Jordan Policeman Kills 2 U.S. Instructors, South African
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
A Jordanian policeman shot dead two U.S. instructors, a South African and a fellow Jordanian at a police academy Monday before being gunned down, officials and the U.S. embassy said.
Government spokesman Mohammed Momani said the shooter also wounded two American instructors, four Jordanians and a Lebanese citizen in the attack at the Jordanian International Police Training Center (JIPTC).
Momani, who is also information minister, said in statements carried by state news agency Petra that the assailant was gunned down by colleagues at the center in al-Muwaqqar, 30 kilometers (20 miles) east of Amman.
An investigation is underway to determine the motive for the shooting, he added.
The three foreign instructors killed were on contract with Jordanian police, Momani said.
Sources close to the family identified the shooter as police captain Anwar Abu Zeid.
"He has no ties with any terrorist organization like Daesh," one source told AFP, using an Arabic acronym for the jihadist Islamic State group.
"The family is in shock and security forces are questioning them about the incident," said the source, who declined to be named.
The English-language Jordan Times quoted a relative of the assailant as saying he was a 28-year-old father of two from the northern village of Rimun.
He was known in his hometown as "a very kind person, who is religious but moderate," the relative who declined to be named told the paper.
The U.S. embassy condemned the attack, confirming the casualty toll and the nationality of the victims.
"Our heartfelt condolences go out to the families of all of the victims," a statement said.
"The investigation is on-going and it is premature to speculate on motive at this point," it added.
- Anniversary of hotel bombings -
The embassy also posted on its website a message for U.S. citizens reporting a "security incident" at the JIPTC and urging individuals "to please avoid that area for the time being."
"Please monitor the news for further developments and maintain security awareness," the message said.
The attack coincides with the 10th anniversary of suicide bombings in Amman hotels that cost 60 lives and wounded dozens more.
On Monday, King Abdullah II and his wife Queen Rania attended a memorial for the victims of the November 9, 2005 attacks.
"I know that this is a difficult day for you," the king told families of the victims, and deplored the "tragedies caused by terrorism" around the world.
The king later visited the wounded from Monday's attack who were being treated at a military hospital, Petra said.
The 2005 bombings, which were claimed by al-Qaida, had shocked one of the Middle East's most stable countries and a key U.S. ally.
Earlier this year Jordan executed an Iraqi woman whose husband was one of the bombers.
Sajida al-Rishawi was arrested after the attacks and confessed that she was also wearing an explosives belt but had been unable to activate it. She was tried and sentenced to death.
She was executed on February 4 along with another Iraqi jihadist who had been on death row in revenge for the killing by IS of fighter pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh.
IS captured the fighter last December and later burned him alive in a cage.
The pilot's murder sparked international outrage and was described by a senior Jordanian official as a "turning point" in the kingdom's fight against IS.
Jordan is part of a U.S.-led coalition battling IS, which has seized swathes of territory in its neighbors Syria and Iraq.
The tiny desert kingdom has trained tens of thousands of Iraqi, Palestinian and Afghani police officers and announced earlier this year plans to train former Libyan rebels at the police academy.
The center was set up initially after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq to train Iraqis for their country's post-war police force.

@mowaten E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since the day you declared with a straight face you were a shiaa atheist and also a member of hezbollah with only one account. I think i will also continue to laugh at your statement " lol ". Thank you Thank you

keep laughing eaglyawn, it's better than crying over your dead soldiers.

Why don't you say Allahu Akbar now pajama.boy?
This was indeed a splendid job by your moderate rebels.

pajama you make just as much sense as you usually do (that means none, in case you're wondering)

الخارجية الأميركية تُعلن ان ضابطاً لبنانياً من بين المصابين بعملية إطلاق النار التي نفذها ضابط أردني قبل مقتله.
it looks like a Lebanese Army Officer was also training the Syrian rebels;)))

ويشار إلى أن المركز الذي كان مسرحا لهجوم اليوم أنشئ قبل عشر سنوات بشراكة أردنية وأميركية وتموله الولايات المتحدة لتدريب رجال الشرطة من مختلف دول العالم بينهم المئات من منتسبي الشرطة الفلسطينية والعراقية والليبية. ويقع المركز في منطقة شبه صحراوية ويحاط بحراسات مشددة.

lol pijama, tu me fais de la peine. constamment a pleurer que je "t'attaque" alors que reviens toujours reprendre une portion de claques. tu dois etre un peu maso non? il faut bien ca pour soutenir des losers.

Even on an article regarding Jordan I find you mowaten spamming, trolling, and terrorizing other posters. What kind of person are you? New evidence surfaces by the minute that you are a paid poster but the question remains who pays you and for what exact purpose? Is it the Iranian embassy, is it the revolutionary guard, is it the syrian intelligence or the ex-KGB? These questions must be answered by you and NOW!

No panic guys, it was just moderate rebels!
Everybody carry on, this is all just a misunderstanding.

Everything is perfectly under control, the moderate rebels didn't mean to kill the proud american soldiers, they thought the Americans were Shi3a hahaha!

Take it easy man, it will be fine, go look to ur progressist and secular friends in faylak bader, abbou fadel el abbas and co on youtube... It will do u good...

terrorist_salafi, why is it all you people act like moderates, when in reality you have strong love for Osama bin Laden, Zawahiri, Baghdadi, Ibn Taymiyah etc?

I wonder what sectarian part u r talking about, really... If u don't wanna see the obvious it's up to u southern, youtube is accessible for all..
Anyway i fon't care if hariri comes back from from damascus airport or even if he comes back at hope, but i truely qish syrian people can have a real demacratic state to live in, u know kind of state where no family can reign for decades, kind of state where they donnot bring back one of the sons from london because the otherone was killed to assure the succession.. U know, or maybe u don't....

As long as it makes u happy, my pleasure...
Now time for pragresist and modern flagelation?...

Which country are you a mowaten of..... Certainly not Lebanon!

Mowaten is the modern day version of Joseph Goebbel.
if you don't know who I mean should !
look it up

They were training the Jordanian Police or are you too thick to recognize that !

southern, where in the article did it say the Americans were training rebels at the same camp?!

Yeah they are training so called moderate rebels in Jordan going into Syria.
Just too bad for the yankees, that their moderate salafis turns their guns against their own masters.

Seems like the so called moderate rebels the U.S trains in combat, aren't too happy about Liberty and Democracy after all.

Pathetic.... the trolls shamelessly tailor the news to suit their paymasters.

of course, "everybody" knows that takfiris work for bashar, putin & khamenei.

no need to shed further details on your Christianity, your comments say it all.