Suleiman: Truth behind Customs Brawl Must be Uncovered to Preserve Freedom of Expression

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President Michel Suleiman condemned on Wednesday the assault against a television crew by security officers at the Beirut Customs office, saying that the truth behind the incident should be revealed.

He demanded that the judiciary and concerned authorities follow up on the case to uncover the truth “in a manner that preserves freedom of expression and the people's civil rights.”

“The search for truth and exercising self defense are both subject to the same laws that maintain the state and serve to protect public interests and funds,” he remarked.

Suleiman held talks with caretaker Finance Minister Mohammed al-Safadi and caretaker Information Minister Walid al-Daouq on the details of Tuesday's incident.

He also met with acting General Prosecutor Samir Hammoud who informed him of the investigations.

Suleiman also discussed the clash with acting director of Customs General Directorate Shafiq Merhi.

On Tuesday, al-Jadeed television reporters were assaulted by security officers at the Beirut Customs office after one of the journalists used a megaphone to demand an interview with Merhi about alleged corruption.

Following a lawsuit filed by the television station, the Central Criminal Investigations Department questioned the crew under the supervision of Hammoud for several hours before releasing them.

A statement from the Customs said Tuesday that the journalist used degrading language, adding it was not the appropriate manner to request an interview.

Comments 3
Missing helicopter 27 November 2013, 19:54

He is not authorized to act, I wish he was. The office of the president needs to reclaim some of the lost powers (at least establish a balance between powers of the president and those of the cabinet/PM). This corruption must be exposed fully, so so and you shall find Berri/SHN at the peak of this corruption pyramid.

Missing peace 27 November 2013, 21:45

sure not a word from berry to condemn , but of course he will not condemn his own men!

Default-user-icon Partanjo Dessiklam (Guest) 28 November 2013, 01:05

How about watching the videos of the Jumblat/Hariri/Suleiman mafia bullies and thugs beating a courageous reporter to see and listen first-hand to the truth? But the boss of bosses is deep to his long ears in the mess.