yo2sof 3omerna asef. I mean, in the name of the constitution, laws, Baabda Declaration and all the blah blah blahs, please help save our butts by showing some humanity. PLEASE!