Report: Hizbullah Commander Killed in Lebanon not Syria

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A high-ranking Hizbullah commander has died during training in a camp in Lebanon, security sources said, refuting claims he was killed in battle in Syria on Sunday.

The sources told An Nahar daily published on Tuesday that Ali Bazzi was mistakenly shot during a live fire training at one of Hizbullah's camps in Lebanon.

Hizbullah has lost scores of fighters since it joined Syrian President Bashar Assad in battling the Sunni-led rebels, inflaming sectarian tensions on both sides of the border.

A Lebanese security source on Sunday said that Bazzi was killed in a “combat zone," without specifying the location.

A website for Bint Jbeil, Bazzi's hometown in southern Lebanon, announced his death on Sunday and posted pictures of him in military garb and holding an automatic rifle, saying he "died a martyr as he was carrying out his sacred duty as a jihadist."

A photo distributed in Sidon of Bazzi, showed a man with a white beard wearing a camouflage military uniform and a green beret.

Comments 21
Thumb shab 10 December 2013, 08:36

What a bunch of looser. Filthy militia

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 December 2013, 11:00

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 December 2013, 11:28

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 December 2013, 15:46

walla the gestapo is out today, censoring left and right


Missing haidz 10 December 2013, 08:40

All I can say to you filthy guys is ""shalom""

Thumb general_puppet 10 December 2013, 08:44

Maybe one of those “Israeli takfiri terrorist” that keep in infiltrating Hizbullah shot him and made it look like an accident.

Missing greatpierro 10 December 2013, 08:44

HA should train more and more with live ammunition

Missing canadianadam 10 December 2013, 15:17


Thumb geha 10 December 2013, 08:46

one by one they are falling :)
عشر عبيد صغار ...

Missing 10452 10 December 2013, 08:55


compare Hasan Nasralalala to Ayman Zawahri. Do you seriously see them different ? same figure, same speech, same approach.
one is just louder than the other

Missing 10452 10 December 2013, 09:16

unfortunately many non shiaa supporters of HA ignore this fact. They oversee the HA is as driven by the same creed and ideology as Qaeda. just scratch the HA surface, and you will see oceans of darkness and hate and desire to implement the Islamic Shiaa Shariaa they have been historically denied from implementing

Missing daviddk 10 December 2013, 10:01

القاعدة والاسلاميون يقاتلون في سبيل استقلال الامة العربية والاسلامية بعد اكثر من ثمانين عاما من سايكس بيكو وستين عاما من الحكم العسكري التابع لامريكا في كل بلاد العرب والمسلمين. اما الفرس واتباعهم فهم طابور خامس يعمل مع الاستعمار في افغانستان والعراق وسوريا ولبنان.

Thumb scorpyonn 10 December 2013, 11:02

... and more subservient to his master the Ayatollah in Iran.

Thumb FlameCatcher 10 December 2013, 10:05

He who plays with fire will get burned.

He who plays with bullets will get shot.

He who plays with bombs will get blown.

He who doesn't ask questions will get scammed.

Missing freecitizen 10 December 2013, 10:37

Well the resistance is divinely victorious as usual

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 10 December 2013, 11:20

Hizbo's days are over , the next 6 months will show u that!

Default-user-icon Georges (Guest) 10 December 2013, 11:26

call it what you want. They fight along side a war criminal.

Missing petal 10 December 2013, 12:32

Good riddance! Hope the rest of them meet a similar fate

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 10 December 2013, 18:03

shot accidentally in training during a time when they are in another country fighting is as believable as two people settling their car dispute by playing hot potato with a bomb.

Missing peace 10 December 2013, 18:29

LOL shy to say the truth it seems? anyway who cares? LOL

Thumb falanges 11 December 2013, 08:38

thank God