Geagea Holds President, Premier, Army Responsible for Situation in Lassa

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized on Thursday President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati, Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn, Interior Minister Marwan Charbel, the army, and security forces for their shortcomings in dealing with the developments in the town of Lassa, holding them “responsible before history” for the ongoing incidents taking place in the area.

He said after holding talks with a delegation from the town and other Jbeil District areas: “You will be held accountable because you are allowing the people to resolve their disputes in their own hands, is this acceptable?”

“Does the town of Lassa lie outside of the Lebanese republic? Do we need visas to be allowed to enter it?” he asked.

“Should every village in Lebanon follow its example and establish its own security and defenses?” he wondered.

Geagea described the situation at Lassa as “uneasy”, revealing that he had contacted President Michel Suleiman and all other concerned sides urging them to tackle the matter, but to no avail.

“How come if a dispute erupts in Jounieh, the security forces immediately intervene to end it, but in Lassa any citizen can assault the other under the security forces noses and they would be able to get away with their crime,” he continued.

“We want the state’s authority to be established in Lassa, is that too much to ask?” he wondered.

“The attackers should be arrested because we are setting a bad example to the Lebanese in that they can get away with a crime without punishment,” noted the LF leader.

Geagea also voiced his support for Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun’s proposal to resolve the Lassa dispute through the judiciary.

Property disputes erupted in Lassa a few weeks ago when Hizbullah members prevented a Maronite League team from surveying land owned by the Maronite Patriarchate in the predominantly Shiite town of Lassa in the Jbeil District.

They also came after members of the same party prevented an MTV crew from filming a report on the issue in the town.

A clergyman was also recently assaulted, but his attackers remain at large.

Comments 10
Default-user-icon Pierone (Guest) 25 August 2011, 18:32

Allah Yahmeek

Missing roger@10452 25 August 2011, 18:33

Perfectly said Hakim.

How much longer do we have to wait until our government start acting like a real government over the entire 10452 Km2 ???

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 25 August 2011, 18:34

This Government is an absolute joke and a disgrace for the residents of Lassa. Michel Aoun says mafeeshe...khallass...! What a cheap politician Aoun is! What a crook and a hezballa mercenary he is.

Default-user-icon Pierre (Guest) 25 August 2011, 18:36

This is the true Lebanese that is not to call them by name. GOD bless you

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 25 August 2011, 18:45

why hakim is the rock of bilad el arz?????
becose he is not hiding behind a turban to make A DON QUICHOTTE.

Default-user-icon Alexander (Guest) 25 August 2011, 19:16

What is bad with this speech? Or just because we don't like Geagea we are from the start against him?
The situation in Lassa is similar to any other village populated with the same sect. Residents are encouraged to resist any form of the law, on purpose not by hazard. The best way by the Hezb to control his population is to transfer it apart from the state and by inciting the refusal of the law and implementing a false vision of the state. Indeed, this latter is transformed into an organism requesting taxes only and giving nothing in return; an organism unable to protect the population and unable to provide basic needs like electricity, water, etc...
Therefore why should a resident respect the law in any of its forms? There is the Hez here, ready to supply his needs and even to protect his crimes...

Default-user-icon zizo (Guest) 25 August 2011, 19:25

the first thing that needs to be set on the table is the issue of Law enforcement. All our Muslim brothers on both sides have no incentive to have a strong government and a country where the rule of law prevails. This can only be done after they kick all the Christians out of the country and take their land. How sad. Politicians rendered people very myopic as they cannot foresee demographic changes 50-100 years in the future.
On Sunni's side, they sold Christian land to Sunnis from the golf.
On Shiite side, they are stealing our land by force. ....Hella iza fik thella ba'a.

Missing elielebnan 26 August 2011, 02:18

Thank you Hakim for saying it as it is. I suggest you put "forces" back in the LF. We need to stop being nice with these thugs!!

Missing rudy 26 August 2011, 11:05

bigdig, when it's all said and done and the smoke clears, one man will still be here and that is samir geagea. He has been the most persecuted man in this country for 2 decades now, tortured, isolated for over a decade, weakened in any way both lebanon and syria could think of short of executing him, and he's still here and growing stronger by the day.

Maybe you should start getting used to calling him fakhamit el ra2is :)

Missing roger@10452 26 August 2011, 18:23

Ya Lassaoui,

You should be ashamed of yourself. You bigot...
Thugs like you will not last much longer, and a sovereign Lebanon will always prevail.