Geagea: If Hizbullah Has Any Credibility, it Would Recognize STL

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea praised on Wednesday Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, saying that Hizbullah and its allies can no longer claim that it is an American-Israeli product.

He said before reporters in Maarab: “If Hizbullah has any credibility, then it should recognize the tribunal.”

He also stressed that the party should also capture the four suspects, accused by the tribunal of being involved in the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri, in order to further demonstrate its credibility.

In addition, Geagea attributed the decision to fund the tribunal to political reasons, renewing his call on the government to resign.

Miqati announced that he had transferred Lebanon’s share of the STL funding on Wednesday morning.

“My insistence on funding the STL emanates from my keenness on protecting Lebanon, the people, the army and the resistance,” he said from the Grand Serail.

Lebanon is obligated to fund 49 percent of the tribunal budget, which amounts to some $33 million.

Comments 6
Thumb charbel 30 November 2011, 16:59

It would be very benefiting for all the Lebanese to know what law exactly Miqati used to send the funds, it's obvious that the decision was taken with approval from Hizbullah, who wanted to save his face and say that "we didn't approve it", not in the government at least, but it sounds illegal for the prime minister to issue this decree without the government approval. Where is the legality of that, and finally, where is Michel Aoun who claims to be defending the law? a lot of questions... the reality is, the government is just a fake facade for the Hizbullah statelet, and the decisions in the government (or in this case outside of the government) are approved before hand in the Hizbullah shura council, which unfortunately is not elected by the Lebanese people but nevertheless control and government us, using the government as a proxy.... another nail in the Lebanese law coffin. Another said day for democracy.

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 30 November 2011, 18:15

A universal court of justice must be established. Judges from earth and the whole universe appointed to look into the crimes committed by Samir Gea Gea. Sooner or later this man will return to prison.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 30 November 2011, 18:32

The key word is "IF".......they have none.

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 01 December 2011, 04:23

Economically speaking, I think this tribunal has been in existence for quite a long time and Lebanon's share of 49 is really staggering. This share is taken from taxpayers coffers for something that should have been financed by external parties. How long are we going to endure this anomalistic situation and for what purpose. We all know so far that Huzbullah operatives killed harriri. Isn't this enough and let the interpol take over the matter.

The guy died 6 years ago and so many others with him. Let his soul rest in peace and let us (the alive people) go ahead with our daily chores.

In Syria thousands had died and no tribunal had been erected. Is it because they are poor and have no say in politics. I am very upset from this inequality. The rich have their say and the poor die daily without any protector. Shame on the international community.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 01 December 2011, 06:16

@Mazen, Yes we are all for the Universal court which we spent 10 months talking about it and hearing your master refusal to pay the STL bill same as they refuse to pay the electricity and every Lebanese Government tax or bill by hitting Gov employees with sticks and rocks or assassinate them if they speak out loud to the Media. When you talk prison, the latest killer of the 1000 civilians in 2006 is Hassouna by an order from shorty in Iran and the terrorist regime in Syria.

Thumb mrbrain 01 December 2011, 12:04

Mr Geagea and Father Samih Hadad..
Mr Geagea and Massacres
Mr Geagea and Chemical wastes
Mr Geagea and assassinations..
Mr Geagea and killing the Lebanese army officers
Mr Geagea and Kidnapping
Mr Geagea and justice….
The last one is a contradicting title..Don’t you agree…