Syria Clamps Down on Damascus Ahead of Anti-Assad Protests

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Syrian security services deployed in force in Damascus ahead of mass Friday protests called in support of Homs after a deadly crackdown on dissent in the central city, rights activists said.

"Elements of the army and security forces are deployed in the districts of Qabun and Rukneddin. Barricades were set up at the entrances, limiting exits and entries," said Rami Abdel Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

"Rukneddin is completely isolated. Barricades have been erected at all the entrances. Thousands of security officers are patrolling and conducting searches of homes and making arrests," he told AFP in Nicosia by telephone.

The deployment came just hours ahead of protests after weekly Muslim prayers on Friday, the main day of dissent against President Bashar al-Assad's autocratic rule since a pro-democracy movement broke out in mid-March.

Security forces also made a show of strength in Douma, on Damascus's outskirts, especially in the market and main mosque, conducting identity checks of people including women at roadblocks.

Comments 5
Thumb charbel 22 July 2011, 15:00

never in history a dictatorship managed to win over the will of the people... and history never goes backwards.
The genie is out of the bottle.

Missing th21 22 July 2011, 15:23

Well said charbel

Default-user-icon AkkraMax (Guest) 22 July 2011, 15:37

I think the crackdown has moved from the phase of trying to quash the protesters to trying to "force" some kind of compromise with the opposition....The regime does not want to admit defeat by calling off the dogs as they know it is not working, but instaead they are using force as an instrument for thing is sure though, the opposition is getting stronger.

Default-user-icon Eagle (Guest) 22 July 2011, 15:53

I am sick of watching the torture on the screen. I kneel in front of the brave syrian people. May God Bless You..... your sacrifices will no doubt pay off and the sun of freedom will shine upon you. Please, preserve that freedom and cherish it when you achieve it.

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (Guest) 22 July 2011, 16:05

I never thought it will come to this. The cowardly and opportunistic leaders supported by politically immature Lebanese have left Lebanon with no hope for salvation except by the brave Syrian people!
The Syrian regime that caused the lebanese misery and decadence in the last 40 years is coming to an end by the courage of Syrians. lebanon and the middle East will be a better place without Assad.