Nobel Laureate Gives Prize Money to Yemen Revolt Victims


Yemeni activist Tawakkol Karman said Friday she has donated her prize money as a 2011 Nobel Peace laureate to a fund for families of those killed in Yemen's uprising.

The donation has gone to the "Aid Fund for Families of Martyrs and Wounded in the (2011) Revolution," set up by President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi, she said.

Hadi, quoted by state news agency Saba, paid tribute to "this humanitarian gesture" and Karman's "loyalty" to the revolt, which led to the February 2012 ouster of his predecessor, longtime strongman Ali Abdullah Saleh.

"This is a duty to the youths who sacrificed for change and to build a Yemen founded on freedom, justice, equality and good governance," Karman said, referring to the youth-driven revolt in which hundreds were killed in clashes with security forces.

"The sum is small but symbolic," said Karman, who shared prize money of around one million euros with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Leymah Gbowee, both of Liberia, for the 2011 award.

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