Geagea: Christians in East Can Only Be Strong under Democratic Regimes

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea noted on Sunday that the March 14 forces did not enjoy a positive year due to the “coup” that overthrew the government of former Premier Saad Hariri, but added that he predicted the upcoming days and weeks to overturn the results of this coup.

He said before an Iraqi delegation: “The Christians in the East can only be strong under the rule of a democratic regime where they can enjoy freedom and civil rights.”

“Iraq’s Christians have remained attached to their country despite all the hardships they have endured,” he said.

Earlier on Sunday, he noted before the Toronto chapter of the Lebanese Forces: “The changes in the Arab world are affecting the core of the region.”

“The historic changes stem from the years of neglect and lack of democracy that the Arab people suffered from,” Geagea remarked.

“Tumultuous times await them, but we can say that the year 2011 was a positive one for Arabs because it marked an historic shift in their lives,” he continued.

The Lebanese Forces leader added however that the results of the Arab revolts will take years to emerge.

Comments 6
Default-user-icon Frank Babouj (Guest) 28 November 2011, 11:57

And when Dr. Falso talks about a democratic regime, he gives the example of a prospective one led by the likes of Abdul Halim Khaddam, Rifaat al Assad and the Sunni Fundamentalists that he called minnina when they invaded Achrafieh. Who knows more than the doctor? The country that does not have a Dr. Falso should see how to create one.

Thumb thepatriot 28 November 2011, 12:41

Only one thing is for sure, whatever happens next, 2012 is going to be a tough one!

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (Guest) 28 November 2011, 16:03

Like your paymasters saudi arabia you bold headed bufoon?

Default-user-icon Elie from canada (Guest) 28 November 2011, 16:32

In reply to lepatriot:

yeah ?? and did Feltman also told him to go to jail for 11 years and not waver on the Lebanese & Christian principals that we fought for for centuries ???

Thumb geha 28 November 2011, 17:11

the stupidity of a power hungry general and his allies will be the cause of the inahilation of Lebanon.

Thumb thepatriot 28 November 2011, 23:16

Sorry Elie, i don't speak chinese.