Syrian Activists Publish Pictures Showing 'Hizbullah Captives'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةActivists on social networking websites are circulating pictures of what they said are “Hizbullah captives” captured by the Free Syrian Army during the ongoing battles in the Eastern Ghouta region just outside Damascus.
The Lebanese party has not yet confirmed or denied the authenticity of the published material.
One of the pictures shows a supposed FSA fighter serving drinking water to handcuffed and blindfolded prisoners.
Syrian rebels have pressed an offensive in the Damascus and Aleppo provinces, in an escalation that has killed 194 fighters on both sides in the past three days, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Monday.
Rebels in Eastern Ghouta, east of Damascus, are trying to break the army siege on opposition areas there, taking over several small villages and checkpoints, according to the Observatory.
Since Friday, 194 fighters on both sides have been killed, as well as seven anti-regime media activists.
On the rebel side 115 rebels were killed, including 50 jihadists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and al-Nusra Front, according to the Britain-based watchdog.
The dead on the loyalist side included five members of Hizbullah and 20 fighters from the Iraqi Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas militia, as well as 46 government troops and eight members of a pro-regime militia.
"Hizbullah is leading the fighting. Hundreds of its fighters have been deployed to Eastern Ghouta," said Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman.

Lies.... more Lies.... and then some more Lies. Hussain warriors never get captured. We never leave our prisoners behind nor do we abandon our Martyrs. We the Shia of Ali Ibn Taleb will not leave a stone unturned to secure the release of these innocent Shia civilians who happened to be visiting the shrine of Zainab. We will escalate.... We will host some Turkish or Saudi tourists in Baalbeck..... We will blow up a couple of embassies. We will do the impossible to release our warriors.
hahahaha get used to it Nusra boys, dust biting is going to be your daily regime. The gates of hell have just been opened!!!! Karbalaaaaaaaaaaaa Mazlooooooooooooom

Lol it is a big time lie, they capture a bunch of Shia civilians and list them as Hezbollah, typical Al Qaeda propaganda. Just like they threw Assad supporters out of windows calling them Shabiha, just because they didn't want to follow Sharia law.

I want to ask @Mystic.77 when does his shift finish for today.... May I?

stop lying, you have no proof to what you say. why dont you watch a different channel than manar or al mayadeen or the dumbest dunya. medis propagaanda at its best. how come al manar never shows how there iraqi bretheren cooperated with the americans in iraq or how the iranians helped america to invade afghanistan.

I hope they will all be executed.
what is their business in Syria? kill innocent children?

I hope they will be exchanged against women in Assad's jail.

haha geha, one day he is a humanist, the other he roots for war crimes.
(yes habibi, executing war prisoners is a war crime, and the instant you call for that, you have lost any legitimacy to accuse anyone of anything)

just like when your master bombs people queing for bread, or when he bombs hospitals, or when he bombs civilians... waw, the list of war crimes your leader does is far more impressive.... but still you praise and cheer him! good boy moooowaten.

thank you for mentioning the "bread" bombing peace, because it's just a perfect illustration of how much lies those cheap hypocrites are not ashamed to fabricate

and toronto, thank you for revealing your true self, sectarian hater.

True or not, they got what they deserved ... any foreign fighter in Syria should be executed on the stop.
To Hezbollah supporters, get this in your tiny brains : Lebanese are foreigners in Syria and thus any Lebanese fighter is a mercenary or terrorist and should be executed on the spot ! I hope all your fighters die there unless they were forced into battle by your terrorist leaders (which would not surprise me).

Rebels broke the siege in East Ghouta, killing many hizbos and iraqi shia scums. Takbeer !!!!!

You didn't break anything. You got no documentation besides youtube fabrication.

the pilgrims who were kidnapped were truly pilgrims, everybody knows it.
now here it seems to be combatants they got, so i must say, for once they are not picking on civilians, so in the context of this war it's fair game. whether or not these are hezbollah, it doesnt matter.
just one thing though, dont complain when it's payback time.

payback time? oh! but iranman said he will never use his weapons against lebanese....

were the ones complaing, 150 000 plus or only god knows how many people have been killed in syrian . not to forget those jailed or dissapeared which can number p to 1 million. just know that the battles are going to start to hit lebanon by next year. the syrian people are a tribal people , you think they will forget that the shia of lebanon came to rape there women and slaughther there children. even the most moderate groups fighting wont accept a deal to keep bashar in power. you lebanese shia better withdraw your forces soon or the your destruction has neared.

peace: as usual, you miss the point by about ten miles. it has nothing to do with using weapons against lebanese, payback will be against the rebels who captured these men, by the groups to whom those belong, whether it's HA or not (rebels keep calling everyone HA to exaggerate HA's role, but HA was never in most of the areas the rebels claimed).
peacelover: how thoughtful of you. did you think the same about the 10 villages on the border which were attacked by rebels, their people killed and houses burnt down, before HA got involved in the war?
toronto: i think you're fantasizing a lot, and know very little about what HA's role has been and how syrians feel about it. if you rely on CBC to speak for them and tell you what they think, i understand how far from reality you can be.

filth ? hmmm typical of khomeynists, insulting and killing people when they can't argue or get what they want...

@souk Allahu Akbar my Salafi wahabi brother. Lets take over Syria and ban women from driving, a matter of fact lets do the same here in Lebanon. See how many christians in m14 who will back you then.

Lol what are you talking about? I thought you would agree with me to take over Lebanon and make it Khalifah/sharia state :D

Hhhhhhhhh i love the fact that i knew you would say something like that. Now listen up Osama, you are about to lose in Syria, we both know this fact. You are being bombed all over, no matter what city you hide in, the Mig-29 fighters will burn you out, again again and again. When Syria is free, people like you are going to need to reform themselves away from the Wahabi cult =)

peacelover: sadly, our government is incapable of taking the slightest decision, let alone an unanimous one. ever since miqati stepped down, and the saudis locked down the government formation process, not a single file even the most trivial one has budged.
even crucial files like oil & gas exploration and drilling have ground to a halt.
you want people getting massacred to wait for twenty months while politicians bicker and debate on whether or not they should debate?

Peacelover: Sadly the resistance can't hand over its weapons and become part of the Lebanese army for many reasons, one being the influence of foreign countries and parties on the Lebanese army. For example, many of the weapons of the Lebanese army were donations from the United States, on the basis that none of these weapons may be used against Israel.
Everything that is a part of the Lebanese government is subject to the corruption that, sadly, we all know runs through the veins of all of the government entities in Lebanon.

lol... still denying there are any hezbis in syria? or that hezbis never get caught because they are divinely protected? LOL

You still denying so called "Syrian activists" lies and deceive to boost the moral of their fellow Salafists? Such as capturing a bunch of Shia farmers and picture them as Hezbollah fighters.

yes we know that for you hezbis are invincible and your prophets.... keep on you are funny!

lol what prophets? Btw as FT said, this is not the first time that so called Syrian activists claims to have captured Hezbollah, it is an utter lie.

you know what? i don't give a sh... about it.
captured not captured, killed not killed ,the funny thing is that everything coming from your baath regime is true but all the rest are fabrications!
that is what is funny with you fanatic M8ers, your double standards! assad is a saint and hezbis are gods and all the others just filth! proof of your deep brainwashing, and taking everything from elmanar or otv for granted and all the rest is just pure fantasies!
you must be happy , your world is easy to live in! no questions asked! we are right and the whole world is wrong!
assad is right, he is a poor victim and the opponents are just pure parasites to crush! LOL
i wish it was that easy, but you ll never figure out the complexity of it, to difficult for you....

Dear peace@ You forget about Al Qaeda, why does it always have to be Assad and Hezb that is the bad guys? Now thats why i never compromise with you guys, because you never condemn or recognize the crimes comitted by the other part which is Al Qaeda Al Nusra etc.

@ ignorant77 : mig29 is a air superiority fighter, no built for C.A.S.

@cedre my old salafi buddy, Mig29 can also be used to carry out certain strikes on Al qaeda dens, wouldn't be the first time. Thats how the Syrian army gets stronger by improvising :)

u know jack about military stuff, using a 4th gen mig29 for ground attack means there's not enough plane left in the alawite air force.
U must ignore the numbers of technicians,hours of work and spares u need just for an hour flight.

Listen to your FSA sympatizers how they scream "MiG MiG!" Everytime airplanes crosses the sky above them lol, cedre i know more about the Syrian Army than you do, so just drop it. We both know you are talking bs just to get attention.

Here genius everything you need to know about MiG29 and yes it drops bombs aswell read it all. I guess you never been in the army anywhere

please rape and rape and rape them! they like it! like their Hassan ..
humiliate them like they are humiliating all the Arabs and specially Syrians and Lebanese

it's the same thing phoenix, if they are really combatants against the rebels, no matter which rebels caught them their prospects are pretty bad at this point. their best hope is a quick death.
don't think the FSA are "nicer", i could show you some videos which would show how brutal and sadistic they can be.

@idiot77 : all military aircraft can "drop bomb", but some are built far CAS, other for interception, reconnaissance, maritiome patrols, logistics, ect... I repeat if the alawite airforce uses mig29 instead of their mig23,su24 or l39 that means their lack spares or planes.
Well, what kind of modern army drops tnt barils ? Only Sudan...

Soon Islam will prevail and the apostates will perish bi dhnillahi ta'la