Regime Air Raids on Rebel Areas near Damascus as Kurds Advance

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Syrian air and land forces pressed efforts to crush rebel-held pockets around Damascus on Saturday, as Kurdish fighters in the country's north drove home advances against jihadist groups, monitors said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the air force carried out raids on Sbeineh, south of the capital, as regime troops shelled the town.

Rebels on the capital's southern front were battling government troops backed by both pro-regime militias and fighters from Lebanon's Hezbollah, it said.

"The strike was part of the regime's offensive against rebel areas in and around southern Damascus," Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told Agence France Presse.

There has been a marked escalation along Damascus' southern belt, which has been under a suffocating siege for months, giving rise to widespread malnutrition especially among children.

The regime has for months been trying to secure the capital, which is surrounded by rebel positions.

State news agency SANA, meanwhile, said two people were wounded in shelling by "terrorists" of the Bab Jabieh neighborhood of central Damascus.

Southeast of Damascus, several mortar rounds smashed into the majority Christian-Druze neighborhood of Jaramana, wounding nine people, said SANA.

In rebel-held Yabrud, northeast of the capital, one person was killed and several others were wounded in a car bomb explosion, according to the Britain-based Observatory.

Elsewhere, Kurdish fighters pressed an advance against the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the majority Kurdish province of Hasake, said the Observatory.

On Saturday, they took over several villages and military positions surrounding Ras al-Ain, which borders Turkey.

According to the Observatory, Kurdish militia are now in control of a stretch of 25 kilometers (15 miles) along the Syrian-Turkish border, to the west of Ras al-Ain.

The advance comes less than a week after Kurdish fighters drove out the jihadists and took over the Yaarubiyeh border crossing with Iraq.

In the Christian village of Sadad in central Homs province, scene of fierce clashes as rebels and jihadists fought to seize massive government arms warehouses, the bodies of six civilians were found in a well, among them two children, said the Observatory.

The group, which relies on a network of activists and medics on the ground for its information, had earlier reported a higher civilian death toll of seven.

The latest documented deaths took the total number of dead found in Sadad to 45, including 15 women, the monitoring group said.

Clashes in the area began on October 21, and in the week that followed killed 100 regime troops and at least 80 jihadists fighting alongside the rebels, it added.

In the northern province of Aleppo, meanwhile, regime troops took over the village of Aziziyeh, days after seizing the strategic town of Sfeira from rebel hands, according to the Aleppo Media Center, a network of activists.

Syria's conflict, which has killed more than 120,000 people and forced millions more to flee their homes in 31 months, followed a regime crackdown on pro-democracy protests.

Comments 9
Missing peace 02 November 2013, 16:45

very smart to bomb their own cities but not one single one used to free golan!!! LOL

Thumb scorpyonn 02 November 2013, 19:17

... and to kill thousands and displace millions because ONE man cannot let go of power!

Thumb general_puppet 02 November 2013, 23:18

The Assad's are always quick to bomb Syrians & Lebanese but do not raise a Resisting finger against the Israelis.

Default-user-icon Shingaton Mizavlik (Guest) 03 November 2013, 01:14

The goal of cleaning Damascus is to make it safe for cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil to come back to Lebanon through Damascus airport. The sooner the Syrian regime gets done with this, the sooner shall cheikh al-Haribi be back in our prairies. Or shall he be back among his hopeless hopeful fans?

Thumb king.of.kings 03 November 2013, 01:54

it is stupid to open two fronts while facing war in your own land. dont be idiotic Peace. But i agree with you on one thing and that is at least to try their surface to air missiles on the Israeli air force when it attacks but unfortunately it seems they either dont dare or after they have downed the turkish one they felt the threat and they have hidden their batteries somewhere safe for future security as they received guaraty from the USA that Assad must struggle but will regain power as we can see today

Missing peace 03 November 2013, 11:38

golan has been occupied since when? i am not talking of opening a new front, just pointing out that this regime is prompt to bomb its citizens but NEVER did a thing in 40 years to free their lands... and M8ers call them "resistants"...if assad is still here it is because israel let him , and M8 here are ok with it! and they say M14 collaborate with israel? they are the first ones to!!

Default-user-icon Espiridon Senkitus (Guest) 03 November 2013, 02:44

No worries. Bandar Bin Fashel is getting ready to wear his military fatigues and hand-in-hand with cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajillead lead the troops of Allahou Akbar Lunatics of Iraq and Sham in their fight against the forces of anti-freedom, anti-democracy and anti-nice-things as well as the forces of evil and the Wilayat al Faqih Faquihers, tens of thousands of whom have already been... well... umm.. duh.. virtually killed? I hope they can achieve success withought the military skills of the world-renowned strategist, Field Marshal Fares Soaid of the Armed Farces of Farts 14. By the way, Field Marshal Soaid is also a... well... umm... duh... failed? doctor? alla ykateron, and takbir yamou

Thumb Mystic 03 November 2013, 02:56

Good riddance Syrian Army, blow these Salafis to the sky, make an example to the Lebanese Army, show them how its done...

Thumb general_puppet 03 November 2013, 06:09

Why doesn't your Idol Assad go show the Israelis how it is done? If the Israelis retaliate he can always go hide underground with your other idol Nasrallah.