Probe Opened into Floods in Airport Road, Lebanese University Campus

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Financial General Prosecutor Judge Ali Ibrahim opened on Friday an investigation into the floods at the Lebanese University campus in Hadath and the blocked sewers in the airport road's tunnel.

According to the state-run National News Agency, Ibrahim ordered the Ministry of Finance and the Minister of Public Works to carry out the Investigations.

Caretaker Public Works Minister Ghazi al-Aridi was heavily criticized over neglect.

On Thursday, Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati instructed the specialized agencies to deal with the chaos on the streets caused by heavy rains and asked security apparatuses to be on standby for more storms.

Miqati's instructions came as Lebanon witnessed a second day of total chaos on the streets and mainly in Beirut and its suburbs.

One side of the airport road's tunnel was shortly blocked during the morning rush hour after a Civil Defense Department vehicle used to pump out the accumulating rainwater broke down.

Thursday's incident added to the woes of the people, who a day earlier spent hours on the roads after they were blocked due to severe rain.

The heavy rains rendered the airport road completely impassable on Wednesday. TV footage showed vehicles submerged in water inside the tunnel.

Law and Political Science Faculty at the Lebanese University campus was also submerged with heavy rain.

Photo credit: Social Networking Websites

Comments 13
Default-user-icon rami kremesti (Guest) 06 December 2013, 12:52

balad maskhara

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 06 December 2013, 13:48

now they will blame Israel for it.

Thumb FlameCatcher 06 December 2013, 14:02

@FT : you cannot accuse M14 of boycotting when M8 has been doing the same for sooooooo long !

Get out of your M8 mentality...

You're smart ! Attack M14 all you want and I will join you but don't turn a blind eye to the scum you side with ! They are worst !

You believe M8 is the only one allowed to block the democratic process and get away with it ?

Thumb FlameCatcher 06 December 2013, 14:19

What Berri has done ? What about the tents of Hezbollah and Aounies?

Your M8 blockade (not Berri) was unacceptable and worst than the current one. It was designed to create a total vacuum.

A vacuum Hezbollah is still trying to maintain to exert its control and avoid accountability for all its illegal actions, roadblocks, war in syria ... all under false pretexts to cover up their real reasons of taking over the country. Something you are completely blind to !

Do I need to remind you the first ones to object to the last parliamentary elections were Hezbollah ? Not M14 ?

I'm not a hypocrite. Hypocrites are people like you who apply double standards on everything !

You have a "majority" in parliament and government yet you fail to get things done anyway.

Again, someone who is against HA is not necessarily M14. If I share some of the same values, it doesnt mean I adhere to them. I actually share more values with Tayyar (Not Aoun or his gang) than with any other party...

Thumb geha 06 December 2013, 15:20

FT as usual: you do not get it :)
this road is under aridi authority not the municipalities as all major roads are.

Thumb benzona 06 December 2013, 15:41

Ou est le problème en disant que le ministre est incompétent? Et que son prédécesseur aussi? La réelle cause d'inondation est la déforestation et ces permis de bâtir qui déplacent les lits des rivieres souterraines? C'est plutôt ces ministres et municipalités qu'il faut pointer du doigt.

Thumb FlameCatcher 06 December 2013, 15:58

FT : "for this to be possible, universities have to forbid political activity so that students"

How do you create a new class of politicians if universities forbid political activities ?

We need to breed new politicians outside the rotten lebanese parties. Universities are crucial for this to happen !

Thumb FlameCatcher 06 December 2013, 16:10

FT : hezbollah had a 1.5 year peaceful sit-in. not a shot was fired and not a glass was broken.

When did M14 shoot or fire ? I don't even see them shooting bullets in the air whenever Hassan or Berri speak on TV...

As for FPM : I have nothing against it... I value the ideals of FPM. However, Aoun seems the have forgotten these values and my problem is with him. Even Aounies say Aoun is not a Aounie... He's currently protecting everything he fought against. Jumblat style.

All this because he loves himself and power more than he loves his party...

I have nothing against Tayyar's plans ... Its leaders however are scum and have nothing that makes them any better than M14 leaders...

Thumb FlameCatcher 06 December 2013, 16:12

FT : "they were all salafi scum who vote mustahbal."

So what ? Does this mean all people who vote for Mustaqbal are Salafi scum ?

Do you know all the scum that voted for any M8 party ? Are they any better ? All the pro-syrian trash you allied yourselves with ?

I don't know which is worst. Allying yourself with the very people you fought against that raped lebanon for so many years or facing the new salafi threat which can be resolved rather quickly.

Thumb FlameCatcher 06 December 2013, 16:19

FT : "anything you have to say against it needs to be supported by evidence, something you have no idea of"

You refuse the "Evidence" when it hits you in the face. Again, I have nothing against FPM. Aoun is the main problem.

He has 0 integrity.

He fought Syria and Bashar and now sides with him. There is no way you can justify this switching of position.

As a Lebanese Army General fighting militias during the war, he now sides with the biggest threat our country ever had and their syrian partners that kicked him out of the country.

He accuses others of corruption yet has stolen himself. Again, there is proof all over the web including documents signed by him. I will not bother searching for them again because you refuse to admit them...

No need to talk about Bassil ...

Tayyar without Aoun would be amazing ...

Thumb FlameCatcher 06 December 2013, 16:41

@FT : Universities for thousands of years have been the breeding grounds for new mindsets, social innovation, social change and cultural shifts.

Yes, universities are highjacked by political parties. What's worst though is that all political parties own and control the media.

Universities are full of students who are fed up with the M8/14 status quo but who are voiceless. Not because they don't have representatives but because they have no way to reach out to people. Also, Lebanese are always wary of new political initiatives because they don't know "who" is behind them. They prefer to stick to what they know even if it's crap...

For me, "War Time" Political parties should be banned, not just from universities but from political life. By that, I mean all political parties and politicians that were involved in the civil war should be outlawed...

Thumb FlameCatcher 06 December 2013, 16:45

PS : the M14 2005 popular uprising is the best thing to happen to Lebanon. You too were part of it.

Kicking Syria out of the country for example. Is this something you regret ? Do you regret the days where Jamil el Sayyed was the ruler of Lebanon ? Where Aounies or any anti syrian would be beaten up and thrown in jail for no reason ?

Problem is this movement was also highjacked.

It's time for people to rise up again against M8/M14 political blocks and kill this status quo. It's bound to happen because people are fed up. The only problem is that anyone who dares lead them will be eliminated or "censored"...

Thumb FlameCatcher 07 December 2013, 02:54

@FT : there is only one word to describe you. Amnesia. You're completely blind to the facts I raise. What evidence are you talking about ?

Do you deny Aoun went from extreme anti-syrian to pro-syrian ?

Do you deny Jamil el Sayyed beat Aounies up ?

You are hopeless, you have 0 recollection of very recent history. You are a lost cause...