March 14 Hopes Iran Deal Leads to Pullout of Revolutionary Guards from Lebanon

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The March 14 general-secretariat hoped on Wednesday that Iran's agreement with major powers would lead to the withdrawal of what it called Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards from Lebanon and Syria.

Following its weekly meeting, the general-secretariat welcomed the deal struck between Tehran and world powers, saying it comes in conformity with the conditions set by the international community and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Iran has agreed to curb most of its nuclear activities in exchange for some relief from economic sanctions, while leaving much of its nuclear infrastructure intact.

Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

The March 14 general-secretariat hoped that the agreement would limit the “harsh sanctions” imposed on it in parallel with a decision by Tehran to “reverse its traditional policy to hit stability in the region.”

It also hoped that the deal would lead to the “withdrawal of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards groups from Lebanon and Syria.”

The statement reiterated that Hizbullah should pull out of Syria and stop turning Lebanon into a battleground.

The Shiite party should abide by the conditions of the state and the National Pact, in addition to U.N. Security Council resolutions, the Baabda Declaration and President Michel Suleiman's Independence Day speech, it said.

Hizbullah openly acknowledges its members are fighting for President Bashar Assad, but Tehran denies its troops have been engaged directly in combat in Syria.

Comments 15
Thumb geha 27 November 2013, 14:19

it is a given the Iranian guard will leave Lebanon and hizbushaitan will be disbanded :)
assurances have been given in this respect :)

Thumb geha 27 November 2013, 15:07

look who is talking: the traitor in chief.
when you want to say something, make sure first that you are Lebanese and not the follower of the terrorist Iranian extremist militia that is currently occupying Lebanon.
as we have kicked out all other invaders, you will be kicked out too.

Thumb Mystic 27 November 2013, 15:26

Lol M14 "HOPES" geha, what they hope for isn't always what happens now is it?

Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 15:37

@FT : "there is no iranian guard in lebanon"

You are the personified example of an ostrich...

Even Iran admits they have revolutionary guards in Lebanon and Syria... why don't you believe your own partners ?

Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 16:12


And here :

Jafari himself is admitting his 'forces" and guards are in Syria and Lebanon.

This is proof ... you stand corrected.

And no need to add salt an pepper to your comments by saying I have Saudi employers. I as a democratic Lebanese am self employed and do this for free.

Unlike you, I don't need to side with Saudis, Iranians or Syrians. I believe in Lebanon and Lebanese identity. Something you have all lost by aligning yourselves with M8 and M14...

This accusation is getting tiring really and ridiculous. You repeating it will not make it true ...

Thumb cedre 27 November 2013, 16:21

they admitted to be in syria when their soldiers got killed with evidence they were pasdarans.
The same farsis admitted that 9/10 of what they say is BS.
U're not far urself from 9/10 of BS....

"Nine tenths (90%) of religion (Shiism) is Taqiyya (dissimulation), hence one who does not dissimulate has no religion." (Al-Kafi vol.9 p.110)

"He who conceals his religion has saved it, and he who makes it public has destroyed it."

"A believer who does not practice Taqiyya is like a body without a head." (Tafseer al-Askari)

"Mix with them (i.e. non-Shia) externally, but oppose them internally." (Al-Kafi vol.9 p.116)

"Taqiyya is necessary and the one who abandons it is excluded from the religion (of the Shia)." (Ehsan-ul-Fatawa Fi Shaeah-e-Aqa'id, p. 26)

Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 16:51

Really FT ... ??? Do you count yourself to be an intelligent human being ???

Why are you struggling ? Is your pride too large that you have to come up with idiocies just to prove you're right ?

I will not bother replying back because you will vomit up layer after layer of nonsense and excuses just to prove an unprovable point.

You really are pathetic !

You remind me of how the Christian church fought science to pertain that earth is at the center of the universe and flat and was created in 6 days...

Grow up, educate yourself and come back and argue.

Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 17:26

Really... if you want to call them advisors or strippers for all I care, that's your problem.

After all, you still call Aoun a General when he's defected. Other idiots call Geagea a doctor.

Hassan is Cheikh, Sayyed, Politician and Military Commander... go figure. He's a blasphemy to me and I call his followers GHANAM !

Jafari is saying that his "revolutionary guards" are in Lebanon. Hezbollah is a creation and branch of these revolutionary guards.

If it makes you sleep better at night to call them advisors ... go ahead. This just shows how deep your head is in the ground.

Thumb benzona 27 November 2013, 23:43

I have a pasdaran thug in my building in Beirut. He drives a huge 4x4 Cadillac. He sometimes fires his Kalashnikov for fun on the balcony.


Thumb thepatriot 27 November 2013, 16:10

General Mohammed Ali Jafari, commander of the Guards, said on Sunday that “a number of Quds Force members are present in Syria and Lebanon... We provide (these countries) with counsel and advice, and transfer experience to them.”

Pssst FT! Shut up Now!

Missing helicopter 27 November 2013, 20:02

HA is not a country and its militia is not an army FT. Put Lebanon ahead of Sectarianism please. If you accept Iranian advisers serving HA then you must accept KSA advisers advising Salafists in Lebanon. And refuse both and I hope you do too.

Thumb thepatriot 28 November 2013, 12:42

"a number of Quds Force members are present in Syria and Lebanon"

Get over it FT! :)

Thumb cedre 27 November 2013, 16:17

Yeah we know no pasdarans in syria or bekaa.
Btw the ones not present in syria dont use lebanon as a tranit point or logistics hub.

Thumb lebpatriot777 27 November 2013, 20:51

These March 14 politicians keep dreaming and fantasizing. Poor little cannibal darlings.

Default-user-icon Partanjo Dessiklam (Guest) 28 November 2013, 01:07

Sit back, clueless receivers, scratch your empty skulls, rub your antennae and hope the best (for whom? that is the question) will come from the au-dela.