الظواهري يدعو جهاديي سوريا للحؤول دون اقامة نظام موال لواشنطن بدمشق
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دعا زعيم تنظيم القاعدة في تسجيل صوتي تم بثه على الانترنت الخميس المجموعات الجهادية المقاتلة في سوريا الى الاتحاد للحؤول دون اقامة نظام موال للولايات المتحدة في البلاد.
وقال الظواهري في رسالته التي نقلتها المواقع الاسلامية "يا اسود الاسلام في الشام اجتمعوا واتحدوا وتوافقوا وتعاهدوا على الا تلقوا سلاحكم ولا تغادروا خنادقكم حتى تقوم في الشام الرباط والجهاد دولة اسلامية تسعى لاعادة الخلافة".
وحذر المقاتلين الجهاديين من ان "اميركا وعملاءها واحلافها يريدون منكم ان تسفكوا دماءكم ... لتسقطوا الحكم العلوي المجرم ثم ينصبوا من بعده حكومة موالية لهم محافظة على امن اسرائيل تتمرد على الشريعة الاسلامية وتخضع للشرعية الدولية".
وتابع في الرسالة التي حملت عنوان "65 عاما على قيام دولة الاحتلال الاسرائيلي" ان "الجهاد في الشام يسعى لاقامة خلافة اسلامية مجاهدة تواصل تضحياتها وعطاءها وبذلها حتى ترفع راية الاسلام والجهاد ... فوق قمة جبة المكبر في القدس".
واضاف "يا اسود الاسلام في شام الرباط والجهاد ان فلسطين التي سلبت منا منذ 65 عاما يعود الامل في استرجاعها بجهادكم المبارك".
واشاد الظواهري بالمقاتلين الجهاديين في سوريا الذين يحاربون "البعث العلماني المتحالف مع التمدد الايراني الصفوي".
وقال "هنيئا لمجاهدي الشام فقد فضحوا الوجه القبيح لايران وعملائها واظهروا مدى بشاعة جرائمها واستعدادها لان تتعدى على كل الحرمات في سبيل اقامة امبراطوريتها".
وتزامن نشر رسالة الظواهري مع استعادة القوات السورية السيطرة على القصير القريبة من الحدود مع لبنان من ايدي المقاتلين المسلحين مدعومة من مقاتلي حزب الله.
ومن بين المجموعات السنية المقاتلة في سوريا جبهة النصرة التي اعلنت في 10 نيسان ولاءها للظواهري.
وتولى الظواهري المصري الجنسية زعامة تنظيم القاعدة في حزيران 2011 بعد مقتل اسامة بن لادن في هجوم لفرقة كوماندوس اميركية في باكستان.

Shouldn't the US apply the universal formula: the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Thank you, Hizbullah. No? Whatever...

Unless and until Ayman al-Zawahiri has big bucks like Qatar and the KSA he should just stay quiet. Doesn't he know that Qaeda is almost entirely a "rent a terrorist" business?
Anyway, this will only further divide the already fractious partnership between "those fighting" and "those that are appointed" in the "Syrian Opposition".

What a retard. There already is an anti-US government in Damascus.

America, England and especially France have to think ten times before supporting those backward primitive jihadist gangs. This Zawahiri is mentally retarded, his statements will encourage the West to support the Syrian government. American is capable to reach and kill him, what is she waiting for ? Is he an American/Saudi/Qatari instrument??

I am a bit confused and Israel must be really worried.
Hezbollah leaders: we are fighting American/Israel/Takfiri
Zawahiri: Fighting US/Syrian establishment who are protecting Israel
Assad: Threatens Israel (???)
In the meantime:
Israel educates, does research, exports, excel in science.
Arabs: Want to make califates, wylayat fakih, segregate between religions and sects, send their youth to be killed and kill in the name of God BUT the ultimate goal is fighting Israel. Where? in the streets of Lebanon/Syria etc.. Killing the our young population.
What if all this effort was put in education, teaching respect and acceptance of our different believes.
We are in the 3aser of Al-Jahyliah, even worse because we should know better.

The arabs discovered a great scapegoat to blame all their problems on, so whether it's wars or erectile dysfunction, they now can blame it all on israel instead of solving (or even trying to identify) the problem.

Oh well it is simple really...
Bashar is fighting the Americans/Zionists in Syria
Hezbollah is fighting the Americans/Zionists in Syria
Al Quaeda is fighting the Americans/Zionists in Syria
The Syrians are dying.
The Americans and the Israelis are lying in their beds, watching the show, having a laugh.
Stupid fanatical arabs!

...and "the Americans/Zionists" don't even feel a tickle because all those "fighting" them are actually fighting each other instead.

exactly saturn, this guy should go blow himself up somewhere...

...actually, if he could get out of his cave and blow himself in Nasralla's cave... we would have a blast :)

Why dont you go attack israel you lowlife instead of attacking arab regimes?
Cant do it? Criminal antichrist!

Hey, aren't those takfiri groups supposed to be allied with the West, according to Hezb?
Uh-oh, guess Hezb has to go find another excuse as to why they're fighting in Syria.

You actually believe there's this huge conspiracy going on, that these leaders are united in lying to allllll of their citizens and followers, and are allies?
Come on, you simply cannot distort logic this much just to convince yourself that al-Manar propaganda is true.
Go read US diplomatic cables and state department websites, and listen to the internal politics going on there. If you do that, you'll realize that the US is far, far from comfortable when they hear these groups talk.
And don't label me as some pro-Western Zionist. I personally believe US foreign policies is an important factor in the radicalization of the region. But the US pursues these policies not because it likes al-Qaeda and other takfiri groups as you and Hezb suggest - it is mainly to protect Israel, and Israel only.

And I hate it when anti-imperialists, pro-regime folks make it sound as if Assad is so against the West. Assad was absolutely instrumental in advising US intelligence in the run-up and throughout the Iraqi invasion, as the US wanted to keep an eye out on hostile Sunni jihadists, just like Assad was wary about it as well. So the two collaborated, and a quick research on that should confirm to you that Assad did indeed collaborate with the US many times.

Attention all terrorists:
Please converge on Syria as you masters Al-Zawahiri and John McCain have ordered you. The Syrian Arab Army and the invicinble men of the Resistance are waiting for you over there and will slaughter you upon arrival. Come and die in Syria; this is what Al-Zawahiri has planned for you.