Baroud in Tunisia to Oversee its Parliamentary Elections
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Former Interior Minister Ziad Baroud has been appointed by the Tunisian authorities to oversee its parliamentary elections, reported al-Anbaa newspaper on Sunday.
It said that he was appointed to the post because he has enough experience in organizing elections seeing as he oversaw the staging 2009 Lebanese parliamentary elections that included the supervision of a number of international monitors.

Good luck, mr. Baroud. I think that the interior and municipalities ministry should be split. The interior minster needs to be strong man, that knows how to swim with sharks and mr baroud, would do very well in municipalities as an honest, fair and hard working public servant.

You mean baroud is going to oversee corrupt elections where billions were poured into vote buying, shipping people in from overseas and illegally registering voters where they don't live; and get an award for it like he did in Lebanon in 09?

This time I agree with you. An honest and fair man cannot deal with Hezbollah.

Moallek. I think you know that the problems he experienced during his term as interior ministry was with asraf Rifi. Who constantly disobeyed his orders. However my point is that the internal security side and the municipality side are too different and would benefit with different ministers.

goodluck mr baroud , can't believe that a good minister like u wasn't appointed again, but u showed them again ur competences by beeing appointed by a foreign country to manage their election
we are so proud of u, keep ur amazing work
and i am sure that soon u will be back as OUR minister again :)

You mean he is going to oversee corrupt elections that had vote buying, people shipped from overseas and the illegal registration of voters in districts they did not live like what happened in Lebanon in 2009.
They should give him another award for this.

What a great choice !!!!! A man of honor and integrity.
I hope that the UN will appoint him to oversee every election in the world.
Clean, honest and strong.
God bless you Mr Baroud.

^^ I mean as still being a minister before he got fed up with the corruption