Israeli Drone Crashes in Lebanon for 2nd Time in 3 Weeks
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةAn Israeli drone crashed in the northern city of Tripoli on Saturday, the army said, in the second such incident in three weeks.
"At around 8:30 am (0530 GMT), a drone belonging to the Israeli enemy went down in the port of Tripoli, and the army has taken the necessary measures," the military said in a statement, without elaborating.
A security official said the pilotless aircraft crashed into the sea.
"Fishermen had the impression a plane was falling down towards their harbor, close to the main port of Tripoli," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
"They alerted the army which has retrieved the aircraft from eight meters (26 feet) under water. It turned out later that it was an Israeli drone," the source added.
An spokesman for the Israeli military refused to comment on the reports.
On June 21, Israel carried out an air strike in eastern Bekaa region to destroy one of its drones that had crashed in the mountains outside the village of Saghbine.

نعى “حزب الله” 5 من عناصره قتلوا اثناء مشاركتهم في معارك الزبداني في ريف دمشق، وهم عباس محمد حايك من بلدة عدلون، وعلي جميل حسين من بلدة النفاخية، وعباس جودات مفلح من بلدة الخريبة، وحسين خليل علي منصور الملقب بـ”حيدر عيتا” من بلدة عيتا الشعب، وهادي حسن علي اسعد نون من بلدة السماقية الحدودية في سوريا، التي يقاتل معظم أبناءها في صفوف “حزب الله”، ليرتفع عدد قتلى الحزب خلال معركة “البركان الثائر” إلى 18 قتيلا،

The south people they alert Hizb instead if such incident happens .No peace for lebanon with existing militias.

Thank God it fell in an area not controlled by HA, otherwise the army would never pay its hands on the drone. We need to liberate all of Lebanon so the army is in charge everywhere.

I would rather contend it is a Hizbullah drone: the fact that it crashed and for the second time in a week is a undubitable proof it is Hizbullah crafted.
The Russian text may be from Hizbullah, they thought they were writing Hebrew on it but it appeared to be Russian.

I would rather contend it is a Hizbullah drone: the fact that it crashed and for the second time in a week is a undubitable proof it is Hizbullah crafted.
The Russian text may be from Hizbullah, they thought they were writing Hebrew on it but it appeared to be Russian.