Army Seizes Truck Carrying 'Obsolete' Mortars, Ammunition in Arsal

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The army on Sunday announced seizing a Syria-bound truck loaded with “obsolete” ammunition in the Bekaa border town of Arsal.

“The Lebanese army intercepted a truck carrying weapons at the al-Shaab checkpoint in Arsal,” MTV reported.

“Maher Abdullah was driving the truck which was headed for Syria,” it said.

Meanwhile, Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) said the vehicle was carrying 20 mortar shells.

According to LBCI television, the truck came from the northern border region of Wadi Khaled.

However, an army statement issued later on Sunday said troops intercepted a pickup truck driven by a Lebanese citizen and loaded with a quantity of light munitions and 82-mm mortar shells.

“After being examined by a military expert, the munitions and mortars turned out to be obsolete and unusable,” the statement said.

“The detainee and the seized arms were referred to the relevant authorities and a probe has been launched under the supervision of the judiciary,” it added.

On Wednesday, the army said a Syrian man was killed and two others were wounded after troops fired on a van that failed to stop at a checkpoint in Arsal.

Comments 6
Missing -karim_m1- 29 September 2013, 20:37

Yes! God bless the Lebanese army! No to terrorism!

Default-user-icon alzaka2el3azim (Guest) 29 September 2013, 22:14

the government should just give tripoli to al qa3ida so they get happy

al nusra vests and bombs in arsal
trucks with 'obsolete' 82mm mortar shells what does that even mean?????????? To al nusra
salafis abusing religion for extremism in tripoli
targetting the mayor of arsal for something he didn't do
arsal should just be bulldozed in my humble opinion, too much terrorist sympathizers

Missing peace 30 September 2013, 14:23

However, an army statement issued later on Sunday said troops intercepted a pickup truck driven by a Lebanese citizen and loaded with a quantity of light munitions and 82-mm mortar shells.

“After being examined by a military expert, the munitions and mortars turned out to be obsolete and unusable,” the statement said...

maybe the army is downplaying its statement? sure this piece of news does not fill your propaganda so you must assume that it is "downplayed" !!! LOL poor girl... you are pathetic...

Default-user-icon alhurriya (Guest) 29 September 2013, 22:15

carpet bomb the area so whoever steps foot will be blown up
and we all know arsal is full of terrorist sympathizers

Missing peace 30 September 2013, 14:23

sure hezbis are better at terrorism... little girl...

Missing peace 30 September 2013, 18:36

if M8 beleives that the opposition can resist the syrian army with obsolete weapons then it shows how weak the syrian army is LOL!