Army Arrests Six Syrians Including Terror Group Member in Deir al-Ahmar

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Lebanese army arrested six Syrian nationals in the northern town of Deir al-Ahmar in Baalbek including a man who is wanted on charges of belonging to a terror group, the Lebanese Army Orientation Directorate said in a statement on Saturday.

“Six Syrians were arrested for wandering illegally inside Lebanon's territory. A man known as Ezzedine Rahil al-Suleimani was among the detainees. He was arrested on charges of belonging to a terrorist organization and for recruiting people to work for the group,” the statement added.

The army confiscated four motorcycles in their possession that did not have legal papers.

The detainees were referred to the relevant authorities to take the necessary measures.

Comments 1
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 02 April 2016, 14:34

The army confiscated four motorcycles in their possession that did not have legal papers.

what about the motorcycles driven by the shia of hezbollah... do they have legal papers?