Guy Says Lebanon Should Reveal Truth about Issues Bigger than STL

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

British Ambassador to Lebanon Frances Mary Guy said that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon is a small point in a list of requirements that the Lebanese officials should admit and unveil to the international community.

“There is a list of demands (the Lebanese officials) should admit and unveil, which are bigger than the STL and goes back to the Lebanese civil war era,” Guy told As Safir in an interview that will be published on Tuesday.

Guy expressed relief that no violent reaction happened after the release of the indictment.

“I expected violent clashes on the street,” she noted.

Concerning the consequences that Lebanon might face if its stances opposed the international community, Guy said: “It’s better to think that the new cabinet led by PM Najib Miqati will cooperate with the international community on the STL.”

Tom Fletcher is to replace Guy as British Ambassador to Lebanon next month after the Lebanese government approved his nomination.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon unknown (Guest) 11 July 2011, 09:31

" i expected violent clashes.."

LOL and i expected Santa Claus to deliver the STL arrest warrents

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 11 July 2011, 11:02

Yes thank you, it takes a British diplomat to say it. I believe that that shameful
amnesty granted to all criminals, war lords, butchers must be REVOKED. Had those people been tried, and locked up or executed no one would have been blown up post 1991. We shall never know peace unless those who committed the atrocities 1975-1990 are put on trial. Those who gave orders, and those who executed them.