نائب الأمين العام للجامعة العربية: نطالب حزب الله بأن "يعيد النظر في موقفه من الأزمة السورية"

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رأى نائب الأمين العام لجامعة الدول العربية أحمد بن حلّي أن مشاركة "حزب الله" في القتال في سوريا، "أمر في غاية الخطورة"، مطالباً الحزب بإعادة النظر في موقفة من الأزمة السورية.

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "السفير"، الجمعة، لفت الى أن مشاركة الحزب في المعارك السورية "يعقّد الأمور، ونحن نطالب الحزب بأن يعيد النّظر في موقفه وأن ينضمّ الى مجرى التوافق اللبناني للدفع باتجاه حل سلمي في سوريا وليس الإسهام في الحرب وهو أمر غير مبرّر البتّة".

وأشار الى أن "حزب الله الذي رفع شعار المقاومة، يفقد كلّ هذه الهالة باتخاذه هذا المنحى ويقحم لبنان بها من خلال زيادة أعمال العنف وتوسيع العمليّات الحربيّة".

يُذكر أن "حزب الله" يشارك في القتال الى جانب النظام السوري داخل الاراضي السورية، وبالاخص في القصير، وقد شيّع الحزب العديد من القتلى قضوا خلال المعارك.

ويُشار الى أن لبنان يتبع سياسة "النأي بالنفس" عن الأزمة السورية وكرسها في "اعلان بعبدا"، في ظل انقسام اللبنانيين بين فريقي 8 آذار، الداعم للنظام السوري، و14 آذار، الداعم للثورة السورية.

التعليقات 15
Default-user-icon MiamiVice (ضيف) 08:59 ,2013 أيار 31

As if they will listen. They got their "marching orders" from their boss in QOM and that is all that matters. Any one doubting the devilish agenda of this terror group should also reconsider his/her stance. This is a sectarian criminal group of fanatics.

Thumb primesuspect 15:35 ,2013 أيار 31

Anyone being pro regime is against lebanon, Lebanese people and lebanese interests. Any pro regime person should be tried for treason, I recommend judge Madi to start doing what he is paid to do, work on enforcing the law.

Thumb phoenician 09:23 ,2013 أيار 31

Just nuke the scum,
Partition please.

Default-user-icon John Marina (ضيف) 09:51 ,2013 أيار 31

To Hilli What about the Arab mercenaries and others in Syria paid for including yourself by your bosses in Arabia and Qatar, you ought to keep your mouth shut. The Arabs history is not an organization you should proud of

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 10:29 ,2013 أيار 31

Please try and make sense.

Missing -karim_m2 10:14 ,2013 أيار 31

Ah yes, a terrorist organization like the Arab League forgetting about the foreign Al Qaeda terrorists crawling all over Syria. Filthy hypocrites and Al Qaeda sympathizers.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 10:32 ,2013 أيار 31

So the arab league is a terrorist organization verus syria, iran and the hezb - the paragons of civil behaviour

Default-user-icon Fuzyando Birashash (ضيف) 11:09 ,2013 أيار 31

If I were the Arabzionist League I, too, would consider Hizbullah's stance in Syria as a dangerous development now that things are taking another dangerous term vis-a-vis the multinational Syrian rebels from the remote provinces of Syria, i.e. Yemen, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (perhaps the only real remote province), Turkey... seeking freedom in Syria!!! The developments in Syria are very, very, very dangerous indeed.

Missing phillipo 13:54 ,2013 أيار 31

It seems to me that no matter what the subject discussed is, there is always some idiot who will drag Israel (Zionist) into it.
Here is the perfect example of when a guest becomes a pest.

Missing maroun1 17:45 ,2013 أيار 31

Phillipo, and why is it that everytime someone does, your ready to come to israel's defence? Is the mossad your father or something? Your a guest on this site and your a pest.

Missing peace 13:33 ,2013 أيار 31

yes sure mowaten.... try the best you can but facts speak for themselves, you are only making a fool day by day by denying the situation.... lebanese will remember people like you :)

Thumb geha 17:16 ,2013 أيار 31

against extending the term of parliament, hizbushaitan promised there would be stability.
however, I do not think they will keep this promise as usual, rather, I consider we are already in the middle of the storm.

Thumb geha 17:18 ,2013 أيار 31

what amazes me is the stupidity of m8 comments :)
they live so deep in the culture of death that they welcome the conflicts.... unbelievable.
either they are young and have not lived a civil war, or they plain and simple stupid.

Missing peace 19:10 ,2013 أيار 31

just plain and simple stupid!

Missing phillipo 17:44 ,2013 حزيران 01

Mowaten and maroun1 - you have both just proved my point. If you don't agree with someone then simply blame them of being Mossad agents.
Perhaps I should have been, then I would have gotten a good salary every month.
Maroun1 - I am willing to come to anyones defence when I see that they are being wrongly and sometimes even foolishly accused, see my comments on the election process in Lebanon for example.
If you both only want to read one version of events why not go to al-Manar they'll be happy to have your one-sided thoughts. Here on Naharnet they are at least willing to hear all sides.