Jumblat from Russia: Lebanon’s Commitment to STL Doesn’t Mean it Will Allow Foreign Meddling

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat announced on Wednesday that Lebanon is committed to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s decisions, adding however that this does not mean that foreign meddling in Lebanon is permitted.

He made his statements after holding talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during his ongoing visit to Russia.

The MP noted that some sides in Lebanon, including Hizbullah, view the STL as a conspiracy against them, noting that these powers are also part of the Lebanese government.

This is a matter that should be taken into consideration, said the Druze leader.

Jumblat stated: “Russia has long stood by Lebanon and it is still doing so.”

Earlier on Wednesday, the MP stressed after holding talks with Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov that dialogue is necessary in resolving disputes in Lebanon and Syria, reported Moscow News.

A source close to the MP told the news agency that the Russian side voiced “great interest” in holding talks with the Lebanese official.

For his part, Jumblat was quoted as saying: “The Russians are our friends and coordinating with them is important.”

The talks addressed the STL, which the two officials agreed that justice should not be achieved at the expense of Lebanon’s stability.

“Lebanon will face difficulties in handing over any Lebanese suspect to the STL,” stated the source.

On the situation in the Middle East, Jumblat and Bogdanov agreed that the situation in the region needed to be addressed through dialogue, it continued.

“They both agreed that the security option in tackling the anti-regime protests in Syria can no longer continue and Syrian President Bashar Assad should immediately implement reform,” it added.

At the end of June, the STL issued a first indictment and arrest warrants against four Hizbullah members suspected of being involved in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

The party had denounced the tribunal as being an American-Israeli product, saying that it would not cooperate with it.

Comments 10
Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 20 July 2011, 14:34

You're right Mr Joumblatt justice should not be achieved at the expense of Lebanon's stability, expect if the criminal against which Justice is served is the one threatening stability.bowing to his threats is tantamount to substituting stability with TERROR. Justice IS stability Mr Joumblatt! But this time round those who have been behind a whole serie of criminal murders all throughout the civil war have carefullly chosen the executioners precisely so that the arguments you are defending prevail, so they get away once more with their carefully planned murders. You cannot dialogue or partner with those who have used terrorist crimes to make their political agenda prevail, only an international tribunal can, one founded under the might of the UN under chapter 7!

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 20 July 2011, 14:59

If no one is bigger tgan his one country, just to rephrase what M8 have been using as tantamount to dropping the STL, meaning that Hariri, Tuenini, Gemayel, Cassir , etc,... Are not worth the game under play, then Mr Joumblatt, Badreddine, Hassan Nasrallah, and their lot are certainly not bigger than their country either!

Thumb bashir 20 July 2011, 15:07

Neville Chamberlain would like to congradulate you Waliid on choosing a policy of appeasement.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 20 July 2011, 15:11

of course lebanon will surface difficulties,and we will surmount these "difficulties". cowardness is not an option ya walid.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 20 July 2011, 15:30

Should we remind the reader dear Bashir that it all ended up in Nuremberg! However nowadays, La hague will be more confortable than Nuremberg, and surely Mazzé where a number of our compatriots are rotting mercilessly, with everyone in the illegitimate government oblivious to their fate. You cannot expect any better from the ' ashraaf' ! The general in particular who fled like a rabbit to Paris and did not even send a single representative at the mass that was held in memory of those who gave their lives to cover his glorious retreat, and which bodies were subsequently undugg and identified !

Default-user-icon SINBOY LF (Guest) 20 July 2011, 15:42

Law Waleed Beik bi3irna skouto houwe wel rous, ne7na be alef kher. w eza el 3adele me3neta 7are2 lebnen kermel nousal la shat el amen, falyakoun, li anno ma ba2a tenta2o be sara7a, ( hizballa 8 adar including waleed beik) . waleed beik eza ma 3endak zmoukh be rkebak, tna7a 3an el siyese w khale ghayrak ykamil. kafena tanezoulet aktar men heik. 14 adar hayde el forsa el akhira. do or die. enough patience and coldness. you lost 95% of yur belngings. time to show us how you will get it back. you are all good with words. when action comes, no kahoonas whartsover on either side. enough toying with people. save lebanon even if saving t means war. 30 years for others to live on our behalf is not acceptable any more.

Thumb shab 20 July 2011, 16:43

Ask Russia to lift the veto and bomb Syria

Default-user-icon Araf (Guest) 20 July 2011, 19:23

This socialist mollusk & landowner only went to Moscow to plead for Assad!

Default-user-icon BullsEye (Guest) 20 July 2011, 19:25

Well, look at the irony: Jumblat in RUSSIA and talking to RUSSIAN officials about foreign meddling. What do you know!?

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 22 July 2011, 00:14

Yeah right the Russians know all about Justice! They veto the use of Power by UN and NATO against ruthless bloody dictators the likes of Kaddhafi, Assad, and the Diaper Headed supreme criminal in Tehran and his mini me in Dahieh. As per Jumblat the turd, the very same nation (The "Soviet Agenda Cold war minded" Russia) that supports and protects every known dictatorship on this planet, is to be trusted to be a partner in achieving Justice. What a joke this pathetic malicious clown Jumblat has become.