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وجد المواطن ربيع ع. ا. مواليد (1974) من بلدة حرار عكار، جريحا في ساحة بلدية بيصور في عاليه، وقد قطع عضوه التناسلي. ونقله الصليب الاحمر الى مستشفى الشحار الغربي للمعالجة، وهو في حال الخطر.

وبحسب الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" تبين ان "الحادثة وقعت على خلفية زواج ربيع من المدعوة ردينة و.م.من بلدة بيصور، عن طريق الـ"خطيفة".

وبعدما علم اهل الفتاة بالامر، اثر المراجعات "واكتشفوا أن ربيع وردينة موجودان في شاليه في طبرجا، ذهبوا اليهما وأحضروهما الى بيصور، وقاموا بقطع عضوه التناسلي ورموه في ساحة البلدة" بحسب الوكالة.

من جهتها أكدت مصادر أمنية لقناة الـ"LBCI" أن ربيع وصل إلى المستشى "بحالة إعياء شديدة جراء ضرب عنيف تعرض له في مختلف انحاء جسده".

وأفاد المرجع الأمني أن "الأخير وصل الى المستشفى من دون العثور على عضوه التناسلي الذي كان مبتوراً، فضلاً عن تهشيم خصيتيه".

وروت القناة أن بعد اتفق ربيع وحبيبته على الزواج رغم معارضة أسرتها "اتصلت أسرتها به مبديةً الرغبة بإجراء المصالحة والعفو عنه والقبول بزواجه من الفتاة و اتفقوا على تناول العشاء في أحد المطاعم".

إلا أنه "وبعد الانتهاء من العشاء، جرى خطف الشاب (..) وأشبعوه ضرباً وأقدموا على قطع عضوه التناسلي جراء الزواج من ابنتهم".

هذا ولفتت الـ"LBCI" إلى أنه "انشغلت الأوساط السياسية بهذه المأساة لدرجة أن مرجعاً كبيراً وجه انتقادات قاسية لعائلة الفتاة والمجموعة التي ارتكبت هذه الجريمة".

التعليقات 31
Thumb justice 16:18 ,2013 تموز 16

sectarian hustlers!

Missing mrelhage 17:12 ,2013 تموز 16

They should be hanged for this, cause i can garantee this man now has nothing to live for & he will do it if the gov does not

Default-user-icon Wissam (ضيف) 20:03 ,2013 تموز 17

If its ur sister I think if u r a man enough u will do that same

Thumb geha 16:22 ,2013 تموز 16


Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 16:34 ,2013 تموز 16


Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 16:55 ,2013 تموز 16

Very tragic indeed...... Cannibals

Default-user-icon jojo (ضيف) 17:06 ,2013 تموز 16

I wonder what happened to the Penis?

Default-user-icon Manny (ضيف) 17:08 ,2013 تموز 16

what ??? no arrests were made?

Default-user-icon amir (ضيف) 18:18 ,2013 تموز 16

Yes it is embarrassing and shameful to identify as being Lebanese. Politicians out of this world.....completely Lunatic.
Sports team internationally on blackmail list due to Corruption and politicking.
Penis cut as the family do not agree with the daughter marriage.....middle or cave age....who owns whom.....now wait until the religious fatwa and the politicians protect the family culprit.
Owners of stolen cars have to publicly advertise to negotiate with the thieves.

No government and contractors are free to get paid and build for less.

what did I miss ???

What a backward feelin

Default-user-icon Non Arab (ضيف) 19:04 ,2013 تموز 16

And you say Lebanon has a civilized society???? Yeah rrriiigghhttt !!!!

Thumb ibrahim-of-sidon 19:06 ,2013 تموز 16

This is absolutely disgusting and barbaric. Throw them in prison!

Thumb Marc 19:06 ,2013 تموز 16

Likely it is or his boy Akram S. Evidently, the girl is from the Malaeb family since there is only 2 family names in baissour: Malaeb and Aridi... Majority of Malaeb family are PSP and the Maj. of Aridi are SSNP! This Rabih guy is likely not Druze . . . Some people are still living in stone age - Shame

Missing lappeaudecouille 19:06 ,2013 تموز 16

This guy will start a foundation for people that have lost their penises but will soon realize he's the only one which will make him the only benefciary. Ain't that cool for a living?

Thumb Bandoul 19:08 ,2013 تموز 16

I pray the perpetrators of this heinous and deplorable crime are caught, tried, convicted and thrown in the slammer for life without parole. Furthermore, their assets to be seized, sold and the proceeds awarded to the victim as restitution. Maybe you cannot teach Barbarians to be civilized but you can certainly make an example of them.

Thumb cityboy 22:26 ,2013 تموز 16

Come on roar, lets not be too hard on lebanon's judicial system, the same seems to happen in many western countries. In canada you have murderers getting off in less than 3yrs, despite victims family pleas for harsher sentences. This is one time where i might be inclined to agree with saudi arabia when it comes to law enforcement.

Thumb Bandoul 00:50 ,2013 تموز 17

@the_roar, lawlessness and depravity towards human life bring me to my knees in despair and disgust. I cannot fathom harming another human being in such a fashion regardless of how they injured me or someone I love. My father was shot in the face in front of me (he survived his injury, though scarred for life) when I was a child and even then I couldn't imagine acts of violence such as we saw in the Lebanese civil war, honor killings and the heinous atrocities in Syria...we have failed as human beings we do this sort of thing to one another.

Thumb Marc 19:08 ,2013 تموز 16

Or he will have a transplant and get a bigger you put in . . .

Thumb Senescence 00:40 ,2013 تموز 17

A penis transplant ? Lol, gold.

I suppose they can extend what's left of it from inside the body (there's actually some 5-15cm (I think) of the organ inside the body(the muscles at least))... meh.

Default-user-icon Zinganur Joulkhan (ضيف) 19:53 ,2013 تموز 16

I'm sorry to hear this news about NostraAllouchti. I never thought he had one of those! NostraGabbyMarch14, please be careful.

Thumb cityboy 22:40 ,2013 تموز 16

not to sound sectarian, does the old myth that you should never approach a druze girl hold true here??? I mean is it true that druze do not like their girls to marry outside of their sect, perhaps others have better knowledge about this than me.

Missing helicopter 01:18 ,2013 تموز 17

It is true in most religions, but with Druze and Islam it is more so. It is encouraged for a Muslim man to marry a Christian girl but forbidden the other way around.
THis is why we need strong army, strong courts, and strong institutions, because if you leave up to Mafia politicians and men of religion, injustice will always be the outcome.

Thumb cityboy 01:51 ,2013 تموز 17

Good points helicopter, though I think Christians in lebanon are just as guiltly of this. Outside of lebanon as in the west, yes I would agree that christians are more lax when it comes to inter marriage but that may be due to christians becoming less religious. You do make some interesting points regarding the need for strong courts and institutions. well said.

Thumb Senescence 00:42 ,2013 تموز 17

Events of such heights of barbarity are I'd say no rarer in other countries.

Missing aslan7aram 01:39 ,2013 تموز 17

i think they can do penis reconstruction surgery now

Missing aslan7aram 02:04 ,2013 تموز 17

a little taste of m14... sad story

Missing formerlebaniz 04:26 ,2013 تموز 17

really? you had to shove in some politics into it? No there is no reconstructive surgery to rebuild the penis they can extend it but and use it for urination but that's about it. The tip is gone and this man's life well... horrible.

Default-user-icon Ezinganam Bosharti (ضيف) 06:25 ,2013 تموز 17

No worries. Jumblat, the monster and low life scum bag piece of crap will figure out a way to shelter and save these monsters.

Default-user-icon jamal (ضيف) 16:02 ,2013 تموز 18

these are the dourouz people who are believe that their daughter must marry only from their religion , they are really animals.

Default-user-icon chill (ضيف) 08:57 ,2013 تموز 20

actions of a certain people don't reflect the thoughts of a sect...

Default-user-icon cocknockertom (ضيف) 06:11 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 30

Lost penis must be returned

Default-user-icon Sonia (ضيف) 11:02 ,2013 تموز 22

Where is the wife after all this?? What have
They done to her?