Salam Still Patient but Obstructed by Grim Reality
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Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam said Wednesday that had a decision to give up his task to form the new government served the nation, he would have taken the move.
“Everyone knows that in my political career I haven't been after posts,” Salam told reporters at Baabda Palace following talks with President Michel Suleiman.
“I would have given up my task had it served the nation,” he said.
“May God give me patience,” Salam said after reiterating that the current stalemate was neither comforting to him nor to the president.
He stressed that his objective remains the country's national interest.
“Since the beginning I said I will try not to procrastinate the (cabinet) formation but intentions are something and reality is something else,” he said.
“Had I given myself a timeframe (for assembling a government) we would have been faced by failure,” the PM-designate told reporters.
Asked about his recent visit to al-Mustaqbal movement leader former Prime Minister Saad Hariri in Paris, Salam said Hariri supported him in his mission.
Salam has repeatedly blamed the conditions and counter conditions set by the rival March 8 and March 14 camps on his failure to come up with a cabinet line up since his appointment in April.
“Everybody knows that the regional situation is confrontational which does not help at all not only at the level of the cabinet formation but also in all issues,” he said.
Salam said he was being patient over his keenness not to behave in a way that would be seen as a challenge by one of the rival parties.

flamethrower: Here is yet another example of how offensive you are. There is no poster to provoke or pour your anger upon, so you instead refer to the prime minister of Lebanon as "egghead" which is very offensive. You need to seek help really.

Flamethrower: It is not what you say, it is how you say it. You are entitled to your opinion, and we are blessed to some degree that in Lebanon we can somehow express our views freely. OK, let's do it this way: In your first post, if you said : "Mr Salam (instead of egghead) I don't give myself a deadline because then, i will fail!", would you have conveyed the message. Surely yes! What value did your insult add? In my opinion adding insults for the sake of showmanship serves only to belittle the poster. I am giving you some advise, hoping you will take it.

flamethrower: This is my last message to you. You are free to do what you want. I address you publicly on this forum hoping you will change your behavior. I did not report you, although I, like you have that option. Instead, I chose to address you in public. It is naive on your part to think that reporting someone leads to them being banned. I am sure the moderators assess every "report" based on its own merits. Hence, the moderators must have found good and valid reasons to ban you 5 times in one week! Thank you and enjoy posting.

Patience is a virtue.... usually, but in this case, no. It does not serve the nation for this guy to have tried to form a cabinet for almost a year and to have not succeeded. The same obstacles that were present in April 2013 are present in November 2013. Salaam has no leverage to exercise against the obstacles that are before him, namely the inertia of the Lebanese political system that awaits the outcome of the Syrian Civil War before moving in Lebanon.

Since the Syrian War will last until the international powers are ready for it to end, and that could be quite some long time, should Lebanon's institutions of government be held in animated suspension indefinitely? Can it be held in suspension that long. As we all know, power abhors a vacuum. Alternate powers will rush in to fill the void and Hezbollah is there ready to assume de jure authority as it has already assumed de facto authority in the country. Hezbollah is happy with a PM Designate who continues to try when there is no reason to think that the obstacles present yesterday will not be present tomorrow. It is the hall mark of insanity to keep doing the same thing, getting the same result, but expecting something different, nonetheless.

"Asked about his recent visit to al-Mustaqbal movement leader former Prime Minister Saad Hariri in Paris, Salam said Hariri supported him in his mission."
Hariri supports cabinet formation!!! Really ???
Salam needs to be replaced immediately if this is his assessment of the situation. The man is a tool ...

sure we do not care of arrogant self centered australian people here trying... only your opinion on kangoroos matter... for the rest you are useless ...

i wish a one sided gvt could be formed with only M8ers... so they would show how incompetent and inefficient they are.....

This guy has proven that he has no personality, no dignity and no say. Therefore, he qualifies to be a Lebanese PM.