Netanyahu Calls On Abbas to Address Israeli Parliament and Hollande Says Jerusalem Must Be Capital of 2 States

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday invited Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas to address the Israeli parliament and publicly recognize Jewish links to the land of Israel.

"I call on him from here: let's break the deadlock. Come to the Israeli Knesset and I'll come to Ramallah," the Palestinian leader's West Bank headquarters.

"Get up on this platform and recognize the historical truth: the Jews have a nearly 4,000-year-old link to the land of Israel," he said in an address to parliament.

Meanwhile, French President Francois Hollande told the Israeli parliament that Jerusalem must be the capital of both Israel and the future state of Palestine.

"France's position is known: a negotiated settlement, with the state of Israel and (the state) of Palestine both having Jerusalem as capital, coexisting in peace and security," he said.

Israel seized the mostly Arab eastern sector of the Holy City during the 1967 Six Day War and later annexed it in a move never recognized by the international community.

It considers all of Jerusalem to be its "eternal and indivisible capital" and has vowed never to let the city be re-divided.

The Palestinians have insisted east Jerusalem be the capital of their future state, making the city's fate one of the thorniest issues of the decades-long conflict.

Hollande also assured during hisspeech that France is using "all its might" to battle anti-Semitism.

"France is fighting with all its might against anti-Semitism in all its forms," he said.

"I confirm in this house the French Republic's commitment to watch over at all times the security and safety of the Jews of France."

Comments 5
Missing VINCENT 18 November 2013, 21:55

You both deserve each other and must do whatever it takes to resolve your differences and either live together happily ever after and keep your disputes in-house, or divide the cursed land and be happy with what you end up with. Than empty your camps from Lebanon and leave the rest of us alone. And while your at it, call Arafat's widow who is living life in Southern France and demand that the Palestinian money to be placed in trust for the people.

Thumb chrisrushlau 18 November 2013, 22:48

Civil rights as the basis of the rule of law is not an option, but mandatory: unless Hollande wants the Israeli Air Force to defend French Jews in France.

Missing peace 18 November 2013, 23:23

if they were wise they would not give jerusalem to either side but place it under international ruling and make it a neutral city...
jerusalem belongs to the whole humanity not to anyone else...

Default-user-icon Dany Adam (Guest) 19 November 2013, 03:49

very well said

Missing phillipo 19 November 2013, 16:57

"No peace will be achieved until israel is destroyed"
So if there is no Israel, exactly how will there be peace?
Are you talking about the same type of peace that exists in Lebanon between the Government and Hizballah, or that in Syria between the non-recognised government and the resistance forces, or that in Iraq between the Shia and the Sunnis, or that in Egypt between the Government and the pro-Morsi gangs. Need I go on?