Alain Aoun: Garbage Crisis did not Linger in Cabinet, No Intention to Obstruct Tuesday Session

Change and Reform bloc MP Alain Hakim stressed on Sunday that the temporary solution reached in the cabinet on the garbage crisis “proves that the problem did no lie there in the first place,” assuring that the bloc has no intention to obstruct the government’s work during Tuesday's session.
“The temporary solution reached in the cabinet on the waste management crisis proves that the problem did not lie primarily there,” said Aoun.
“As a political team, we have done our duties on several situations starting with rejecting the extension of the contract with Sukleen down to the tender conditions,” he said.
He emphasized that “Lebanon cannot depend on the traditional technique of land-filling because it has proven inefficiency and the country's inability to absorb,” stressing that “the Change and Reform bloc has always called for a solution to the looming crisis.”
Beirut and the Mount Lebanon area were plunged in a waste disposal crisis following last week's closure of the Naameh landfill without finding an alternative.
The closure of the landfill coincided with the end of the contract with the Sukleen company responsible for collecting garbage in Mount Lebanon and Beirut.
On the cabinet session slated for Tuesday, the Free Patriotic Movement MP said: “Every minister is part of the President of the Republic because the jurisdictions of the president have moved now to the government.
“We do not advocate obstruction and we have never called for Salam's resignation. We only seek to activate the government according to the norms,” he added.
“We are holding consultations with all parties, and we do not intend to go Tuesday's cabinet session with intentions to obstruct.”

We need the FPM to put Basil in Charge of the Garbage to fix given his proven record in fixing the electricity. Maybe he will hire 2 Turkish vessels to be loaded with garbage.

If most MP's do not want to elect someone who is an agent to Iran, an ally to the Butcher and a mentally ill person....what has it got to do with Christian representation????
Are there no Christians who are more competent, more intelligent, more honest, more patriots, and more sane than this lousy caporal?
Even Sleiman Frangieh is much better than the Caporal.
"Anybody, but NOT the caporal"!!!

More "don't blame me" bs from the nephew of the king of BS in Lebanon.

Mr. St_saniora. No I'm not from hell. I'm from the real world, a place that apparently you haven't visited lately. Allow me to explain how FPM bears the blame for the garbage problem. Read closely. Okay? The government is responsible for disposal of garbage. FPM has boycotted the Parliament so that there is no President. FPM would not agree to any electoral law but it's own, so Parliament is existing outside of its Mandate. The Council of Ministers is paralyzed by FPMs demands that
Aoun's nephew be appointed head of the Army, and will not allow other agenda items to move under threat to collapse this last vestige of government. So nothing is addressed, including the garbage issue under Aoun's threat, backed by Hezbollah to collapse the entire government unless he gets his son in law appointed. It just sounds like hell, but really it's Lebanon with Aoun running amok.

hehe! my comment was deleted by the evil flame/roar duo.
Anyway; the filthy FPM had their own government for 2 years and did nothing about building the waste disposal plants that were approved in 2010 by the hariri government. Deleting my comment does not change the fact the FPM are thugs, liars, and filth.
Dear Alain Aoun, please try to obstruct anything in Lebanon, not one single neighborhood will even notice, your FPM is almost dead, unnoticeable and truly irrelevant nowadays.