تفجيران منفصلان في أحياء ركن الدين والمزة في دمشق ومقتل 11

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قتل شخصان اليوم الاحد في تفجير في حي المزة في غرب دمشق، وذلك بعد سلسلة تفجيرات استهدفت في وقت سابق مركزين امنيين وتسببت بمقتل 11 شخصا بحسب الاعلام السوري و8 بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وقال المرصد في بريد الكتروني "هز انفجار حي المزة 86 بمدينة دمشق الذي تسكنه غالبية من الطائفة العلوية، نتج عن انفجار عبوة ناسفة بسيارة، ما ادى الى استشهاد ما لا يقل عن مواطنين اثنين وسقوط عدد من الجرحى".

وكان قد قتل سبعة اشخاص على الاقل في هجوم استهدف مركزا للشرطة صباح الاحد في شمال دمشق تخلله انفجاران واطلاق نار، بحسب ما ذكر المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

في المقابل، ذكر الاعلام الرسمي السوري ان "تفجيرا انتحاريا ارهابيا" وقع في حي ركن الدين في دمشق، مشيرا الى وقوع ضحايا من دون تحديد عددهم.

وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان في بريد الكتروني "هاجم ثلاثة مقاتلين قسم الشرطة بحي ركن الدين حيث دارت اشتباكات بين المقاتلين وعناصر شرطة القسم، وبعد اقتحامهم المركز، سمع دوي انفجارين في المنطقة"، مشيرا الى مقتل "المقاتلين الثلاثة، ومقتل أربعة عناصر من الشرطة، واصابة تسعة آخرين بجروح، بينهم خمسة في حال خطرة".

ولم يحدد المرصد طبيعة الانفجارين.

وتحدث التلفزيون السوري ووكالة الانباء "سانا" من جهتهما عن "تفجير ارهابي انتحاري خلف افران ابن العميد في منطقة ركن الدين بدمشق وانباء عن وقوع ضحايا بين المدنيين". ولم تعط اي تفاصيل لاحقة على الخبر، كما لم يبث التلفزيون كما جرت العادة اي صور لمكان الانفجار.

واشار المرصد الى "انتشار واستنفار القوات النظامية التي عمدت الى اطلاق النار في المنطقة".

كما ذكر ان "قذائف هاون عدة سقطت في محيط فرع الأمن الجنائي بباب مصلى (في جنوب غرب العاصمة)، ما أدى الى تصاعد أعمدة الدخان"، مع معلومات عن "خسائر بشرية".

وعمدت القوات النظامية واللجان الشعبية الموالية لها الى "إغلاق كافة الطرق المؤدية للمنطقة"، بحسب المرصد.

وكان المرصد اشار الى "اشتباكات عنيفة تدور منذ الصباح بين الكتائب المقاتلة والقوات النظامية في حي برزة (في شمال العاصمة) من جهة حي تشرين وطريق مشفى تشرين، وسط قصف عنيف من القوات النظامية على مناطق في الحي".

في محافظة حلب (شمال)، افاد المرصد السوري عن "مقتل 12 عنصرا من القوات النظامية على الاقل اثر تفجير سيارة مفخخة قام به عناصر من حركة احرار الشام الإسلامية، على حاجز العود للقوات النظامية في المدخل الجنوبي لمدينة حلب من جهة بلدة خان العسل، بالقرب من الأكاديمية العسكرية".

وكان مقاتلون معارضون فجروا صباحا داخل مطار منغ العسكري عربة مفخخة استهدفت ابنية في المطار، ولم تعرف تفاصيل اخرى، بينما افاد المرصد عن استمرار الاشتباكات والقصف في عدد من احياء مدينة حلب.

وتأتي هذه الاحداث غداة مقتل 119 شخصا في اعمال عنف في مناطق مختلفة من سوريا، بحسب المرصد الذي يقول انه يعتمد، للحصول على معلوماته، على شبكة واسعة من المندوبين والمصادر الطبية في كل سوريا.

التعليقات 15
Thumb jcamerican 11:15 ,2013 حزيران 23

I see another Iraq, the bombing will be going on daily for a very long time.

Missing antibiotic 15:30 ,2013 حزيران 23

got the shia police station, they are not syrian, they are iraqi shia who have been giving polive jobs to control & kill the syrian sunnis

Missing antibiotic 15:30 ,2013 حزيران 23

got the shia police station, they are not syrian, they are iraqi shia who have been giving polive jobs to control & kill the syrian sunnis

Missing fares_ 15:21 ,2013 حزيران 23

They are the source of much evil but certainly not all evil. Shiites play their fair part in contributing to this evil as well. In lebanon we have hezballah and amal terrorists, in iraq sadr and badr and brutal regime terrorists, in syria, there is the baath and shabbi7a terrorists, in iran there is the regime and basij and God knows how many militia agencies answering to the supreme leader. These are only a few examples so clean up your own backyard if you to be taken seriously. KSA and IRAN are two evils for muslims and christian arabs.

Missing fares_ 16:31 ,2013 حزيران 23

You are the one who needs to take a closer look at your "analysis". You keep saying cannibals cannibals, yet the guy who ate the heart only represents himself, not those he is allied with and he was chased by his allies who condemned him. Secondly, who says only a person he who eats an organ can be a terrorist? Pulling off finger nails, raping women, children and men, putting peoples head on a stair and stepping on it to break it in to two pieces, bombinb people standing in a bread line, slowly stabbing people in order to torture them to death among millions of other methods of killing opponents is also terrorism. The badr militia in iraq used chainsaws on their victims and yes they did randomly go out and kill at will, as does the shabbi7a and shiite outlaws of the syrian army, not to forget amal during the civil war nor the irani basij when they had a revolution in iran.

Missing fares_ 16:37 ,2013 حزيران 23

Why do you think so many iranians converted to christianity or atheism when they reached the west and declared their hate for shia whom they consider to be extremists and terrorists. I wouldnt want to live with neither ksa sponsored filth terrorists nor iran sponsored filth terrorists. And its stupid to argue over who is worst when they are both evil. I dont care if one of them is slightly worse than the other when both sides are on top of the evil tree. I will not blame islam as a whole as i dont like it when people blame christianity as whole due to our own rotten apples but i will say that wahhabism and shiaism are two evils that the middle east would be better without.

Missing fares_ 16:38 ,2013 حزيران 23

Why do you think so many iranians converted to christianity or atheism when they reached the west and declared their hate for shia whom they consider to be extremists and terrorists. I wouldnt want to live with neither ksa sponsored filth terrorists nor iran sponsored filth terrorists. And its stupid to argue over who is worst when they are both evil. I dont care if one of them is slightly worse than the other when both sides are on top of the evil tree. I will not blame islam as a whole as i dont like it when people blame christianity as whole due to our own rotten apples but i will say that wahhabism and shiaism are two evils that the middle east would be better without.

Missing fares_ 20:09 ,2013 حزيران 23

wolf bla bla bla. Sure ill give you an example, argentina attack on jews, attacking american marines in lebanon, blowing up civilians in iraq, sending terrorists to azeribajzan, cyprus, egypt and other places who were caught before being able to carry on their terrorism just to give you an example. Im not the one defending wahhabi terrorists, you are the one defending shiite terrorists yet im a wahhabi, not christian, while you are christian and not shiite? Taqiya is the most stupid invention it seems since it has no logic nor common sence.

Missing fares_ 16:48 ,2013 حزيران 23

Sure keep telling yourself that. In reality, the cannibal zombies was one person, and shiites themselves have cannibals and they themselves have comitted attrocities against muslims, fellows shiites, christians, bahais and other minorities. Just to give you an example of shiite cannibalism:


The man who ate his wifes lips is an iranian shia.

Missing fares_ 17:41 ,2013 حزيران 23

First of all i am orthodox so save me your accusations. Secondly repeating cannibalism over and over only confirms you have nothing else to say. There was one cannibals period and he was condemned by his own. Likewise, there is an iranian shiite cannibal who ate his wifes lips because he suspected she had cheated. If you ask me the shiite who cooked his wifes lips is worse than the guy who ate a dead guys heart because he was in the middle of a brutal war and had seen a lot of crimes by such shabbi7a and soldiers which made him lose his mind and become war damaged. Its true that shiites have been opressed but they also have been and are opressors. If you portray yourselfs like victims only and do not confess your own crimes which are many and equally brutal (in syria shiite crimes have been worse than wahhabi crimes) then clearly you are not an honest person and a hypocrite. At the end of the day, to hell with shiaism and wahhabism. As chistians and most muslims even, we want neither.

Missing fares_ 17:43 ,2013 حزيران 23

As for resorting to lies, its you who do. And if its not lies then its half-truths and hypocrisy ignoring your own filth and only looking at others filth.

Missing fares_ 20:04 ,2013 حزيران 23

Wolf, keep dreaming. This is what you fanatical fools wish to be true. You want only sunnis to hate your filth because it easier for you. I really could care less what you think but i understand why you would think that since you shiites are acustomed to pretending to be christians online to post your anti-sunnite comments. I am as much a sunni fanatical supporter as i am a shiite fanatical supporter. I hate them both unlike you who hate both yet support the other. Tfeh alayk enta ya kizzeb ya wateh. You sound like a 10 year old. Rou7 endabb wlak. And keep dreaming that christians will ever be your shoe shiners. We can live with you side by side but not with your weapons so take your taqiya antics and shove them.

Missing fares_ 18:06 ,2013 حزيران 23

You see how you contradict yourself? Whatever, i dont have time for this. To keep it short, wahhabism does not allow eating human organs as sick as they are, that is still considered a sin for them. The guy in question was a war damaged thug. Eating human organs is considered disgusting by everyone on earth except by mentally ill persons, regardless of faith. To blame his actions on their faith means likewise, the shiite cannibal who ate his wifes lips did so because of his faith! Wahhabism and shiaism are both sick cults and will always be. Shiaism hikacked islam as well. Shias comit brutal crimes as do wahhabis. Tfeh 3alayyon tnaynayton.

Missing fares_ 19:59 ,2013 حزيران 23

Grow up wolf.

Default-user-icon Bandido (ضيف) 21:07 ,2013 حزيران 23

Asta La Vista Baby ... we have cleaned up Tripoli, now Sidon, next Arsal. TO hell with the Terrorists from Syria, Kosovo, Chechnya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon & Tunis. Your days are over. We are pleased it happened. May God have Mercy on the souls of the lost Soldiers and Officers of the LAF. GO get 'em Jean!