Wahhab Meets Nasrallah, Urges Suleiman to End U.S. Assets Freeze ‘Mockery’

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Tawhid movement chief Wiam Wahhab urged President Michel Suleiman on Saturday to instruct involved ministries to resolve the extended U.S. decision to freeze his assets.

On Thursday, U.S. President Barack Obama extended a freeze of assets on persons, including Wahhab, threatening stability in Lebanon, targeting those seeking "to undermine Lebanon's legitimate and democratically elected government."

A White House statement, extending the freeze imposed in 2007 by former President George Bush, said that "certain ongoing activities, such as continuing arms transfers to Hizbullah that include increasingly sophisticated weapons systems, serve to undermine Lebanese sovereignty."

Wahhab said in his letter sent to Suleiman that in the past four years, the state made no move in confronting “the American piracy” and the foreign ministry never asked the U.S. ambassador in what right Washington was intervening in Lebanon’s internal affairs.

“I haven’t seen any official asking (U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs) Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman, the king of piracy in the Middle East, in what right a government continues to take such measures,” the former minister told the president.

Wahhab said that he and Suleiman shared the same support for the resistance and improved Lebanese-Syrian relations. “That’s why I hope that you would instruct involved ministries in accordance with your constitutional rights to end this mockery that George Bush has inherited to Barack Obama.”

Meanwhile, Wahhab held talks with Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Tawhid’s press office said in a statement. The two men discussed the situation in Lebanon and the region.

Comments 18
Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 30 July 2011, 11:24

You scumbag is not worth a penny! We will not put in Jeopardy the whole banking system in order to protect your stolen backhanders, and bakhchich you' ve been earning from your paymasters!

Thumb loveandpeace 30 July 2011, 11:58

Ouch! Did that hurt? Shouldn't he be talking to Bashar about it?

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 30 July 2011, 14:33

just yesterday this fat syrian bootlicker said he did not Care.
In any normal country he would be charged with high Treason

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 30 July 2011, 14:48

The magnificent Wiam is always right .

Missing eagle 30 July 2011, 14:58

I thought he was gay?

Thumb Marc 30 July 2011, 15:19

This guy is a total embarrassment to politics and politicians! He was a minister once for short time and he thinks he is a regional leader or something??

Default-user-icon Chi Fekhem (Guest) 30 July 2011, 16:27

Yes, Madam Wahhab Cannot go down town anymore and sit and sip coffee and pay in dollars with the harlots she hangs with... Plus didn't he say the whole matter is funny and it wont affect him in anyway? why is he going round crying like a baby begging others to help him and solve the issue? You are a great leader Mr. Wahhab! Keep Ur shin high bro! God Bless Your Mama For giving birth to a Hipo Like You!

Thumb bashir 30 July 2011, 16:45

It's too bad that we need foriegn governments to discipline enemies of the state for us, that we haven't the strength to do it ourselves thanks to the illegal militia.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 30 July 2011, 16:59

Wiam is a nobody, he makes people laugh specially when yeserday he was saying that the freezing of his assets didnt affect him in any ways, and now he is complaining and crying to Sleiman and Nasrallah, this guy has become well known in Lebanon and the Arab world, he is the best one man show out there, and for free of course, you just have to invite him to OTV or MANAR ( of course chanels that are affiliated to his beliefs )

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 30 July 2011, 19:11

LOL seems the asset freeze did hurt mr Wiam

Thumb loveandpeace 30 July 2011, 19:45

Not a happy bunny!

Default-user-icon BullsEye (Guest) 30 July 2011, 23:33

Judging by the way things are going, we should address this guy as St. Wahhab and so on..

Default-user-icon RealityOfLife (Guest) 31 July 2011, 00:10

Go suck up to Bashar and the shortie Iranian KAZAM (MIDGET).

Default-user-icon Reader (Guest) 31 July 2011, 00:42

Wiam is a fool. And it is the American governments every right to freeze his American assets.

Default-user-icon Geno (Guest) 31 July 2011, 00:56

Shou hal bahleh haida .. when did he learn to talk .... we need to tell Mrs. Wahhab that his master
's days are counting, the syrian people will topple him topple his regime and get rid of him, then who will he bark to .. Hahahahaha bahleh wou mesheh.....

Thumb shab 31 July 2011, 02:07

The other day blowfish was concerned? Now he's beggeing for Iranian money from Hizb Mossad

Default-user-icon ks (Guest) 31 July 2011, 03:04

Good on ya Wahab, . you just realised that you're acting your democratic rights, i like your interpretation for democracy, Democracy in advanced world , educated and civilised people is saying your opinon but not crossing against others in ethnics and beliefs as you've done before.I can't understand how peopLE keeping u in the political system, .you remind me of rudeness and like someone having a conversation with his friends on the side of the street with fenjen 2ahweh

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 31 July 2011, 05:52

Why does he have assets in the US? Isn't the US the enemy according to him? Why is it that people like him and Berri have assets in the US and then bash the US at the same time? hypocrites.