Air Raids on Syria's Aleppo Kill almost 2,000 in 2014

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Barrel bombings and other Syrian government air raids on rebel districts of Aleppo and surrounding areas have killed 1,963 civilians since January, including 567 children, a monitoring group said Friday.

A total of 283 women were also among those confirmed killed in the air strikes, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights which relies on a network of medics and activists on the ground for its reports.

The Britain-based monitoring group said the victims it documented were killed between January 1 and Thursday night in rebel-held areas of the northern city and the surrounding countryside.

Control of Aleppo, Syria's former commercial hub, has been divided since a rebel offensive in 2012.

Government aircraft launched a bombing campaign against rebel-held districts in the east in mid-December, frequently dropping shrapnel-packed barrel bombs. 

The use of the munitions -- which are unguided and cannot be directed against military targets -- has been condemned by the international community and human rights groups.

Comments 22
Thumb geha 30 May 2014, 11:35

hitler is nothing compared to this regime and hizbushaitan

Missing peace 30 May 2014, 19:45

yes sure mooowaten, stop denying you are justifying once again the butchery of assad... and minimizing it to justify civilian deaths... you are a butcher just like the one you proudly support... nothing to envy the israelis ya hypocrit anta...

Thumb liberty 31 May 2014, 04:50

What a disgusting thing to say! I cannot believe you are allowed to post such comments..

Thumb .mowaten. 02 June 2014, 09:38

george bush (daddy) made 400,000 dead in iraq over just a few months, and george bush (son) did as many a decade later.
in between, they starved the country and caused 1,000,000 children and elderly people to die from malnutrition/lack of medication.

in comparison, if we consider half the victims in syria were caused by the syrian army, and the other half by the rebels, the syrian army caused 80,000 dead in 3 years. quite far from the bushes & hitlers of this world.

(anybody claiming all the victims were caused by one side only are naive or biased fools)

Thumb .mowaten. 02 June 2014, 09:39

naharnet has censored the following comments for no good reason. reposting them:

does the cannibal observatory count the blind mortar barrages that the terrorists fire everyday on civilian areas? do they count the mass slaughters and beheadings? the executions? the use of human shields? the suicide bombs?
what about the carlton hotel bombing? how many people died when they blew up half the neighborhood?
rats at work in their tunnels:

Thumb .mowaten. 02 June 2014, 09:40

peace you are impermeable to logic. i am putting in perspective the death toll, and showing you what the death would have been if the western rhetoric and takfiri claims that the SAA is blindly carpet bombing were true.

anonyme: you are obsessed with finding deceit where there is facts. watch the video, see the entire neighborhood exploding, the buildings around the hotel collapsing, how many innocents were there around? are they accounted for?
why do you guys cry when the SAA bombs a rebel position, claiming there are civilians around, and you do not care when the rebels blow up and entire neighborhood? arent they the same civilians? or is it halal only when it's done by chechen/lybian/afghan/saudi terrorists only?

Default-user-icon Mamlouk (Guest) 30 May 2014, 12:32

War's not pretty, especially when you have jihadis from all over the globe fighting to make the syrian people as miserable as possible. If the extinct FSA didn't welcome foreign takfiris from all over into syria, all this would have been over by now, but the FSA was a recalcitrant project by the US to topple the syrian government, which it has been trying to do since the 60s. All in all, we can thank the sore losers the FSA who invited tens of thousands of takfiris from all corners of the world to inflict misery and death on the syrian people rather than admit they lost or cooperate to end bloodshed. Then again, they're a foreign parasite on syria, so I don't think the blood of syrians matters to them at all other than for propaganda purposes. Tfeh.

Missing coolmec 30 May 2014, 12:41

Hello Southern
How are you doing?
I think it is fair to say that both sides of the Syrian conflict have committed murders and crimes against the Syrian people. Blaming only one side is simply wrong as in a war such crimes are committed by all sides and the victims are usually the innocent civilians running for their lives

Thumb cedre 30 May 2014, 13:37

what a clever comment coolmec...
Am I wrong or there is 'air raid' in the article title ?
I didnt know rebels had airforce...

Missing coolmec 30 May 2014, 14:27

I am doing ok my friend
As for your above comment What you said is correct in the sense that both sides killed innocent civilians. Please read my post below Addressed to Cedre.
The end result is that innocent Syrian civilians are paying a heavy price and are unfortunately bearing the brunt of this horrendous war that was imposed on the Syrian people whose lives have been decimated as a result of this war. It reminds the heavy price innocent Lebanese civilians paid during our horrible civil war.
both wars were proxy wars imposed on us by evil outside planners

Thumb ex-fpm 30 May 2014, 16:56

southern, barrel bombs are collateral or deliberate? illiterate indeed

Thumb cedre 30 May 2014, 13:35

no credibility since u have a picture of nasrallah and rapist khomeyni in ur living room...

Missing coolmec 30 May 2014, 14:21

we both know air raids are done by the regime of the butcher assad. Nevertheless crimes against the Syrian people were committed by both sides. Bachar's barrel bombs killed indiscriminately innocent Syrians, while the jihadists shot innocent kids n the name of Islam.
As such both sides are criminals and both sides committed heinous crimes against innocent civilians

Thumb cedre 30 May 2014, 14:58

yeah right, one side killed 300k and the other side killed 300 and u compare them, very clever...

I wont even discuss the fact that Bashar released terrorists and Ask Maliki to do the same at Abughraib.

Vey strange that under Saddam for decades never nobody escaped from there, but since iran puppet maliki took over, 100s of isis escaped and went to Syria.
I repeat what i said, ur comparison is stupid and irrelevant...

Thumb ex-fpm 30 May 2014, 16:56

flamthrower, stop defending assad. it is despicable!

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 30 May 2014, 21:12

Hezbollah's brothers in arms in Bosnia.. what was Hezbollah doing there again, can anyone remind me

a special thank you goes to flamethrower for the lovely website, it's a treasure trove full of who and what the lunatic fundamentalist Jihadist Islamist like the takfiris, al qaeda and hezballah have to say...

Thumb popeye 30 May 2014, 14:29

Southern. honestly you are a disgrace to this country and its people and to humanity in general.

Thumb cedre 30 May 2014, 19:27

texas, 160k+ officially dead ie corpse found and named, add to that the ones missing, killed in jail that we have no mean to check about them, people buried under barrel bombed buildings...
U'll easily get 300k+...

Thumb cedre 31 May 2014, 02:32

jaafarani, u forgot to scream zainaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab... LOL

Thumb liberty 31 May 2014, 06:43

I wonder where the mowatens, southerns, and flamethrowers of the forum to comment on josephani's comments. Better still where is phoenix to give his wise advise about his friends and their actions.

Thumb cedre 30 May 2014, 19:29

ultraignorant, salafia is an ideology. U can be civilian, disable, woman, 100 years old and be salafi, sufi, zaydi, etc...
Or are u trying to say that people should be killed for their beliefs ?

Missing peace 30 May 2014, 19:41

yes he does... ethnic cleansing is what M8ers wish for syria and Lebanon....