Germany Investigates Suspected Lebanese Radical

German prosecutors have said they're investigating an alleged Lebanese member of a hard-line Islamic group in Syria and two suspected accomplices accused of helping him procure money and supplies.
Federal prosecutors said Thursday the main suspect is believed to have trained and fought in Syria last year with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, an al-Qaida-linked group.
They identified the 24-year-old Lebanese national only as Ismail I. in line with Germany privacy rules.
Prosecutors said the group sent him back to Germany to procure money, medicine and military supplies, including camouflage gear and night vision goggles.
He and one of the alleged accomplices were arrested on a German highway in November as they set off for Syria. Federal prosecutors, who handle terrorism cases, took over the case last month.

yes we should eradicate all Iranian occupying forces and their supporters.

southern, you have a major problem: you do not understand what you read or what is explained to you :)
I am against all sorts of extremism whether shia, sunni or Christian.
thus all those you are friends with are my enemies, as they against everything that Lebanon stands for.

southern, you have a major problem: you do not understand what you read or what is explained to you :)
I am against all sorts of extremism whether shia, sunni or Christian.
thus all those you are friends with are my enemies, as they against everything that Lebanon stands for.
ATTENTION, to all readers and posters of this forum, Geha and I have made peace. So this post of his is expired. The air is cleared between us, ma heyk ya Geha?
The residents of Se3dnaya and Maaloula have freed themselves from the Takfiri enraged killers. Today our church bells are ringing, and holy hymns are being heard everywhere, since yesterday night, the name of the Lord is being praised and blessed. The residents of both towns have spoken, and their churches are full with worshipers. Takfiris are on their way out.

Too little, too late Germany! 9/11 terrorists all came fom Hamburg..