Lebanese Released in Baalbek after 3-Day Kidnapping Ordeal

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A Lebanese man who was kidnapped in the Baalbek area of Hortaala three days ago, has been released, the state-run National News Agency reported on Monday.

NNA said Khaled al-Nashar was set free by his kidnappers after the mediation of the region's clans.

The agency said Saturday that the man was abducted by armed men riding four-wheelers after he was involved in a drug feud.

Al-Nashar hails from the North but is a resident of Hortaala. He is married to a woman from the town's al-Masri family.

On Sunday, an Iraqi was abducted in the area of Dohat Aramoun.

Wael Mohammed al-Jabouri, who owns residential buildings in the area, was kidnapped after the assailants claimed they wanted to buy an apartment.



Comments 4
Default-user-icon Baalbecki (Guest) 05 May 2014, 14:13

They all drink alcohol and smoke hashish, these clans are all gangsters and thugs but certainly not religious extremists.

Thumb cedre 05 May 2014, 14:49

they are khomeynists...

Missing coolmec 05 May 2014, 16:05

Josh most likely is using the last name. I don't think it is really his family name.

Missing national.pact 05 May 2014, 19:56

im not a multi account user you loser.