Thursday’s Cabinet Session Brief with No Appointments on Agenda

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The cabinet session that is expected to be held on Thursday will be a standard meeting, as it is expected to be brief and followed by the Iftar held by President Michel Suleiman at Baabda Palace.

A governmental source told al-Liwaa newspaper on Wednesday that the appointments in public institutions will not be on the cabinet’s agenda anytime soon.

However, the source stressed that the preparations are ongoing to go on with the issue in the light of vacancies in the public institutions and administrations.

The source noted that these appointments require consensus and the agreement of all political parties in the cabinet, which will be gradual.

Comments 1
Thumb shab 10 August 2011, 11:14

So you fixed the country now? Is it livable now? What happened to the mass session to compensate the delayed formation? Do you have any idea how to run a country?