More Suspects Arrested in Third Day of Dahiyeh Security Plan

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The army continued on Thursday the implementation of its security plan in Beirut and its southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, announced the military in a statement.

It arrested several suspects, including a Palestinian, in raids in al-Mraijeh, Ain al-Sikka, al-Raml al-Ali, al-Cocodi, and Sabra.

It confiscated a number of light weapons and their ammunition, as well as hand grenades and military gear, said the communique.

The army and Internal Security Forces kicked off on Tuesday a security plan in Beirut and its southern suburbs to apprehend outlaws.

The security plan, which includes Hizbullah's stronghold of Dahiyeh, is reportedly widely supported by the party and its Shiite ally AMAL movement.

However, the early announcement of the plan granted offenders time to evade security forces and flee to unknown whereabouts, similarly to the plan implemented in the eastern Bekaa Valley.



Comments 1
Thumb janoubi 30 April 2015, 16:14

Most of the wanted and known criminals are now back in their villages in the South and the Bekaa.

"However, the early announcement of the plan granted offenders time to evade security forces and flee to unknown whereabouts, similarly to the plan implemented in the eastern Bekaa Valley."