Report: Aoun Dispatches Ibrahim to France

President Michel Aoun has reportedly dispatched Lebanon’s General Security chief to France in a mission directly linked to ongoing talks on the government formation, and to infer the French position after the recent US sanctions against Lebanese officials, the Saudi Asharq el-Awsat reported on Thursday.
General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim traveled Wednesday morning to Paris, said the daily.
LBCI television said Ibrahim held a series of meetings with Ambassadors Bernard Emie and Emmanuel Bonn, regarding the course of the French initiative especially the part related to forming a government.
Ibrahim is set to relay the outcome of talks to Aoun when he returns to Lebanon today.
After his designation late in August, PM-designate Mustafa Adib promised a formation of a new cabinet “within two weeks,” saying he will work on reaching a bailout deal with the International Monetary Fund.
Well into the second week, Lebanon’s government has not been formed yet.
Moreover on Wednesday, the US Treasury slapped sanctions at former finance minister and top Amal official Ali Hassan Khalil and former public works and transportation minister Youssef Fenianos, a senior member of the Christian Marada Movement.
The rare move by Washington targeting politicians close to the Iran-backed Hizbullah.

Signe de faiblesse, ils va leur dire tant que c les memes nuls qui dirigent, on peut rien faire, faudra attendre encore un an pour avoir un gouvernement. Jespere
que que pour son prochain voyage, Macron prendra les fouets, les vibros et les lubrifiants.

God bless hezbollah aka the Lebanese Presidency for dispatching Maj. General Abbas Ibrahim the man of impossible missions to Paris in order to put under control the French initiative.
Shia Shia Shia !!!

Il envoi son émissaire supplier Macron d'épargner son gendre et lui des sanctions. C'est tout.

Can they change his title and role from General Security Chief to Chief Negotiator? All I see is hm being sent left and right to negotiate something that has absolutely nothing to do with Genaral Security. Must be a cushy job and for sure the Hizbos are benefiting as they are the ones who appointed him albeit indirectly.