Report: Extremist Groups Planning Attack on Prisons to Facilitate Jail Break by Islamists

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Extremist networks are plotting to attack several Lebanese prisons to facilitate a jail break by Islamist inmates, al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Wednesday.

According to the newspaper, the army command warned the Internal Security Forces from a mass break out from several prison facilities in Lebanon.

Roumieh, the oldest and largest of Lebanon's overcrowded prisons, has witnessed sporadic prison breaks in recent years and escalating riots over the past months as inmates living in poor conditions demand better treatment.

There are around 190 Fatah al-Islam prisoners at the prison's bloc B.

The trial of a number of Islamist detainees held over the Nahr al-Bared clashes kicked off in September.

The Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon was almost totally destroyed during a months-long conflict between the Lebanese army and the al-Qaida-inspired group Fatah al-Islam in 2007.

The fighting killed some 400 people, including 168 soldiers. Some Islamist leaders escaped despite the army siege of the camp.

The inmates were arrested on charges of fighting or aiding the Fatah al-Islam fighters in Nahr al-Bared that lies near the northern coastal city of Tripoli.

Several of them have escaped from Roumieh in daring prison breaks.

Comments 10
Thumb sevilla 27 November 2013, 08:46

Most of these inmates if not all were arrested and are being held for many years without trial. Either try them or release them. Yet, our capable and just judicial system cannot arrest wanted HA terrorists or the Eid clan.

Thumb Mystic 27 November 2013, 15:16

BS capser, these inmates are professional killers, professional at raping and beheading. So drop your Al Qaeda propaganda somewhere in the dumpster please. I hope you are clever enough to atleast comdemn for what they did in Nahr Al Bared when they killed hundreds of our Army soldiers.

Missing theobserver 27 November 2013, 11:05

Wanted HA and Eid should be arrested, but we all know that the state cannot do that. Hope with Eid's case they will be able to do so.

But why bring this matter with the islamists prisoners from naher el bared? If the state can't arrest some wanted people for murder, they should just let every wanted person out?
The state does what it can and I believe that we Lebanese should stick with it and applaud any step in the right direction, and not always highlight the shortcomings

Thumb Mystic 27 November 2013, 15:17

No they wont be arrested, because they are not guilty :)

Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 13:20

@FT : at least those terrorists ended up in Jail... trial or no trial.

Hezbollah terrorists wanted for questioning on multiple assassinations are still running free and protected by Hezbollah.

And NO, not all of those are wanted by STL. Many are wanted by LEBANESE courts including the ones who attempted to assassinate Butros Harb and so much more.

Hezbollah doesn't even need to break them out of prison because they hide them like rats !

And regarding Fath el Islam, it is proven that they are products of Bashar el Assad so thank you Bashar ! not Hariri, not Miqati ...

Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 15:28

No FT : the only proven thing here is that you're incapable of comment.

Hezbollah actually defended Fath el Islam by wanting to prevent the army from intervening (proving the army can actually defend Lebanon from terrorists).

There are countless reports linking Fath el Islam to Syrian intelligence services. You choosing to ignore the is sticking your head in the ground.

You also choose to ignore the fact that Fath el Islam was targeting ANTI SYRIAN officials ... again OSTRICH mentality !

It's not my problem if you're on denial and refuse to accept the truth... you are simply supporting a regime famous for forming, arming and training terrorist groups not only in Lebanon but accross the entire region.

If you cannot come up with any excuse other than attacking me with stupid statements, then please shut up ... you're ridiculing yourself !

Thumb Mystic 27 November 2013, 15:13

I will look forward to the day, that the terrorists from Arsal storm the prisons and frees all the Al qaeda/Fatah al islam crazies, then we can all sit down and laugh while they burn Lebanon. I will laugh at all the M14ers that supported these monsters even in Nahr Al Bared

Thumb thepatriot 27 November 2013, 15:54

u are ridiculous FT...

Thumb cedre 27 November 2013, 16:08

thank u ft for ur BS all day long, accusations and attacks against sunnis in lebanon, syria, ksa, ect...

thank u for never proving anything, acting the exact same way that hizbiran that u defend all the time....

Thumb cedre 27 November 2013, 16:12

LOL, good one phoenix, +1.