ISF Arrests Prominent Jabal Mohsen Gunman
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The Internal Security Forces announced on Thursday the arrest of a prominent gunman in the Jabal Mohsen neighborhood in the northern city of Tripoli.
They said in a statement that they had detained Aa. Aa. In Tripoli's Qobbeh neighborhood on charges of forming an armed group aimed at carrying out terrorist attacks.
In addition, the suspect, also known as Hawwa, is wanted for inciting internal strife, destabilizing civil peace, murdering and wounding citizens, and opening fire from a weapon.
He has since been referred to the concerned authorities for investigation.
The neighborhoods of Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tabbaneh in Tripoli frequently used to get embroiled in armed sectarian clashes.
Divisions between the two sides increased further with the eruption of the Syrian uprising in 2011, with Jabal Mohsen supporting the Syrian regime and Bab al-Tabbaneh backing the rebels.
First steps to achieving a reconciliation between the two sides were made in March with a series of “consultative” talks being held at the residence of late former Prime Minister Omar Karami, about a year since the adoption of a state security plan in the city.

The Internal Salafi Forces are once again out arresting people for self-defence.
When you are surrounded by takfiris from both ISIS and Nusra in Jabal Mohsen, then you have a legal right to defend yourself and your family.

They are Rifis forces, and they are controlled by March 14 Alliance, so no I do not see them as legitimate at all.
They have smuggled takfiris and their wives across Lebanon from Syria, on several occassions too.

That is March 14s darkest secret, they already have their own private army which is the Internal Salafi Forces, yet they still want the Resistance to drop their arms, just like the people of Jabal Me7sen did, then the cowards from the Internal Forces goes into the areas and makes mass arrests.
Good thing the Resistance will never fall for this trick. You have your Forces, we have ours.

20 years from now, people like this demogogue above will be saying about the ISF they are Rifi's men. He is driven by sectarian hatred for anything that is sunni in this country. They like to sugar coat it but it still stinks.
This is how I feel about the Internal Forces texas.

then ask hezbollah to shoot everyone from ISF as they are all salafis... what are you waiting for idiot miss tic? kill them all yalla! and stop barking here...
and while you are at it kill all sunnis from the army and all christians that are not with aoun, ok? then bomb northern Lebanon as the majority are sunnis...
that is your logic... do you read yourself or are you naturally stupid?

Read the article again, it was the Lebanese Army that captured him.

When you tell the Resistance to drop their weapons, don't forget you have your own Internal Forces at your disposal.
We both have our Forces, and you want all your enemies to drop their weapons without a fight?
That is the March 14 way, just as in 2008 you thought you could get away with taking over the Resistance telecoms network.

"When you tell the Resistance to drop their weapons, don't forget you have your own Internal Forces at your disposal."
sure now he is a natural.... a natural idiot.

You had no proof that the Eids were behind those mosque bombings.
Where is the verdict against Al Assir? Mostaqbals judges are covering for him for sure.

no syrian flags in jabel mohsen? no portrait of bashar neither? come on... i have seen them myself....

i am saying there are syrian flags and portraits of bashar in jabel mohsen.... not necessarily the one in the pic here.
but the fact is they exist... as jabel mohsen are pro syrian, no?

Haha yeah peace, not to mention the hundreds of Nusra and ISIS flags around the other neighbourhoods in Tripoli surrounding Jabal Mohsen!

when you go in jabel mohsen yes you feel like you re in syria....