Top Muslim Body Calls for 'Killing, Crucifixion' of IS Militants

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Al-Azhar, Sunni Islam's most prestigious centre of learning, expressed outrage Wednesday at the Islamic State group for burning to death a captive Jordanian pilot, saying its militants deserve to be killed or crucified.

After a video was released showing the caged fighter pilot, Maaz al-Kassasbeh, dying engulfed in flames, the Cairo-based authority's head, Ahmed al-Tayib, expressed his "strong dismay at this cowardly act".

This "requires the punishment mentioned in the Koran for these corrupt oppressors who fight against God and his prophet: killing, crucifixion or chopping of the limbs."

"Islam forbids killing of the innocent human soul... It forbids mutilating the human soul by burning or in any other way even during wars against an enemy that attacks you," Tayib added in a statement.

IS itself has implemented such punishments against its own members for robbery at checkpoints or stealing funds from religious endowments in territories controlled by the group in Iraq and Syria.

Comments 36
Default-user-icon roukuz (Guest) 04 February 2015, 12:15

May Al Azhar statement be applied to you as you lay in pieces and tranquility at your final destination dear flamethrower.... RIP Shia Hero

Thumb -phoenix1 04 February 2015, 12:51

Nah Al-Azhar, you're being too king with IS, burning captured IS terrorists is the best way, don't forget that we are dealing with Satan who has dwelled in these evil terrorists, to burn them is to cleanse evil totally from them. Then thereafter they can continue to burn in hell. To show any form of mercy on these IS terrorists is way too much kindness, treat them worse than they treat people, that simple.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 04 February 2015, 13:05

I'm not on anyones side here but lets put this killing of this pilot into context. first IS are barbarians so why are people shocked everytime they kill anyone . This pilot was involved in a war operation where he was dropping bombs killing indiscrimately anyone or anything within the blast radius so he was'nt totally innocent of any crimes himself, given its not humane the way he was killed but this is war and WAR is the ugliest man made invention . Please can anyone explain why they have stopped counting war dead in syria , has the war finished ?

Thumb -phoenix1 04 February 2015, 16:40

Libonase, you used the word indiscriminately on the Jordanian pilot, didn't you? Now how can you be so sure. This pilot is a professional and adheres to a high level of prerequisites. He is fighting an enemy that if wins, people that espouse civilized values will be gone for good. I.S respects no such values, true, war is never sweet and the options for such are few and far apart, but just because he got killed so brutally doesn't give you any reason to justify his killing and even less to quantify his military actions. Here is a merciless evil enemy and those who face them have no choice but put their lives in the line of fire, so that you and me can live safely. I just feel that here a good part of your post was wrong, especially towards those brave ones who sacrifice their lives for us all.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 04 February 2015, 23:21

Phoenix, please brother we know the pilot adheres to rules in war but brother remember the bomb he drops does not , winning this fight against IS will take a lot more than dropping bombs from planes yet the US and its Allies are half assed in their commitment in this war it just seems to suit an agenda of governments at the moment where our freedoms and liberties are being taken away and IS are the excuse .

Thumb -phoenix1 04 February 2015, 16:41

Libonase, you used the word indiscriminately on the Jordanian pilot, didn't you? Now how can you be so sure. This pilot is a professional and adheres to a high level of prerequisites. He is fighting an enemy that if wins, people that espouse civilized values will be gone for good. I.S respects no such values, true, war is never sweet and the options for such are few and far apart, but just because he got killed so brutally doesn't give you any reason to justify his killing and even less to quantify his military actions. Here is a merciless evil enemy and those who face them have no choice but put their lives in the line of fire, so that you and me can live safely. I just feel that here a good part of your post was wrong, especially towards those brave ones who sacrifice their lives for us all.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 04 February 2015, 23:07

Texas how did i start with a lie how can a laser guided bomb distinguish between man , woman, child , animal or barbarian or would you conveniently call that collateral damage , also please where did i support anyone whether it be IS or the pilot all i stated was that in WAR no body is totally innocent but i would like to state that i don't believe anything the US or its supporters tell us about anything .

Default-user-icon 511 (Guest) 04 February 2015, 13:06

Islam urgently needs it's own reformation it's the only way it can move from under the stone aged jihadi dogma of the self appointed emirs, khalifas, wali fakih and similar silly titles.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 04 February 2015, 13:19

To abide by the Geneva convention the warring parties must have agreed and a signature to it , seeings IS are barbaric i don't think they have an idea what to abide by . If we wan't to really stop IS i think it can be done first by cutting off supplies second lets put santions on any nation funding or purchasing oil from them but it seems governments are using IS to create new laws to take away the freedoms our grandfathers fought for in the past .

Thumb the_roar 04 February 2015, 13:26

Not sure who you are Je_suis....but its totally refreshing to read a post that thinks outside the square....Many excellent questions posed & very hard to answer for most, because most are like sheep & cannot think outside the square...only what they are told.

IS can be stopped within a month with the simple steps you outlined already.

but there is a bigger agnda than IS by those who back it.
One World do you achieve it? create something so scary & so unstoppable that the masses will want to give up their rights willingly to be saved.

Default-user-icon roar_the-ruffian (Guest) 04 February 2015, 13:33

so well put @wolf

Default-user-icon _mowaten_ (Guest) 04 February 2015, 13:33

hi "Je_suis@libonase" i see you have a new alias, yet speak like an old timer of this forum. could it be that you're a troll posting under different names every time? could it?

Missing Je_suis@libonase 04 February 2015, 14:15

No my friend just voicing an opinion , why the hostilty is there something wrong if i make an observation i apologize if i offend anyone .

Thumb the_roar 04 February 2015, 14:25

You're apologizing to the Naharnet troll who copies other members names?

Just post what you please, ju_suis & take no notice of the riff raff that try to harass you.

Thumb ex-fpm 04 February 2015, 13:21

I also agree with you. But, here is the exact quote of Azhar:

وقال البيان الصادر مساء الثلاثاء، إن شيخ الأزهر يستنكر "العمل الإرهابي الخسيس الذي أقدم عليه تنظيم داعش الإرهابي الشيطاني من حرق وإعدام الطيار الأردني معاذ الكساسبة".
وتابع البيان "هذا العمل الإرهابي الخسيس الذي يستوجب العقوبة التي أوردها القرآن الكريم (إنما جزاء الذين يحاربون الله ورسوله ويسعون في الأرض فسادا أن يقتلوا أو يصلبوا أو تقطع أيديهم وأرجلهم من خلاف أو ينفوا من الأرض ذلك لهم خزي في الدنيا ولهم في الآخرة عذاب عظيم)".

Missing Je_suis@libonase 04 February 2015, 13:47

I think the state of israel is a signatory to it , yet israel totally ignores the rules of engagement when it suits. Any ideas by anyone as to why the state of israel does'nt seem at all concerned about IS, There are a lot of questionable actions of late by them .

Default-user-icon illegitimate&illiterate.southern (Guest) 04 February 2015, 14:09

even though you were brief, I could not have put it better. Well said and very poetic Southern!

Thumb the_roar 04 February 2015, 14:28

We shall forever be in your debt here at Naharnet, iceman aka normajean & 1000 guest names. all the hours you put in to follow & address other posters..

what would we do if God forbid you had a day off?

Missing greatpierro 04 February 2015, 14:33

al Zahar statement is medieval. When will Islam reform itself to modernity.

Thumb the_roar 04 February 2015, 14:38

Islam cannot be modernized....To modernize would be to unravel some truths about a religion born of the sword.

Thumb cityboy 04 February 2015, 16:40

have to disagree on that the_roar, Islam is a beautiful religion that was spread by the word and not the sword. I am muslim myself, though i am not a practicing muslim. I am still proud on the religion, if you know the meaning behind islam you will know how it is like an anti-thesis to all the many things wrong in this world. Just like any religion, we have our misled fools, but it is still no reason to use them as a excuse to tarnish the religion. It would be like me saying mid-evil Europe and the world wars were the fault of Christianity because they were conducted primarily by christians.

Thumb cityboy 04 February 2015, 16:40

have to disagree on that the_roar, Islam is a beautiful religion that was spread by the word and not the sword. I am muslim myself, though i am not a practicing muslim. I am still proud on the religion, if you know the meaning behind islam you will know how it is like an anti-thesis to all the many things wrong in this world. Just like any religion, we have our misled fools, but it is still no reason to use them as a excuse to tarnish the religion. It would be like me saying mid-evil Europe and the world wars were the fault of Christianity because they were conducted primarily by christians.

Thumb the_roar 04 February 2015, 17:39

Cityboy, I am happy to debate any religious beliefs.

True that all religion is abused by so called Catholics who killed & burned ...Muslims who are doing likewise etc.

My debate isn't about religion & those who abuse it...all religion has fakes who abuse it for their own agenda.

The true debate is who is who & who to believe....Only Lord Jesus lived a sinless life who died & rose from the dead.

Just examine & compare the lifestyle of Jesus & Mohamed & you will start to understand who is who....lets not start with other religions who believe in myth etc.

Thumb cityboy 04 February 2015, 20:01

the_roar, I can't profess to know the inner life of both Propfets of Muhammad and Jesus, or son of God to you so I am not fit for that debate, but I will say that is it possible what you profess to know of the two prophets is based on teachings taught to you. These teachings are in themselves more than likely based on someone elses personal beliefs and likely biased narrative of religious history. This is kind of evident in your assumption that only Jesus lived a sinsless life who died and rose from the dead. Because that arguement in itself is based on a belief, would be impossible for you to prove as fact. I hope you would agree. Another note, i dont really think this whole issue is something needed to be debated. My assertion still is Islam, if followed correctly, can solve many of the worlds problems today. The same would go for true Christianity.

Default-user-icon dezabro & demosso (Guest) 04 February 2015, 14:46

lol at @defacto

Default-user-icon Je Suis the_roar (Guest) 04 February 2015, 14:53

As a follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lord, Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah.

Thumb the_roar 04 February 2015, 16:09

If you think by replacing my Lord Jesus with khomeni or Nassrallah makes you clever or might attract a few laughs...then all I can say is ..may Lord Jesus forgive your evil heart.

Not sure who's the filthier you or naharnet who allows you to post such filth towards Lord Jesus.

Thumb -phoenix1 04 February 2015, 16:43

Terrorist, my good friend, a good terrorist is a dead terrorist, simple. Daesh or IS if left alive will endeavor to kill many innocent people. Masalan, the Yazidis, what harm have they caused anyone, or the millions of innocent civilians that were going about their normal lives. Why did IS do so much evil? I'd show no sympathy to anyone of such evil, in war there are times when you get as hard as the enemy you face.

Thumb ParvizAmir 04 February 2015, 17:46

According to CNN.

“The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years.

Some scholars see an emerging Muslim renaissance as Islam takes root in many traditionally Christian communities.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today without conquests or wars thanks to our Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei who is able to spread Shia Islam to all corners of the earth through peace, democracy, and tolerance.

Thumb the_roar 04 February 2015, 17:55

No thats only according to you iceman aka normajean...Sunni Islam far outweighs shia muslim... pathetic but do try again.

Thumb scorpyonn 04 February 2015, 18:11

To ParvizAmir- Iranians are the scum of the earth and are not welcome in Lebanon.

Thumb scorpyonn 04 February 2015, 18:00

lol- that is the most ludicrous statement I have read so far.

Thumb scorpyonn 04 February 2015, 18:03

Veritas, if you look at where we have conflict in the world, besides in Ukraine, it is almost all in Islamic countries. What gives? Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, Islamic insurgency in the Philippines, and so on and so forth. If not for conflict, people are abused and human rights is almost non existent-- Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, that odious cancerous country called Iran..... need I say more?

Thumb cityboy 04 February 2015, 20:07

duh, i know the islamic world is in the spot light right now, because if you didnt know, there is currently a zionist crusade to destroy the heart of the muslim community. The western christian community has already been taking over, that why christianity is no more in the west. This too is why they are trying to provoke russia, cant let orthadox christianity to still thrive in todays age of sin and greed as the new religion to be adopted by all people.

Thumb liberty 04 February 2015, 19:12

Southern you are a prime candidate to be a martyr.

Thumb nickjames 04 February 2015, 20:47

Regarding biography about Texas:

.Southern_. Yesterday
truth hurts, eh!.. good work biographies4.

I like the name Southie, I'm gonna start calling you that. What do you think about this bio, is it good work? Lol