Rifi to Aoun: Ask Your Allies about Joseph Sader's Abduction
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Former Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi on Tuesday hit back at Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun over the issue of the 2009 kidnap of Middle East Airlines employee Joseph Sader.
"Ask your allies and request the minutes of the human rights parliamentary committee's meeting that was held to discuss the kidnappings of Shebli al-Aysami and Sader,” Rifi tweeted.
Aysami, 86, a co-founder of Syria's Baath party who fled his country in 1966 over political differences, was last seen in May in Aley.
In an interview on MTV on Monday evening, Aoun said: “Let Ashraf Rifi and the (ISF) Intelligence Bureau be asked about the identity of those who kidnapped Joseph Sader.”
Rifi clarified that during the parliamentary committee's meeting, “all details about the abduction of Shebli al-Aysami and Joseph Sader were unveiled.”
“I told the committee that the abductors took Sader from the airport road to Beirut's southern suburbs, which are under Hizbullah's control, and he disappeared there,” Rifi added.
The ex-ISF chief called on Aoun to “ask Sader's wife, who said during the meeting that the motive behind her husband's kidnap was the desire to replace him given that whoever occupies this MEA post would have access to crucial information.”
“It seems that your mission now is distorting facts and misleading the public opinion to serve the interests of your allies,” Rifi added, addressing the FPM leader.

Thank you Mr. Riffi. At last a real man asking real questions!!!!!!! We all know who abducted Sader. It is the party of terror.

According to news release, Mustaqbal said and I quote,: "We condemn the assassination of Hizbullah official Hassan al-Laqqis and demand that an honest investigation in the issue be launched. We hope that the investigation will reveal that Israel is indeed behind the crime."
M14? reminds me of the Osama Bin Laden aide-clerk when he says after September 11, 2001 that AlQaida is not responsible for the attacks.

like the M8 general who disobeyed the minister of finance orders in the customs scandal? LOL

Do you guys recall a couple of days ago the article about the news reporter who was arrested and beaten up by HA. All the mouthpieces specially mowaten, flamethrower, and southern said southern suburbs did not mean dahiyeh and there was no evidence linking HA to his abduction and torture. Well below is his personal testimony at the military court as posted in today's Nahhar:
وبسؤال رئيس المحكمة افاد عيشه،، ان سلمان عبد الخالق قريب صهره وسام عبد الخالق كان يساعده في عمله عندما كان يعد تقارير اعلامية مصورة. واضاف عن يوم توقيفه في الضاحية الجنوبية من عناصر من "حزب الله" انه لم يكن يومذاك يقوم بعمل غير شرعي "ولا افكر في الاتجار باسلحة لانني مؤمن بأن سلاحي الوحيد هو الكلمة. وما حصل انه بينما كنت اعد تقريرا عن موضوع الاتجار باسلحة اختطفت وجرى تعذيبي".

Mr Rifi you are the best example of how public servants should act
just disobey orders like you did with both your superiors
minister barroud, and the president of the republic
god bless our democratie

m8 are empty, and even they do not believe all the BS they try to spread.
they are a gang of murderers, abductors, kidnappers, traitors, killers,... for the benefit of their Iranian masters.
and aoun is just a pawn of that extremist Iranian militia.

“It seems that your mission now is distorting facts and misleading the public opinion to serve the interests of your allies,”
exactly... aoun is a hypocrit and the greatest filp flopper in lebanese politics, he even beats jumblatt at that game!